Chapter 22

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Bose smiles fondly, playfully saluting the girls. "How goes it, ladies?"

"All good." Mika steps aside for him. "Come on in."

Chapa doesn't know whether to say something to him or stay silent.

"Hi, Bose." Suki waves and Bose smiles at her.

Then he turns to Chapa, who is avoiding eye contact. He folds his arms, and walks up to her, sitting on her table. "What? No greetings from Chapa?"

Chapa rolls her eyes.

"That's not fair." Bose whines. "Just a few weeks ago you were being so sweet." He says, his face setting in a smirk. "...offering me hugs and kisses and all."

Chapa's heart leaps as she remembers that day at the hospital.

Had that event taken place now instead of weeks ago, she would not have said that.

But why though? What's changed now?

Mika and Suki's eyes bulge out of their sockets and Chapa swears she can hear them screaming in their heads.

They will definitely be questioning her about this later. Darn you, Bose.

She clenches her jaw and hold out her hand to shake, suggestively raising her eyebrows. "Here's your greeting, happy?"

Bose takes her hand a little more delicately than needed and shakes as slowly and gently as a dude probably can. Chapa notices the stable eye contact he keeps and wonders if that's just something about people in the modeling bussines.

She looks down at their hands and is shocked at the fact that she can barely even see hers, almost completely enveloped in Bose's. Her skin tone is a little lighter than his, she notices too and he has the firmest yet softest grip she's ever felt. She suddenly finds herself momentarily wondering how it would feel to intertwine fingers with him.

She dutifuly shoves down that thought like it would kill her.

"Very..." Bose says softly and her eyes snap up to him.

He still doesn't let go.

Not until Suki lets out a loud groan that startles them both and everyone turns to her.

"Ding dang it!" Suki says, rummaging in her desk. "I can't find my sticky notes!" She pouts. "I must have left them in Bustow's office when he asked me to help him write down his grandmother's groceries."

Mika and Chapa shake their heads. Asking an employee to help with his grandmother's grocery list is such a Bustow thing to do.

"Why not just go back and ask him for 'em?" Bose asks and Chapa's face tints a little red, noticing he's still holding her hand even though he's addressing someone else now.

She doesn't let go either.

Mika checks her phone. "You can't, he's usually out by this time on Mondays."

"I need those notes!" Suki whines, throwing her head back. "Ugh, just when I decided to finally get some work done."

"Couldn't you just walk in and take them?" Bose asks.

Mika shakes her head. "Strict rule. No one's allowed in Bustow's office without his permission." She shrugs at Suki. "Sorry girl, you may have to get down to that paperwork later."

"But I have to hand it in today." Suki complains.

"See, this is why I keep telling you to stop procrastinating." Chapa scolds.

Bose seems to only realize then that he's still holding her hand and his face flushes.

They akwardly let go and Chapa clears her throat shyly.

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