Chapter 19.

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Well, things just got a lot more interesting.

Ava keeps staring at Chapa so much that it gets her a little uncomfortable.

She's partially staring because she really is gorgeous. But mostly because, Oh my gosh, this is the girl Bosie has a big crush on!

She doesn't dare to say that out loud, though.

Goodness, Bose would kill her.

An awkward silence settles in the room.

Ava clears her throat loudly. "So." She says, clasping her hands together formally. "What brings you ladies here?"

"Oh, we were just...checking on Bose." Chapa answers since the two girls next to her seem to have turned to goo when the dude is literally just standing there breathing. She just doesn't get it, he's not some god. "Since he didn't show up for work."

Ava's eyes perk up. "Wow, he runs a few minutes late and you rush here to see if he's okay?" She gushes. "You must really love him."

Bose's heart harshly leaps in his chest. As in, so harsh, he feels the pain. What the heck, Ava?!

Chapa's eyes widen for just the shortest of split seconds and in the blink of an eye, they're normal again and she replies. "Um...we really were just uh...taking orders."

At least that's sorta the truth.

Obviously, the real reason was so she could finally reveal the truth to her friends so she wouldn't feel guilty anymore. That has nothing to do with Bose's girlfriend so she doesn't mention it.

Ava turns to Bose. "Bose, aren't you just so happy to see your best buddy again?" She exaggerates, wiggling her eyebrows. And Bose could just die. He really could.


Yes I'm happy to see her.

God, she looks so dang good.

Don't call her best buddy because I literally want to marry her.

But alas, for the poor model, none of those words actually leave his mouth (much as he really wants them to).

So he offers a polite nod, feeling kind of guilty that he's only now, noticing Chapa's friends. What were their names again?

He thinks he's rude to not have taken much note of them before but heck, who can concentrate on anything that isn't Chapa when Chapa is in the room.

He turns to them, feeling like he owes it to them to say something. "Um...hi." He smiles boyishly, giving them a wave.

Mika and Suki leap at least a foot off the couch but quickly ground themselves, giggling like they're at a world famous comedian's show and every word leaving Bose's mouth is comedy gold.

Mika waves so frantically Chapa actually fears her hand will disconnect from her arm and she nearly gags at the way Suki is batting her eyelashes and twirling her hair around and around and around and around her finger.

Chapa actually gets dizzy watching it.

Her stomach feels qeasy and she's really uncomfortable. She wonders if his girlfriend is okay with Mika and Suki flirting with her boyfriend like that.

She thinks it's probably fine. Dating the biggest teen model, she's probably had to deal with worse.

Bose seems to have noticed he might have some...admirers.

He feels a little awkward about it because the last time he was favourably gushed over like this, he wasn't insanely head over heels for a sassy nurse student at his workplace.

So it feels kind of wrong now. And deep down in his heart he knows that if he's going to be gushed over by anyone, he wants it to be her and her alone.

He feels he wants to be claimed.

By her.

Isn't it crazy how every famous teen has to deal with the same cliche chizz?

Obsessed over by very girl around him but desperately pinning for the one girl who he seems to have lost his mind over, who happens to be the only one who has no interest.

But somewhere in the deepest depths of his soul, he wants this. To feel like he's still a heartthrob who can have any girl he wants. To know that girls still go insane over him. And maybe the tiniest bit to make Chapa jealous.

He flashes them a wide grin. "So ladies, how would you like a tour?"


Bose's penthouse is huge.

Like, a bunch of houses in one house, huge.

The girls don't know which to be more mesmerized by, the beauty and enthrallment of the house or the beauty and enthrallment of the gorgeous boy showing them around it.

Chapa chooses the house though.

Tamara tags along since Daniel has urgent work and it's clear to see in her tone that she's having so much fun getting to know the girls.

She seems to have taken a keen interest to Chapa though, Ava notices.

She knows it's wrong to, but she listens in on their conversations during the tour. She smiles a little when she hears them discuss fondly over their shared love of art.

"Daniel thinks, I'm addicted." Tamara laughs and Chapa chuckles.

"I have the same problem with my older brother." She replies.

"Oh, how old is he?"

"Eighteen." Chapa replies. "He's in the army."

"Oh, that's interesting."

Chapa nods.

Ava notices there's this admiration in Chapa's eyes as she looks at Tamara. She's never wrong on these things. It's her gut feelings that make her so shrewd.

Chapa, in actual fact, is very impressed with Bose's mom. She's always loved straightforward people with their visions and missions rightfully set. She also loves that Tamara loves to paint as much as she does. It's a nice feeling because it's not even a passion she can share with her mom as she has no interest in art, though she's very loving and supportive.

When Bose notices how Tamara is engaging in conversation with Chapa, his chest warms up and he can't help but stare.

He's staring at Chapa.

He just doesn't know how to not stare at Chapa. She's just beautiful like that. And the thought that he might be giving his heart to a girl who might end up breaking him is still terrifying and he should probably not be thinking these things but he knows he can't stop it. So he lets himself. He lets himself think that Chapa is beautiful.

Because she is.

Yes, I know, Chapa has no brother
But I just have a lot of fun trying new things with the Characters when I write fanfiction. Bare with me😂

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