🎃Book 2:W.I.T.C.H~Humains insensés🎃

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The Next day went very much the same, As did the next. On the third day the pranks were worse. Instead of it being at night people did it during the Day time.

Epel had opened his Fortune telling tent for the day and got his first person. It was an adorable little girl with blonde hair.

"Hello, Pumpkin' Would you like to sit down?" Epel asked, putting on a super coated voice. The girl smiled and nodded. She ran over and sat in the chair as Epel closed the curtains as he did for every reading. Of course he checked with her parents if they were fine with this or wanted to be inside and they were inside with them. Not that Epel minded.

"Alright, Sweetheart, would you mind telling me your question?" Epel asked.

"Will My sister be able to get out of the hospital in time for my birthday?" She asked. The parents gave the girl a sad smile. Epel's heart broke but brought his hands to the Crystal ball. He closed them and then opened them as they glowed a beautiful blue.

"Look into the crystal ball." Epel instructed as the girl did so. The parents watched as an image appeared in the crystal ball. It showed a blonde woman who while pale looked Rather health and happy as she sat in a wheelchair Feeding the little girl cake. The parents gasped.

"That's her, that's big sis!" The little girl said

The glow and image dissipated and Epel smiled. "She will most likely be back in time. Is she at the hospital on the island?" Epel asked.

"Yes she is. We were actually going to Visit her after we got some food and put a bouquet in the wheelbarrow. " the mom said.

"What's her favorite food that she can have right now? I'll pack you something to bring to her." Epel said standing up as he opened the curtain letting them out. He Flipped his sign to say he would be back in 20 minutes.

"Her favorite is Apple Pie. They said that she can eat basically anything but she is just in for observation. Would you mind also getting her a "Love Elixir" to go? She has been watching the TwistTube series and that drink looked interesting and when she heard it was being sold here she was sad she couldn't go get one.Her favorite Character is the Cupid I believe. " The Mother said.

"Of course I'll be back in a few minutes with it! Would you also like your Items to go?" Epel asked

"T-that would be great! We can eat with Presley!" The father said.

"Alright what would you all like!" Epel said, handing over a menu from a table near them. They looked over it and the girl spoke first.

"Can I have the Arrow Shard Parfait with a Pink potion drink?" The little girl asked

"Sure! I'm guessing you like sweet things and strawberries?" Epel asked.

"Yeah I do!" She said, The parents laugh

"May I have The Widower's Tart and a Butterfly Effect?" The mom asked. Epel writes it down.

"I'll take The Beauty Elixir and the Angel Eyes. I must say you have an exelent selection. You have things that even fit me, a Actor and Models, Diet despite how strict it is." The father said.

"Oh It's because I know A Model/actor and hes very strict about diet. He even had his dorm members Folow it and I have to ask your Jonathan Hollow. Yes?" Epel asked.

"Why yes I did how did you know?" He asked.

"Hmmm Guess! I'll give you a hint: I was on set of the last Movie filmed with Crispa Apples and you were there. I even acted in the movie. I'll go get the fod though" epel said as he ran off to get that. He quickly packed everything up and went back to the group As Jonathan spoke.

"Your Crispa's Kid Venenum. I can't believe I didn't notice you look exactly like her and she was a good friend of my Wife." He said

"You're right though now I go by Epel Felmeir which is my Given name. Here's your food! Ah! Do you all need your Cards stamped?" Epel asked Pulling out a stamp.

"Yes we do." The mom said as she put out all of the Cards on a table and the boy stamped them.

"Your go to go!" Epel Exclaimed

"Ah wait Pretty Man!" The little girl said. Normally Epel would hate being called pretty but this time he oddly liked it. It felt validating just like when Rook or Vil would call him strong.

"Yes?" Epel asked

"Can I get a picture with you?" She asked. As the parents pulled their phones.

"Of course." Epel said as the Girl ran over to stand next to him. But what he did next showed them. He picked up the 6 year old girl and Pjt her on his hip and spoke. "Smile for the Camera!" Epel said as he smiled the girl did the same and then the camera clicked. He put her down. And then the group of 3 left with the food and Epel went back to his tent when he then heard a Commotion in the Cafe.

Something about trouble on Main Street. Epel got up and ran over where it was said to be going on. He yelled for the waiters to take over.  He walked down the path and Gasped when he saw the entirety of Main Streets statues painted.

"What happend!" Epel Exclaimed as he ran over to stand next to the Planing committee members.

"It appears that the Pranksters struck again. Epel I do have some news for you…" The Headmage said as he walked up to them.

"W-what is it?" Epel asked.

"The teachers and I have been discussing canceling the Preformance and Party on Friday due to this…" He said

"But wouldn't that mean--" Epel said

"Yeas it would. I would mean that your friends wouldn't be able to stay here as NRC Coming Here would be canceled. Unless things are better or have stopped by tomorrow then it will be canceled. I apologize...The teachers and I will get the Janitor to clean this up." Headmage Ambrose Said walking away

Epel looked sad Chenya noticed and Swallowed before he remberd something Riddle told him "Nya! That's it! Epel do Mew remember what Your school did with the Mew-gic came Meow-sters!"

"Yeah we're scared- Wait That's It! The pranksters mainly strike at night. How about we pull a little prank on them. You know scare them, trip them up! All that jazz!" Epel said

"That may work….Sure we'll do it!" The Group Exclaimed.

"Great! Alright starting tonight we scare them! Let's make this a week to remember! Get your act Down because we strike tonight haha!" Epel laughed at the end.

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