Book1~ I Heard Through The Rose Vine: From the perfect start to the finish line

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The head mage had Called the Dormwardens to his office to give an announcement. Yet the Bird Brained man was the one late. Leona had taken one of the couches and was napping, Kalim was trying to settle a dispute between Riddle and Azul, Riddle was trying to stop Azul from trying to convince him to make a deal, Azul was trying to make a deal with Riddle,Vil was touching up his makeup, and Surprisingly Malleus was invited. 20 minutes after the meeting was supposed to start Crowley Walks in. The Vices were also there just hanging out in the corner. Ortho was holding on to his brother's tablet and standing next to Malleus.

"Hello! I apologize for being late. I was getting things in order as well as picking up some information." Crowley said as the Teachers followed him in.

"It's against the rules to be this late but What do you need us for?" Riddle asked.

"Ah well the Royal Sword Academy proposed an Idea. They suggested we send one NRC student over for a transfer program of sorts for about 3 months. Naturally I said yes because I am GRACIOUS!" Crowley squaked.

"Dire you didn't tell us of this!?" Crewel yelled.

"Can you please also clarify why you Said a NRC student is going but not an RSA student is coming here." Trein said.

"Ah yes....well the Royal Sword Academy isn't comfortable sending a student over here. This is why I accepted this idea. Hopefully this will strengthen the relationship between our schools! Are you I Brilliant!" Crowley said.

"This is all kinds of sketchy..." Riddle said.

"Why are we here then?" Leona grumbled.

" Ah this is so I can announce the student I chose. He is only from 1 dorm but I thought it was best to let all of you know in case you get asked where he is!" Crowley chirped.

"Very well. Who did you choose?" Jamil asked.

"Ah yes! I had narrowed it down to 5 candidates. But just picked which one based on scores and over all behavior!" Crowley said.

"Get to the Dire..." Crewel said.

" Ah! OF COURSE! I chose a Pomefiore first year student named Epel Felmeir!" Crowley yelled.

"WHAT!?" Riddle, Vil, and Leona Yelled.


"NOR AM I LETTING YOU SEND MY POISONED APPLE TO THE HOME OF HEROES!" Vil yelled. He lost a lot to Negie; he wasn't going to lose Epel to him!

"I.AM. NOT. letting you send a member of my Pride and one of the best Magilift players in my club to Unmarked territory without a pack or Pride." Leona Growled. Everyone was shocked by the outbursts.

They knew Epel and.m Vil were close but they didn't know about Leona and Riddle's care for Epel. Though it made sense. Epel was one of the first people to justify Riddle's feelings after his overblot and Epel was always invited to Unbirthday parties. With Leona they supposed it made sense. Leona treated him like a Lion Cub. Despite not being his mother he would "Groom '' Epel's hair and appearance he also called Epel Cub and gave him some authority in Savannah Claw.

"I'm afraid you have no choice!" Crowley chirped.

"What if Epel doesn't want to go!" Vil defended.

"Simple, he doesn't have a choice! I called his family and they are fine with it so He is able to go!" Crowley boomed.

"So we can't keep him here no matter what we say.... Is there anything else we need to know?" Riddle said, his face turning red.

"Yes. Now in a few minutes Mr. Felmeir should be here so I can give him a rundown of the dorms and tell him about this arrangement." Crowley said.

Vil was just sitting there creating a plan of what Epel needs to do. He was going to send Epel Stuff for his hair and Makeup every month. Epel is going to have to do a video call once a week so they can practice ballet, Epel was also going to have to call Vil every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Call Vil overbearing but he wasn't going to lose the closest thing to a little brother he's ever had.

Riddle was thinking about sending Epel things like Cookies from Trey one every week and asking the boy to call him every night. He'll disguise it as tutoring sessions if he needs to. Leona was just grumbling and sulking in a corner while Ruggie was trying to calm him down. After what felt like an eternity A knock comes from the door.

"Come in!" Crowley yelled.

"You called m- Uh Hello Senpai's? Headmage, why did you call me to a Meeting?" Epel asked

"Take a seat!" Crowley yelled. Epel walked over to a seat between Riddle and Vil and sat down.

"Can someone please explain what's going on." Epel asked

"Alright now I have explained to the Dormleaders that we are doing a bit of a transfer program with the Royal Sword Academy. We are sending one student to attend the school for 3 months. And the lucky student is you!" Crowley yelled.

"W-w-WHA' DA HELL DO YA' MEAN IM TRANSFERRIN'! " Epel yelled his country accent sliding, this time Vil didn't correct him.

"I'm afraid you have no choice. Now as of tomorrow you will be sent off to the RSA. You can bring a few personal Items but you will be given a uniform there. Now if that's understudy we will be going over there dormitories." Crowley said

"Alright, fine." Epel huffed.

"Good First is the RoseBriar Dorm. This dorm is based on the sleeping princess and her Kind nature. Most students in this dorm are very creative and good with animals. They excel at creation magic. They are also notably kind but not hard working.

Next is the Ali Dorm based on the thief that stole the princesses heart. These students have good intentions but are also con artists.

Then it's the Adalius Dorm. They are peculiar and have odd logic but also comely break rules. More than half the students seem to be off in some dream world. It is based off of the Disobedient girl that defied the Queen of Hearts.

The next dorm is the Olympia Dorm. This dorm is based on the son of Zeus. They have huge amounts of Hubris but are known as the Athletes and "Heroes" of the school.

Next is the Oasis Tail dorm. They are great leaders and love to travel. Their magic is known for being terrifying. The Dorm is based on the King of Beasts nephew;The Prince of the Oasis.

The Trident Dorm is based on the Princess of the Mermaids. They are adventurous and exle at water magic and charms.

Finally the Cercueil En Verre dorm, also known as the Glass Coffin Dorm, is based on the Fairest Princess. They are greater with Barrier spells and are Extremely hard working. Their best class is Animal studies." Crowley explained.

" Alright I understand. I'll be heading to my dorm to pack." Epel said as he left.


With Epel


Epel sighed and walked back to his room and took a bath. He packed up his pajamas, toiletries and make-up Vil gave him, As well as a few Jewelry pieces he bought because- well he didn't know why but something told him to get it. He also packed his Sneakers,and Work boots. He sighed and picked up a book on making cursed items. A few minutes later Vil appears with Rook. Epel was already dressed in his Dorm issued pajamas and so was Vil.

"Hey Epel. I'm sorry for the situation..." Vil said, Rook nodding.

"It's fine...." Epel said.

"Non it isn't." Rook said.

"We decided a sleepover is in order for tonight so come on we're heading to my room." Vil said. Epel perked up and Nodded. The night was filled with fun and laughs. They tried to push the Idea of Epel leaving to the back of their minds and it worked. They drifted off content. Rook was Cuddling his lovely Vil, Vil was serounded by two of the people he loves the most and Epel was being cuddled by his older brother figure. He couldn't ask for more.

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