🎃Book 1:Halloween Town~C'est début octobre🎃

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Halloween Was coming up in a Few Weeks and Here Epel is Walking to A Dorm Meeting to Discuss the Events planned. He sighed as he slicked down the hall he had Sped ran his homework to make it on time, He had Broken up 6 fights on the way and dropped his drink after a Random 3rd year ran into him. He Placed his hand on the Door to the meeting room. Can you believe it? The Academy Actually has a Meeting room unlike NRC. He entered and Walked to his Chair that was marked by an Apple Placard. And Sat Down Pulling Out his Notebook he used to keep track of things at meetings. How did Vil and Riddle do this?

He sat at his seat Conversing with Allen and Salem. Ambrose was at the head of the Table organizing papers. They were waiting for Aura who had a Dorm emergency. Around 10 minutes later Aura came in and Apologized for what happend.

"Thank you All for Coming. Let's get on With the meeting. I'm sure you all know Halloween is Coming up and I'm sure you all are wondering what the Budget for each dorm and such is this year." Ambrise said. The Dorm leaders all gave varying degrees of Answers.

"Excuse me for interrupting but How does Halloween at RSA work? Also Since I am the only student at my dorm I am assuming that I'll be helping out other dorms. Is this the case?" Epel asked.

"Ah I forgot You aren't an official student here. I apologize you happen to fit in just fine so it's hard to remember. Back to the point though. The Royal Sword Academy does a Stap tour just like NRC but intend of it just being a Seeing the sights type of event we Also have Activities or Events going on. At the End of the Week the Dorm Leader's Put on a Musical Performance of Multiple songs. As for you However I was going to give you your own Budget and you are going to make your own attraction. I understand you are one student but we wanted to include you." Ambrose said.

"Y-your Serious?! Alright. But I'm only One student as you Saud. On Halloween Week do you have classes or not?" Epel asked

"Our School candles all classes." Rielle said

"That answers one thing but Once again what about People to help me? I can't run it by my self. Well I guess it supposes on foot traffic. How much do you normally get?" Epel asked 

"We get quite a bit….As for People to help you The other Dormwardens and I have decided we'll let a few of our students help out. Also I need to Ask Headmage who is part of the Planning Committee. We need to know so that we can alert them so they can report here on Friday. " Neggie answers and Asks

"Ah yes! The planning Committee is composed of around 14 Members this Includes, Negie,Chenya,Idris, Allen, Megyn, Flow,Tali,Aura,May, Jasper,Rielle, Salem, and Harp. Of course there is also Epel. As for the budget its ********* " Ambrose said.

"T-that's quite a Bit!" Epel said.

"It's quite standard for our school. The performance will take place at 6 so Guests have time to explore before the party Considering we are merging this year's party with NRC's. Now Here are the Papers that you will give to the Planning Committee. They will then Choose a Location, Event, Consumed theme, and Turn in the papers at Meeting on Friday. That is all I had to discuss, you are all Dismissed." Ambrose said as he handed out papers.

 Epel left and Wonders Down the path. Hm what could he do….Well he had been learning about fortune telling Maybe something like that? No, that wouldn't be very entertaining or relaxing for everyone. He definitely wants to have an Offering table for the Spirits in the Graveyard as per the rules so Maybe a Flower Cart would be good…. Hmm Around this Time Of year his family would have a party with food. Said food was made from apples at his farm. He likes cooking and he was getting help to run his site. How about a Cafe, a Small one that will have seasonal dishes. He could ask to Make his Claim on the Second Botanical Garden. He didn't want to take the First and Bigger one PLUS it was closer to his Dorm So he can have a table for people to put the Flower if they take any and it would be easier to transport them to a proper Memorial. He could also Call home and Ask for the spare Apple stock they weren't using so that he could save money and useing the budget to buy things from other farms in his town so that they get business. He also wanted to Put together little Treat bags for kids. Yes they would get one at the end but it's Halloween! Yeah that would work. He just needs to find the bast places to get decorations and stuff from to stay on budget.  Ge walked inside of his Dorm going to his Office and started to Crunch the numbers. He kept everything on a Sheet of paper. Eventually He managed to finish finding High quality Decorations and Goods at a High Price. He also made sure to save quite a bit of his budget for Costumes. He had Laredo Done the math for food Items and Luckily because he was from Harvest, He got the Harvest Citizen Discount. Odd but OK. Now all that was left was to come up with a Costume Idea. Hmm Well as Much as he hated social media due to the magicam monsters He supposed it could give Ideas. After Scrolling for a few Hours he had Finally come up with one. He yawned and Checked the Clock it was 5 pm. Dinner was eaten at 6 so he did some paperwork to pass the time though that only Took like 30 Minutes so he decided to Call Riddle.

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