Chapter 35

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Bose stomped into his house, without a second glance back at his dad, heading straight for his room. "Dad, I don't want to talk about this anymore."

His dad entered after him, pausing at the door to close it and give his son a look.

Bose raised his hands. "What?!"

"Just tell me the truth and I'll stop bugging you." His dad argued.

Bose sighed. "I'm done here." He ignored his dad calling him back and headed straight for his room.

Ava shook her head. "They don't pay me enough for this drama." She said.

But then she met Tamara's questioning look and quickly changed her tone, putting on a big smile. "I blessed people pay me plenty and I'm super grateful!"

Tamara playfully rolled her eyes. "Sure."

Daniel was still staring at the stairs where his son had disappeared. "I'm going up talk to him." He stated. He was about to head up the stairs but his wife, held him back.

"Just let it be." She said. "If he wants to be alone then leave him."

Daniel looked back up at the stairs.

Ava checked her watch. "Okay, my dad wants me home now. Goodnight everyone." She curtseyed as Bose's parents greeted her goodnight and she walked out the door.

Tamara looked at her husband. "Salad?" She said heading into the kitchen. Daniel followed her.

"I just don't get why he's being so secretive." He said still stubborn.

"Honey, let it go." She chuckled, preparing to make the salad. "Just let him be."

"I mean, what does he think?" Daniel still went on. "That we'll judge him?"

"He's a growing teenager still trying to figure things out himself. He might not be comfortable discussing some things with you right now." She reasoned.

"But I never said he couldn't have a girlfriend!" Daniel defended himself. "I mean, I never threatened him with a knife to stay single all his life, did I? Huh? No, I didn't. But you know what? I might just do that to make him speak, watch me!" Daniel rambled, picking up a knife on the table and turning to leave.

Tamara dragged him back and took the knife away from him, laughing. "You are not threatening our son with a knife." She said. "You'll traumatize the poor boy, be a little more mature."

"I'm way mature! I'm 43." He whined like a child.

"And I'm proud of you." Tamara said patting his head. "But you know, you don't even know if its actually true."

"Oh, I can't be wrong." Daniel shook his head. "Did you not see the way he was looking at her?"

Tamara shrugged. "He's a model. Could be a general thing."

"He never looks at Ava that way."

"That's 'cause Bose and Ava are friends."

"So are Bose and Chapa!"

Tamara dropped her knife and sighed, rubbing her temple. "Okay listen, as much as I like Chapa, the last thing we want is to end up accidentally forcing a relationship that was never really there before if we end up being wrong. You don't want that now, do you?"

Now Daniel sighed. "I'm not wrong." He still insisted. "You don't think I know my own son?"

"That's not what I'm saying, I-"

Bose walked into the kitchen. "Yeah, they're right here...hang on, I'll give them the phone." He handed his phone to his dad. "Bustow, from work." He said.

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