Chapter 33

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"Okay, I want two more lights over there! more over there!" A noisy photographer bosses everyone around. He grossly spits out the tootpick in his mouth. "Makayla! Get me a new toothpick at once!"

"Yes sir!" A redhead quickly scurries past him.

"Okay, let's make this happen! Come on!" He yells loudly.


Meanwhile, Bose is having a mental breakdown in his dressing room.

"Easy...easy...there you go." Ava says comfortingly as Bose barely misses his mouth, taking a careful sip of water from a glass with hands trembling so badly he spills almost half of it. "There...all good..." Ava reassures, patting his back softly.

He's a hot mess.

And she doesn't mean 'cause he himself is hot. Which of course she thinks he is. 'Cause he is- But that's not important!

This is Bose in a hot messy situation.

Bose holds his fist over his mouth like his jaw will fall off and he'll lose all the water he just drank before it actually blocks his windpipe due to bim being too nervouse to swallow properly and he's choking out a big spit take, barely missing Ava's face. Bose coughs voilently, his face turning red from almost choking on water. "Oh my God." He breathes.

Ava pats his back faster. "It's okay, it's okay!" She says. "You're fine." She says but Bose doubles over to continue his coughing. Ava is kind of freaked out. "'s just a girl."

Bose looks up. "Are you kidding me, right now??" He wipes his mouth with his sleeve. "That's literally the worst thing you could say." He says, turning to start hitting his forehead on one of the pillars in his dressing room. "I hate my life. Kill me now."

Ava shrugs. "Well, I got tired of saying 'it's okay' over and over again, so-"

"Ava, you're really not helping!" He comments, his face still flushed against the pillar.

Ava rolls her eyes, this isn't new to her.

Ever since Chapa and her friends had had been to Bose's house that day it was Chapa this, Chapa that,

I can't wait to see Chapa at work again!

I love talking to Chapa!

I should make up excuses at work so I can get to see Chapa! Do you think they'd believe me if I said I want to 'bird watch' (she'd thought he was crazy!)

Do you know what Chapa said today??

Chapa's so smart! She hid us so skillfully.

She touched my skin! I thought I was gonna explode!

Did you know Chapa likes...

Did you know Chapa hates...

Do you think Chapa has any celebrity crushes?

Should I ask Mika or Suki if Chapa ever talks about me?

Chapa, Chapa, Chapa, Chapa, Chapa!

She's actually getting kind of tired of it.

It was stupid of her to assume she can refer to Chapa as 'just a girl' to Bose.

"Well, whether I'm being helpful or not, you're getting paid for this, so," She grabs his shoulder and turns him around. "Just go out there!" She groans, trying to push him out the door.

"Hey!" Bose says, struggling out of her grasp. "What if..." He nervously wipes his face with one hand and Ava rolls her eyes. "What if I go out there and she thinks I look...I don't know, stupid."

Ava really should smack him into his senses. "Bose." She steps foward waving her hands wildly to make her point. "You're a model!" She shrieks, tired of this. "Everything you're wearing right now from top to bottom costs thousands of dollars all together."

"Well, yeah but-" He dramatically gasps. "What if she hates expensive clothes?"

Ava can't believe the once ever so confident Bose is stressing out over what one girl would think of his clothes when he's going to go public with these pics to thousands.

The door opens and Bose yelps. Then he chuckles akwardly, placing his hands in his pockets. "Oh, hehe, hey dad, what goes on?"

His dad raises a brow. " good, son?"

Bose suddenly gets and idea. ", no, I-" He does a ridiculously pathetic cough into his shoulder and Ava can't help but facepalm. "Don't feel too good." He says. "I could get eveyone here sick, ya know what? Maybe we should all go home, come on Ava." He attempts to leave the room with Ava but his dad firmly grabs his arm, giving Ava a look to leave. She complies, cutseying a bit before exiting. Daniel faces his son.

"What now, huh?" He asks. "What happened to my little professional. You insisted on doing your job with the worst of flus before."

Bose avoids eye contact.

His dad continues. "I think I taught you better than that. Bose doesn't quit."

Bose sighs, he's about to say something else but his dad speaks up again. "Hey, don't worry. She probably won't be watching you anyway." He winks.

Bose heart stops. "Uh...what?!"

Daniel shrugs, satisfactorily and turns around, leaving his son hanging.

"Dad?" Bose asks, hastily following him. "Wait a sec, what's that supposed to mean?"

He follows his dad all the way out to set [Do they even call it a set??]

"Bose!" The cameraman says, when he spots his model at long last.

"Brian!" Bose gives him awkward fingerguns as Brian makes his way to hug him dramatically.

"Uh! Look at you!" He exaggerates. "You are beautiful!" He gives Bose a cheffs kiss.

Bose nods. "Well, I bet your great camera skills wilk make me look even better in the shots." Bose says, exaggerating with his gestures.

Brain shrugs him off. "Ah, O'Brien, You flatter me!"

Bose gives him his most charming model smile and continues happy chitter chatter until his eyes drift to Chapa standing a few feet behind Brian.

His eyes stay glued to her. He does't look away.

It's totally rude and unfair to Brian but Bose couldn't care less.

For a second, he has to check and make sure he isn't drooling. He's supposed to be the model but Bose would fight with anyone who says Chapa isn't prettier than him.

His heart drops into his ridiculously expensive boots when Chapa's eyes meet his.

Brain is still chattering away but Bose feels paralysed on the spot. He gulps wondering if he should look away to some other direction or just keep staring.

His face heats up when Chapa takes in his clothes her eyes widen for a single second before she makes her face neutral again. He keeps staring at her.

Chapa meets his eyes again after oogling his outfit. She raises an eyebrow at him, before making a circle with her index finger and thumb. [I think people call it the 'ay okay' sign or something like that, I'm not sure]

Bose nearly trips over nothing.

"Okay, lets do this!" Brian says, tapping Bose harshly on his shoulder. Bose softy nods, still lost.

Ava meets up with them soon enough to see Bose stepping into position with a flushed look on his face. What happened to him now?

Many thing are happening to Bose actually. He's biting his lip so hard in anticipation, he's sure he'll draw blood if he continues any longer.

Did Chapa just complement him?

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