🎃Book 3: Shivers Down your Spine~Boreo the better Oreo🎃

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Epel opend the door for them and ushered them in. They all filed in and were in awe of the Mansion. It was Very gothic in Style it was a very pretty look Black's, and Emerald Greens. There was a Spiral staircase and it was clean.

"Welcome to the Clairvoyant Dorm. I'm the Dormleader as you all know. Please make yourself at home." Epel said.

"Epel this is incredible!" Riddle praised.

"You take care of this by yourself!? Man I can barely keep track of Leona's room but you keep an entire mansion clean." Ruggie complained.

"Well thank you. I clean as I go but I always do a deep cleaning with the help of May and Alice at least once every two weeks. Before I make dinner I want to show y'all around." Epel said.

"Sure we would be honored to See your dorm." Azul said. He was clearly plotting something.

"Alright this is the foyer. If you follow me upstairs I'll show you the Bedroom Floor." Epel said as he started up the stairs. He showed them down the halls before leading them up to the Third floor. "These are what I call the Hobby Rooms. Back when this dorm was an official one students could stake claims on certain rooms. My rooms are marked by Poison Apple Plaques. May and Alce also have rooms marked by a Storm cloud and Tea cup respectively. So do basically everyone else you've met plus some others you haven't." Epel said

"So you have a first come first serve thing going on?" Ruggie said.

"Yes also please put that down this Statues are worth more than you are." Epel said with a smile. Ruggis Straightens and puts everything back. Vil laughed at that comment. "The fourth floor is not one your allowed to go to. It is highly dangerous in terms of Spiritual activity and artifacts. Should you for any reason need something from up there, call me. To make sure you don't go up I have placed Cursed barriers around that will hurt you if you try to go up." Epel said.

"Gee thanks for trusting us!" Ace said rolling his eyes.

"No, I don't trust you ep their because of the Phycomantum. Whatever....Anyway lest head back down stairs that's where the ballroom is." Epel said. He walked them down the staircases and too the vall room. The chandelier turned on and lit up the space showing an expansive ballroom.

"This is much larger than the one at Pomefiore." Vil said.

"I'm glad you like it because I wanted to ask if you would join me for a Ballet day tomorrow. Knowing everyone else, Only You,Rook, and Riddle probably have your work done. I know your all loaded with work from NRC including a project due on Monday. So you can use tomorrow to do that. I'll even let you use the library which serves as my Study. If course I hope you don't mind if the Music Club joins." Epel said.

Everyone deflated as Rook, Vil. And Riddle laughed.

"It's fine if they join. Though I need to Ask, you hate Ballet why are you showing interest?" Vil said smiling.

"I-I miss doing this stuff with you all at Pomefiore ....I thought I would love not having to do ballet everyday but then I realized I was more Irritable when I didn't....So I started doing a Lot more dance related thing and I ended up growing to like it...." Epel said, turning away flushing. Everyone was silent.

"Magnifique Monsieur Cherry Apple! It seems you've grown more attuned for accepting yourself." Rook praised.

"Thank you but I also had to learn how to do that better as I take care of 6 Teenagers who act like Children... Now I know what it's like to be Yuu..." Epel said. Everyone laughed at theat and Epel led them to the Dining area."This is Where we'll have dinner. Speaking of which, I need to start on that. You all feel free to hang out here or explore. If you want to help then help." Epel said

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