🎃Book 1:Halloween Town~Cupidon🎃

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The group walked over to the Colosseum and there were Open "Graves" and Dug holes which shocked them all but Ambrose and Epel.

"You got permission to dig?" Aura asked.

"Yes we did now give Harp and I a Sec." Megyn said as he  Dragged the Taller male away.

"H-how are they not in trouble?" Salem asked Looking at Ambrose and Epel who were not confused.

"They got permisionand set enough money aside to the point of where the Holes need to be filled they could.I was a field day helping them figure that out." Epel said

"Ah…." Tali said. They all forgot about How much they need to consult Epel about the budget. Luckily Epel had the knowledge to do so from experience with his folks Business on selling apples and Apple products. Soon the two Came out and Looked really Creepy.

"You guys look scary,'' Flow said Hiding. Behind Rielle.

"Yeah Considering we all decided that the Whole event will follow a Plot of Us geting turned into Monsters and Geting out about and Humanity  by "Cupid" I thought looking Scary and Ugly would be best." Megyn said

"Well you definitely look terrifying." Epel said.

'How did you kids get the Idea to follow a Plot?' Is my question. Regardless, I think it makes our Event unique. Your whole thing was that with Every stamp everyone gets a bit of the story Corect? I believe you also planned to post the entire story as a Series to the TwistTube Account you made for the RSA Halloween event. After every day is over you will post one Video of the seven part series. I must say it is very impressive. Regardless you Two are Ghouls so I believe the scenery makes sense. After all, Ghouls Eat both the living and the Dead." Ambrose said. If there was one thing Epel had picked up during his time here is that despite the RSA's Princely Visage a lot of the students and Teachers are Rather Violent or Stuck up. They also happen to be a bit Creepy at times.

"What's your Activity? Nya?" Chen'ya asked.

"It's Toy hunting. Essentially its gem hunting but in each bag there will be A spider ring and a Halloween themed toy. At the exit after you have shown your toys you will also be given a Caramel Apple Lollipop. Though I don't know if you have noticed the Tables with the materials. " Harp said as he pointed to a Table with Mesh Strainers and Bags of Dirt that also had water basins.

"I'm glad you used your Budget well. You squeezed it to the last pennies. We should be going to Oasis Tail now." Epel said. Over the course of Everything Epel became the team leader with the Dormleaders for the performing as well as the Go to person for the budget. Luckily the whole Video Idea was being directed by Negie. 

They walked to the Biology lab. Things were set up like a laboratory but by every Metal table there was a Flower Vase. On the tables there were cauldrons and "Chemicals' '(It was just Died Water and with scented oil.) And Powders( They were just dried up Flowers that were ground and would have no reactions to the other things).  The two Beast men walked into the storage area and came out in suits that had a Green tie and Veil. Attached to the head band holding the Veil there was a Foam "Knut '' they were meant to be Frankenstein's Monster.

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