🎃Book 2: W.I.T.C.H~The Pranking Palace Challenge🎃

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Epel sat on the infirmary bed after he had borrowed its shower. Tea and Tae had already left after asking for Tutoring lessons for the next 2 days as payment.The nurse had given him a lotion to put on every night for two weeks…. He sighed and spoke.

"Alright, who wants to go first?" He said.

"Well I guess we'll start first…" Negie said. 

They were cleaning up the flags that were left on the floor after the last game of the day when Negie walked over a Patch of leaves and his legs sank waist deep into a Pool of hidden cement.  How did someone throw this together without him noticing! Maybe a civilian with magic?

"Hahahabababab!" He heard. Negie flushed in embarrassment and looked at a teenage girl who was filming and laughing he started to pull himself out as he called Idris.

"IDRIS! A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Negie yelled in exasperation. It wasn't his normal cheery Childish tone it spunded more exhausted. Idris ran over and when the girl heard Negie yell she ran off. 

Idris got to Negie and pulled him out. "W-what Happened!" The shyer boy said.

"A guest stayed on campus and Dug a hole they filled with cement. Were lucky it was me that fell in and not another guest…" Negie said

"We should tell Headmage Ambrose." Negie nodded and they Walked off.

"And that's w-what happened…" Idris stuttered.

"That isn't good…." Epel said.

"Well go next." Tali said

They were in the lab when they heard the crash of flasks. They ran to the back intome to see someone go through the side door and open a window. Salem clicked his tongue as Tali looked at the Fallen Flasks and trembled.

Salem looked at him "Tali what's wrong?" He asked.

"T-this is 300 Thumbmarks worth of Chemicals! Will we have to pay it back!? Oh no if Big Bro Ruggie finds out he's going to take it on himself to fix this!" Tali panicked.

"Calm down. I'll pay it back my family isn't bad off and 300 thumbmarks is pocket money to me. I already have that amount I'll pay." Sakem said petting his head. Plus the teacher doesn't need to know-" Salem was cut off

"I don't need to know what?..." A voice said. Tali turned around and Gasped 

"H-hello Mr.Beau….I apologize….someone broke in and knocked over the Shelves….It was my fault for asking for the Lab to use for Halloween Week. I'm sorry…" Tali said

"Mr.Merre….I don't blame you it wasn't your fault. Though I ask Salem to help me clean up. Mr.Merre go back to the Dorm and relax your extremely stressed and Anxious. I don't want  a panic and/or anxiety attack to occur." Mr.Beau said.

"Listen to him, Tali. Didn't you and Percy Plan to have a Cuddling night?" Salem asked.  Y-yeah! We did! I'll go do that! I'll promise to work harder tomorrow! Good night Mr.Beau and Salem!" He said as he ran off.

"Thank you for getting him to go….I'm still waiting for the paperwork to adopt him to go through so that he can finally have a family. I want him to actually like me…" Mr. Beau said.

"It's no problem!" Salem said. They then both cleaned up and Salem went on his way.

"And that's what happend." Salem said.

"Ah. That isn't good… I guess it's our turn." Aura said.

Aura waked through the tables reorganizing the items when the her a giggle and a snap. Looking to the side he saw a Boy with sicora who cut the string in a line of lanterns. The lanterns fell and Wrapped around Aura who glared at the boy who ran away. May came over a few minutes later to help him out and put back up the lanterns.

"Ours wasn't as bad as yours though. How are you feeling, Epel?" May asked 

"So-so. Any-gays! Allen, Jas do you mind telling me what happend?" Epel asked.

"Well…" Jas said.

Jasper and Allen had just come back from getting food as they hadn't eaten. But when they entered they saw a Group of Five ADULTS wearing the clothes that they had on life sized dolls. They were also holding the Jars with "Brains' ' and "Organs".

"Hey what are you doing here!" Jasper yelled.

 The group saw them and cooed over the cute faces they had before not listening and finishing their photos before tearing off the clothes not obtaining to put them back or make sure to not damage them. They also just put the jars teetering on the edge of the tables. Jasper huffed and just cleaned up as Allen redressed the dolls.

"That is very inconsiderate!" Rielle said.

"It wasn't much better with us though. A group of people smashed some of our pumpkins…" Flow huffed

"Yeah same here people decided to lock themselves in the Coffins." Megyn said, clearly annoyed. 

"Nya….They also took apart the display. We worked so hard, nyan. Alice is putting it back up as we speak." Chen'ya hissed.

"Ah...Let me Check something quickly." Epel said as he pulled out his phone and saw that there was a trending tag on magicam he looked at it and looked and behold it was a tag called "The Pranking Palace Challenge '' it was a pranking challenge. Apparently you would Win something if you won the challenge for the most extreme prank.

 There was also a tag called "RSA Halloween '' that was trending with Magicam monsters who were wearing things from the displays. He showed it to the group who Groaned. They all then left for their dorms. Epel entered his and had a quick text exchange with Vil, Rook and Riddle who told him about the Chaos at Night Raven. Gosh He missed them! He was happy that the head mage was allowing his friends to stay over on Friday. He knew the RSA crew would crash the party but it was a welcomed thought. He brushed his teeth and turned on the music box tucking himself in.

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