🎃Book 3:Shivers Down Your Spine~Bon débarras!🎃

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It was the Third Night of Halloween Week and Everyone put the plan into action.

A group of pranksters came walking through the Trident Pumpkin patch. They could tell based on the Supplies they carried Flow could tell. He looked and Rielle and Nodded they all went to their respective positions as did the Trident students. Flow listened in to the conversation.

"Man they don't even have anyone here it will be so easy to do this!" Boy A said.

"Yeah! Come on I saw a Giant tree decorated with Bat lights this way it also had all the Pumpkins people carved on it. We're going to Egg them and TP the Tree!" Girl B said

The group of 4 people, 1 boy and 3 girls, walked to the tree but saw 2 people. They hid and listened.

"Did you hear about the Scarecrow King?" Princeton Ociana the Vice Dorm leader of The Trident dorm said.

"No I haven't. Who is he?" Sam Crabin asked.

"They said he Rules over a Town of Monster who would only come out at night. They also say he hates pranksters even though he's one himself. They said for Everyprank played on him two more would be played on them." Princeton said.

"That's cool and all but Still scary..." Sam said.

"I guess it is....Hmm I think we need to head back to the Dorm Rielle needs help with paperwork. Sam nodded and off they went.

"Do you think that was true?" Girl C asked

"Nah. But if it was Out Lovely Boy A-Kun~ Will protect us!" Girl A said

"Damn Right I will! Now come on!" He said. They all grabbed their things and started throwing Toilet paper when they heard an explosion from behind them. They turned to see a Blown up Pumpkin with a Watery looking APPARITION.

"Wow a group of Pranksters....Normally I would enjoy these but seeing as you are disrespecting the tree that serves as the Scarecrow kings gravestone you'll be given a punishment. Did you know Public executions were a bit of a game to the King, well now you do!" The Watery apparition said as it disappeared. The Group looked at the tree as they heard a Scream. They saw The two Boys from early being Dragged to the tree and a Rope tied around their neck. They were hoisted up as a Short figure with Neon Yellow and Blue hair appeared. And watched the execution. Eventually the Males went slack.

"KYAHHHHHH! PROTECT US BOY A-KUN!" Girl A Yelled grabbing onto him.

"NO WAY YOUR ON YOUR OWN CRAZY BITCH!" He yelled as he tried to Run but they were caught by tendrils of Water coming from the short figure.

"Not so fast...You disrespected me and for that you must be Executed!" He hissed.

"N-no wait! Anything else but that!" Gril C said.

"Anything you say....Fine then leave and never come back! Spread work to the other pranksters as well. We don't want them meeting your possible fate do we? but remember for every prank you pull on me I pull two more on you! Goodbye!" The Short boy said as the water dragged them out of the Campus screaming.

Flow sighed. He hated acting scarry he was Timid as all could be! Be smiled as Rielle, Sam, and Princeton came up.

"Great job! I think you did good! I know they won't be coming back." Princeton said.

"Thank you, I only hope the others will succeed." Flow said.







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