Chapter 28

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Bose's eyes widen. "Oh, I really couldn't..." He says, really not wanting to bother the DeSilvas at all.

"Yeah, he really couldn't." Chapa seethes at her dad. She grabs Bose's collar and pushes him backwards by the chest. Bose doesn't mind at all. "Which is why he's heading back home right now."

"Wait, wait." Chapa's dad follows them not wanting to see his precious model leave. "Or...or he could stay and we can make more cookies!" He says, hoping he'll change his mind.

Chapa's mom rolls her eyes at her husband. "Why are you being so desperate." She scolds, smacking his arm.

Actually Bose really liked the idea of getting to eat more cookies. He really does have such a weird obsession with them. "Well, I guess I could-"

"No, you couldn't!" Chapa interrupts.

She refuses to let Bose stay for dinner and give her parents the chance to completely humiliate her like they just love to. "Bye, Bosie!" She stresses, pushing him further.

Bose blushes at the nickname but Chapa doesn't catch it as she's swiftly turned him around and is now taking him towards the door.

"Hey, wait-"

Chapa ignores her dad and reaches for the doorknob.

But just as she opens it, a gust of wind pushes them back and then - like they're in some crazy weird TV show or maybe some movie, it starts raining like crazy outside and Chapa blinks in shock.

What the heck?!

How in the world-

"What?!" She marches to the door. This can't be happening. "What the heck, rain?! Why now?! What were you doing all this time?! Are you trying to ruin my life?!"

Her mom shakes her head behind her. "Stop being so dramatic, honey."

Chapa's dad on the other hand, looks too happy, but purses his lips to pretend he isn't. "Bummer." He says folding his arms. He turns to Bose. "Well, I guess you'll have to stay for a while buddy."

"No, he won't." Chapa says desperately. She whips back at the door and yells at the sky. "Stop raining!"

Chapa's mom sighs, making her way to the kitchen. She might as well start making the dinner right now. "Close the door, honey, it's freezing." She says, bored of her daughter's tantrum.

Bose speaks up. "It's really not a big deal, I'll just run." He suggests, not wanting to intrude.

Chapa's parents look approvingly at the boy. Such a responsible young gentleman.

Chapa, on the other hand, "Yeah! He can run!" She says, inconsideratly seeing as her parents are about to disagree. She places a hand on Bose's shoulder. "See you at work tomorrow, buddy." She pats it twice.

Bose rolls his eyes at her but smiles, he takes a step towards the door but jumps back when a tree branch flies past them in the harsh wind and crashes into their neigbour's garden.

What the- What kind of rain is this?! Chapa is confused beyond explanation. "Oh, come on!" She screams at the rain again.

Chapa's dad takes initiative and closes the door. "Okay, there's no way we're letting him run in that kind of weather."

"But dad!"

"It's not that big a deal." Bose says, his ears turning a bit red at the prospect of having to stay here till the rain stops.

With Chapa.

And her parents too ofcourse...

And Chapa.

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