🎃Book 2:W.I.T.C.H.-~Fraktion🎃

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It was finally Time for Halloween Week to start. Epel was Finishing setting up. He did a quick test run with his wings. He has to Thank Idia and Ortho for setting it up to respond to Emotions and move. He didn't ask for the ability to fly but they gave it to him anyway(he didn't ask how the wings could actually pick him up. He wasn't heavy but he wasn't light either). He straped the Wings on over the Skin tone tank before putting on his Turtleneck top that had a Corset Luke back that allowed the wings to poke out and Look natural. He then put on the pants and Boots before Putting on the Corset. He then took the Halo headband and Braid it in. He then Slipped in his White Chrysanthemum and Lily.  He quickly did his make up and Slapped on the gloves looking at himself in the Mirror. He looked Rather Cute and Feminie and while the Hairstyle was nice it was Very….Girly.


He may not be confident with his more Feminine looks but there is no such thing as ment for girls or Boys! Or so Vil said. He may still be learning but he wants to make Vil proud he's the Closest thing he had to a Sibling and he wants his Big Brother- he Means Vil! To be disappointed in him. Epel struck a few poses Hyping himself up before walking out his room and Locking up his Dorm to go to the Opening of Halloween Week. He walked down the path deciding whether or not to cover the walkway to his Dorm. It was for the best. He pulled out his Mirror and Called on Aurora.

"Hmmm What do you need?" Aurora asked.

"May I use the nature manipulation  part of your curse?" Epel asked in return.

"Sure.." Aurora said. Epel closed the Mirror and Pulled out the Bow he had turned his Wand into to be part of his costume. He silently thanked Rook for the Archery lessons. He moved into a stance and drew back the string Firing at the ground. His eye Glowed Pink. A while back he figured out how to hide the Changes from the Curse though when he used it his eye would glow. The Arrow of Pure Curse sunk into the ground as Thorny Vines and Trees Grew Blocking the path blending it in with the rest of the foliage.

 He continued on his Way and made it to the front gate walking on to the stage with the Dorm Wardens and Planning Committee. He then waited. 30 minutes later they got the Guest linking up at the gate. The Olympia Boys had put on their masks as they stood to the side. The teachers walked to the Hateand Opend them Guiding the Group to the stage. Epel walked up and started to speak.

"Hello Everybody! Thank you so much for combing out. I understand Night Ravens Week is more well known but it means a lot that you came! This year is a bit unique.

We will have a 8th Display Representing the Clairvoyant Dorm which I am incharge of.

The party on the last day will take place here for both Night Raven and The Royal Sword Academy. As per a New Exchange Program the two schools have been improving relations!

It actually had a storyline! Curtly if Negie Leblanche e wrote an entire Mini series!

We created a TwistTube Channel for This Event. Every day of Halloween Week a new Episode will air revealing the story. Of course by talking to us you can also gain story snippets! 

The Exposition Video for our storyline will play shortly after We give you the three Rules of the event!

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