A Wish Never Wished: First Post

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Epel yawned as he sat up from his bed. The Dark room was beginning to become a familiar Sight. He Hummed as he stood up and walked to the closet. He Pulled out his work out clothes. Vil and Riddle pushed him to do more self care and for him that was working out. He had to wake up earlier sure, but He loved it. He loved running when the Sun just barley Peaked over the horizon or Lifting weights in the Weight room with Harp joining him. Today it was a run. He left the Dorm and started. As he made his way through campus grounds he smiled at the Flowering trees. The sent of Roses flooded the campus. He stumbled across Alice.

"Hello Alice."

"Hey Verre! Its good to see you! Having a good run?"

"Its been good so far. It's rather early like 6:30 why are you out?"

"You act like you don't begin your run at 5:40 you early Bird. Are you heading to the dorm?"

"Yeah, I have tea and a bath waiting before I meet yall for breakfast."

"Alright! See you in the Cafeteria!" Alice waved to Epel who smiled in reply as he ran back home.

Normally he would run and wait till the sun rises but when Cleaning up the dorm he found an amazing bathroom. It was a huge room that was just a bathroom with a Clawfoot Tub being the focal point. Windows took up the entirety of the outside wall. There was a smaller area that had a Toilet but the feature was the large claw foot tub. He walked to the kitchen and Brewed some tea before walking to the Bathroom and Filling the tub. He Put Bubble bath and a few bath bombs Vil sent in before Putting a tray on the end and placing the tea set on top. He stripped and sank into the tub pouring himself a cup of tea. He Sipped it as the hot water relaxed his body looking out the window he watched as the sky slowly lighted before the Sun emerged from the trees. His Tea pot was now empty. It was a small one. It only has 2-4 cups of tea.He Smiled as he Put the cup down and finally bathed himself before stepping out the tub and draining it.

He Grabbed a towel and dried off before walking to where he hung up his school uniform. He Preferred this bathroom. It was peaceful. At this point his Bathroom in his bedroom was for quick showers, make-up touch ups,Brushing his teeth, and actually using the bathroom. He Changed and walked to sink and brushed his teeth. He then made his way to the vanity Upon VIl and RIddle's insistence to care for himself he decided to learn how to do his make-up. He's been trying different styles. But he has been covering up the Heart and Changed eye. With a clever use of concealer, foundation, contacts and Eye make up it wasn't noticeable. Today he went for Purple with white stars. As It turns out he was good at eye make up. He Put on some Lipgloss and started to Brush his hair when he heard a voice.

"Let me do it for you." He Turned and saw May.

"Sure." Epel said. The Short fae Pulled out Flowers from who knows where and started braiding back Epel's hair Weaving the flowers in securing it with the hair clip. A Camera click was heard.

"You two make lovely Photo subjects." Jasper said. He had been making it his mission to take photos to have as memories and to post to magicam. Jasper found a love for Photography and wanted to be a photographer. He wasn't first inline for anything so he was free to do as he pleased.

"You two are complet total Pervs. How long have you been taking photos?"

"Since you were in the bath...." Jasper said.

"That's perverted." Epel said.

"You know i'm not interested besides when I saw you getting out I left until I was sure you were done." Jasper defended.

"Still weird." Epel laughed. He knew Jas meant nothing by it. Jasper was more like an older sibling. Even at RSA he was still the youngest of his friend group. "Can I see the photos at least before you post them if you even plan to?" Jasper nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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