Chapter 24

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Bose tries to move his arm to get more comfortable and Chapa waves frantically at him to stay still, placing her hand over his face again like he'll make noise.

She picks up one of the files in the cabinet and quickly bunches it up in a ball thinking, if she can hit Bustow's desk, he'll duck to investigate and she and Bose can flee for their dear lives.

Or more like their dear jobs.

Bose's eyes widen at what she's doing. Is she trying to get them caught? He grabs her hand before she can toss the paper and Chapa nods as if to tell him to just trust her.

She tosses the balled up paper as tactfully as she can and it directly hits Bustow's leg.

Bustow flinches and ducks to see what has disturbed him.

That's their cue.

But Bose and Chapa seem to calculate wrong or probably fumble because of their excitement to escape at long last because Bose, or Chapa, or Both make a wrong move while trying to swiftly make a run for it and they both end up sliping and falling down again.

Bose is pretty sure Chapa has knocked all the air out of his lungs with the way she landed on him. Again. He lets out a groan and Chapa has to slam her hand over his mouth again, though her face is apologetic now. That had to hurt.

By now, Bustow has picked up the offensive piece of paper and sits up to dispose it in a waste bin outside of his office in the hall.

And to Bose and Chapa's dismay, he locks the office door behind him the second he steps out.

The two of them stare at it wide-eyed.

"No, no, no." Chapa whisper shouts as they hear the door click followed by Bustow's steps down the hall.

"Did he just-"

"Yes!" Chapa interrupts Bose, throwing her hands up in frustration. "What kind of freak doesn't have a bin in his own office!"

"Okay just relax..." Bose says.

"Relax?! He locked us up in here!" Chapa complains. "Why did we decide to do this." She whines. "If Butow comes back and sees us, we're toast."

"It's way too hot crouched up like this, we'll be toast in a second if you don't get off me." Bose states.

"I didn't-" Chapa pouts. "I didn't do that on purpose."

"Yeah, well I'm pretty sure you broke every bone in my body just now." Bose says, though he really didn't feel that much pain. Chapa's pretty light.

"Oh stop being so overdramatic, you're not a girl." Chapa counters.

"I have the right to be dramatic if you're going to be all over me like this." Bose grins.

"Okay listen here, model." Chapa circles her face with her index finger. "This is not the face of a girl who gives two poops in a basket about your fame and fortune, got it? I was never a fan, I'm not one now and I never will be." Chapa states though Bose's grin only grows wider. "And I'm sure your precious fangirls would kill to be in this position with you, but I most definitely wouldn't dream of it."

"Says the girl whose still on me." Bose raises his eyebrows at her.

Chapa feels her face flush as she scrambles to get off him. "Sorry I-" She puts as much space between them as possible. "I was making a point." She runs a hand through her hair. "It was an accident."

"Sure it was."

"Hey, you're the one who was gonna get us caught. We'd be in so much trouble if I hadn't ducked us out of the way in time." Chapa says. "This is your fault."

"Wha- how is this my fault, you caused this." Bose says, running a hand through his own hair.

"Me? What did I do?" Chapa asks.

"Of all places you could have chucked us into." Bose says as the two of them get up from behind the cabinet. He points to his forehead. "Look how sweaty I am now, because of you."

Chapa rolls her eyes at him. "You complain too much." She sasses even though it really was hot behind that cabinet.

"Look who's talking." Bose says.

"Okay, I'm sorry, happy?" Chapa says. "Now, how are we going to get out of here?"

Bose has walked up to Bustow's desk by now and collapses on his chair. "No idea." He says, tired, placing his hand on his forehead and closing his eyes. "Guess we live here now." He jokes. "Might as well get married and have kids."

"What?!" Chapa nearly screams.

"I'm kidding!" Bose chuckles. "You're so serious!" He laughs at her, turning Bustow's chair around so Chapa can only see the back of the chair.

The idea of marrying Chapa feels like a dream come true to him.

But she definitely doesn't need to know that. He'll play this one off as a joke.

This time.

Chapa grabs the chair and spins it back around to face her. "Listen. If you don't think of an idea in the next ten seconds I am going to throw you out that window." She threatens.

"Why don't we just jump out the window, then?" Bose shrugs.

"Do you take anything seriously?" Chapa asks, disbelievingly.

"Of course I do." Bose shrugs. "I'm not that ignorant." He says. "I'm a responsible man." He braggs.

"Right." Chapa rolls her eyes, sitting in the chair across the table.

"Exactly." Bose gives her a finger gun before turning the chair back around.

"I was being sarcastic." Chapa deadpans.

Then she folds her arms and leans back, releasing a breath. "Well..." She trails off. "I guess you probably are responsible if you...have a girlfriend or whatever."

"See, that's what I've been trying to tell you." Bose says, not having completely registered Chapa's statement. "I am very responsible because I have a-...." Then he pauses before swiftly turning the chair back. "Wait-what?!"

Chapa opens her mouth to speak but closes it again when they both hear footsteps approach.

Bose and Chapa jump up in panic, both speechless for a moment before Bose does the first thing he can think of.

He dashes over to the door and locks it from the inside.

Chapa's eyes widen. "Why in the world would you-?!" She whisper-shouts.

Bose holds a finger over his mouth in an attempt to calm her down.

"Bose, what are you-"

Bose grabs her by the shoulders, forcing her to stop talking and pulls her closer to him. "What makes you think I have a girlfriend?"

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