I Heard Through The Rose Vine:I know you I walked with you Once Upon A Dream

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Epel Was siting at the gates as was all the Dormleaders. He was waiting for his ride to The RSA. Next to his Mas Vil who was combing through and styling Epel's Hair. Epel has realized this as a Nervous tick. Whenever Vil was stressed, Scared or Nervous He would start messing with his own hair. Oftentimes Vil would yank his hair when doing this. Then the loss of a few strands of hair would make Vil Stress over his looks.So Epel proposed the Idea that Vil can mess with his hair whether it be brushing or styling to calm down instead. It truly wasn't different from what Vil was doing to polish his looks in the beginning of the year so Epel didn't mind. He wouldn't admit it but the one routine he grew to like about all of Pomefiore's Beauty one was the hair care one. Oddly enough it made him feel better about his looks. By no means was he confident in them; he still wishes he could be more manly but as Vil pointed out Epel has a toxic idea of Masculinity. He was getting better though….At least he thought he was.

Rook was working on carving some new arows once again this was a bit of a nervous Tick he had. Rook would do this to calm down. Leona was leaning against a wall grumbling about the whole Epel situation. His tail flicked back and forth behind him. The other dorm heads were also lazeing about. Then there was Riddle….Riddle was looking a bit more angry than yesterday. Epel was worried, he knew Riddle could get Tyrannical when stressed Ace an Deuce had told him. Ah yes Ace and Deuce. The bird Brained Headmage decided that Epel isn't aloud to tell his friends so in Two hours at 8 am when they wake up and meet up for Breakfast they are going to be so confused. 

Epel didn't like this; he picked back up his thick book of cursed objects and Read. Sevens was he glad his family sent it to him. It was a good distraction and very investing but maybe that was the Pomefiore student in him talking. The curent chapter he was on was about Sleeping Curses. Epel hoped this would help him better his magic. After he got him Unique Magic he learned that he was good with Barrier spells and Sleep spells. 

His thoughts ended as a Bright white Pumpkin shaped carriage with Stained Glass windows rolled up. The two horses pulling it were White horses with Dyed manes. It stopped in front of Epel and the door opened. A red carpet popped out and rolled it self to right in front of Epel's feet. Epel sighed but Put his Book away and picked up his Suitcase. He walked to the door of the carriage before Placing down his suitcase and Running back to Vil and Rook giving them a Hug. He shocked Vil but Vil hugged back and so did Rook. 

"Epel before you head Off here I'm giving you my hair clip as a bit of a gift." Vil said as he walked up to the boy and did a quick braid that mimicked the one around his own head before pulling off his Heart with a sword going through it hair clip and Clipping the braid in place.

"Thank you." Epel said, hugging him again.

He then walked up to Leona and Held his hand up for a hand shake that Leona Lazily Reciprocated. He went to Riddle next and Gave Him a hug and a Peck on the Cheek. He then started walking away but Riddle Grabbed his wrist and Pulled Epel Back Towards him wrapping one arm around Epel's waist and Lifting up Epels chin pulling the younger boy into a kiss. This shocked Epel as well as the other Dormleaders. They stayed like this for a few seconds before Riddle released the younger boy and spoke.

"Now make sure to stay out of trouble and do your school work Love." Riddle said.

"W-why did you do that!? I thought you Said no PDA!" Epel Exclaimed.

"I needed to stake my claim somehow. Now go I don't want you being late for such an important date." Riddle said with a smile.

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