Chapter 55

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The next day, Mika and Suki noticed Chapa was always so distracted staring at the door of their work room. And everytime they asked her, she refused to tell them why or just changed the subject. But the two of them didn't even need to waste any more time asking her. They already had a hunch, who Chapa was dying to see this morning.

"So..." Mika said, once she'd finished her work and closed the file she had open. "You're a tad bit more... attentive this morning..."

Chapa just rolled her eyes and bit her lip, praying they would stop teasing her now that she can't confidently say anything that they're saying isn't true.

Suki hummed in a teasing tone and said, "You know it's hard to believe this was the same girl who didn't even know who he was before and couldn't stand him when he first got here." She said before she and Mika exaggeratedly cooed and Chapa, averting eye contact, mumbled an inaudible 'whatever' and turned back to her work.

Their heads raised again when, without even knocking, Karina strolled in with a dramatic flip of her hair like she expects them to be awed at her sudden arrival or something.

Chapa slammed her file shut in annoyance and Mika narrowed her eyes at Karina, asking. "What do you think you're doing here?"

Karina folded her arms. "Don't you dare give me those venom eyes, Macklin, I'm not here for you. I'm only here to deliver a message Bustow gave me for you... so I guess I... am here for you then... but whatever!" She mumbled to herself before rolling her eyes. "Just, he wants to see you. Now."

Mika felt a bit scared. Surely, she wasn't in trouble. "Why does he want to see me?"

"I think it's about your presentation that everyone totally loved for some stupid reason no one understands." Karina said, rolling her eyes and not even bothering to hide her jealousy. "But it's, whatevs."

Mika was already bouncing out of her chair. "Oh, goodie!" She cheered, zipping past Karina at the door.

Karina rolled her eyes at Mika's retreating figure before looking back inside the room and furrowing her eyes at Chapa who was straining her neck to see further down the hall. Is she expecting somebody? Who would come see her? But then it hits her and she scoffed, folding her arms. "Tell me you're not waiting for him?" She mocked.

Chapa barely even paid her any attention. "Mind your own business, Karina. I'm not in the mood to deal with you today. And close the door, you're letting all the cold air out."

But Karina persisted. "Ooooh, lovesick little Chapa, waiting for her Bosie, how sweet~ are you his biggest fangirl who dreams of marrying him one day and flying off together on a rainbow colored unicorn." She laughed at her own joke and Suki threw her eraser at her. "Ow!"

"Leave!" Suki said.

Karina ignored her, turning back to Chapa. "Some fangirl you even are." She said dismissively as she turned to make her leave. "You didn't even know he's home sick today."

Chapa unconsciously dropped the pen she was holding and jumped on her feet. "Wait, he's what?!" She marched over to a startled Karina and closed the door before she could leave, cornering her with questions. "How come? He was fine last night? How bad is it? Did he-"

Chapa paused and bit her lip as she took in the shocked faces of both Karina and Suki, mentally cursing her tongue as they both bellowed,

"You were with him last night?!"

Karina gaped in offense. "That jerk! He specifically told me he couldn't hang with me after Mika's presentation because he'd be busy. The pathological liar-"

"He was busy." Chapa stated firmly, folding her arms. "With me. He's not a liar, now just tell me what happened to him!"

Karina scoffed. "Oh, who are you to demand that? His girlfriend or something?"

"I'm his friend." Chapa replied. "That's should be enough."

"Enough my foot." Karina taunted. "Listen to me carefully, DeSilva. Bose is mine. Leave him alone already." She turned to leave, casting a glance at the room. "Oh, and maybe consider doing a little redecorating. This place looks like it's for preschoolers." She cackled like some witch before exiting.

Suki bored holes with her eyes into the door which Karina just left through. "She irks me." She turned to Chapa who's face was void of expressions though she looked a bit panicked. "Chapa?" She asked. "Are you okay?"

"I gotta go." Chapa said quickly leaving the room as well, leaving a worried Suki behind.




"You can't leave until the day is over, Chapa, you know that." Bustow said, sounding frustrated.

"But sir, I just need-"

"But sir, nothing." Bustow added. "I'm not changing the rules for you." He adjusted his glasses. "Now please, leave before you give me a headache.

"Um, sir." Mika tried to butt in to help Chapa but Bustow dismissed her as well.

"The rules are, no one leaves until closing hours." He stated.

"Except in an emergency!" Chapa argued, not wanting to back down.

"Do you have an emergency?" Bustow questioned.

Chapa kept quiet, she didn't want to tell Bustow she was worried sick about Bose and wanted to be allowed to see him right away because there's no way the man would consider that an emergency.

There was only one thing to do!


"You want me to what?!"

Mace looked at Chapa in worry while Karina just rolled her eyes and looked away, a few of the nurse students had been chillin in the lounge room and had been very shocked when Chapa suddenly came up to Scott, or as everyone calls him, snotty Scotty, who's literally always sick and tried to get him to sneez on her. The poor dude shocked.

"C, why would you want Scott to get you sick?" Mace asked, he looked at Mika. "Is she crazy?"

"Probably." Mika nodded once.

"I have to be sent home!" Chapa turned to Scott and shook him so violently, the boy yelped. "Come on man, spreading germs is what you do best!"

"Ugh, Chapa's insane!" Karina scoffed. "And totally just looking for attention."

"Shut up, Karina." Most of the nurse students said.

"What do you want me to do?" Scott asked an impatient Chapa before proceeding to sneeze loudly into a hanky.

"I don't know! cough, blow air on me, kiss me, ANYTHING!"

Suki gagged. "There's no way you wanna get kissed by snotty, Chapa." She said.

Poor Scott looked offended.

Mika shoved Suki and she quickly apologized. "I mean, no offense Scott!"

"None taken." Scott said, sounding funny because of his cold. "I actually get that a lo- a lo- a - AAACHOOO!"

Mika gasped when Scott suddenly realesed a loud sneeze right in Chapa's face.

"Eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww." Everyone said.

"Oooops, sorry." Scott apologized, wiping his nose.

Chapa cringed, utterly disgusted. "Snot of my face, snot of my face!" She squeaked.


Tamara was surprised when she answered the door and saw Chapa on the other side. "Chapa?"

Flushing a bit now that she's here and she can't back out, Chapa shyly waved. "Hi."

I'm actually surprised you guys aren't bored of this book already.
But I'm working my way towards the end
Thank you so much for reading<33

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