I heard Through The Rose Vine:The Dancer in My Graveyard

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Today at the started off normal how did it come to this!? Epel thought though perhaps we should start from the beginning.

Epel Was Woken up by a tapping on his window. He sat up and looked at it. He was confused as there was nothing but a few Vines. Wait Vines? There were none when he went to sleep. Epel looked out the window trying to see what was going on. He looked into the Graveyard and gasped there was a person but they looked more monstrous.  Epel grabbed his phone and took a picture but didn't notice his flash was on.  



Epel realized his mistake when the person looked at him and smiled. The teeth looked sharp. The person waved there hand forward and a barrage of Vines shot out at Epels window. Epel jumped backwards and Cast a Basic Barrier spell and the Vines hit hard. His eyes closed and he heard the glass shatter he then heard the Singing he heard many nights ago. He was starting to feel tired. In his panic he Cast Sleep Kiss. Firming a Barrier around himself he backed up and fell onto his bed. The Voice had been muffled to a point that it didn't affect him.  He curled up as he saw the monster with no face or true body crawl in through the window. It saw Eoel and Started Banging on the Coffin Like Shield yelling in rage as it didn't break.

" OPEN! OPEN! OPEN!"   It growled as the Vines started to attack as well. Epel kept up the Barrier as the Ghosts from the Graveyard awoke to the Voice. They flew up to Epel's room and started expelling the Vines and the Creature. The gisht drove the creature back to the window and it fell. Epel heard it more as the ghosts used magic to fix the window. Epel heard the fight continue for hours before he finally passed out from execution at 4 am.

Epel was not happy. After the scare last night he could barely sleep and today he had a book report. 

Though he supposed some good things were going to happen today like  He was going to have a study session at the RoseBriar Dorm with May, and Alice. He was also going to have dinner there and Alice would be joining! May had also finally gotten the permission from Alice to Call him Alice so that was nice! It was like he was forming his own version of the Adeuceyuu Trio. He walked down stairs and walked to the cafeteria while texting Riddle

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