🎃Book 1:Halloween Town~Le jour d'avant🎃

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The Day Before Halloween Week


Epel sat in the Meeting Room that was decorated. The Normally white Chairs and Light Brown Table had Candy Corn Shaped Pillows and Fake Spiders. He was texting Riddle while He waited for The Headmage to come in with the Stamps to give each group. They would be going to tour around the 8 stamp locations. A few Minutes Later Riddle said He had to go Because the Planning Committee was there to Check the Heartslabyul areas.  Epel put his phone away and a Few Seconds later the Headmage walked in.

"I'm glad to see you are all here. I'll pass around your stamps and we will all head Over to the First Dorm Which is Trident in the 1st Botanical garden." Ambrose said. Everyone Nodded and Were Handed a Box with a Magic Stamp in their Dorm's Respective Colors With the Dorm Logo. 

Epel's Had the Glass ball and it was in Purple and Green.  He slipped it into the Bag he had with him and Off they went to the Gardens. As they walked in they saw the Jack lanterns. Epel Crouched down near one and saw Preservation Runes. Smart. Yhere was also Tabkes galore and tones of uncadved pumpkins. Flow and Rielle Walked to the Back to Change before Coming Out A few Minutes later in outfits that were neutral and Blue. Everyone Clapped and Ambrose asked his questions.

"Mr. Triden, Mr.Derie, What is the theme for your Costume? And what is your Activity." The Headmage asked.

"Our theme for the Costumes was Scarecrow. We decided to make it more stylish and use a Strap detailing to resemble hay and such. Our Activity was pumpkin Carving. Of course for Kids they will be helped by their parents or a Trident Dorm Student. This is a Rule of our Display." Flow explained.

"That was very Good thinking." Ambrose answered "Now on to RoseBriar." He finished and the group walked to the Sports Field Where once again Tables were set up but it was Decorated in lanterns and black ones were around along with paint. May and Aura walked to the Changing Rooms and Came out in a Outfit that consisted of a Black short Sleeve Top with a Cloak, Pinkish Corset, and Long Bell bottom Pants. They also had a Purplish Cloaknover it with a Scythe.

"What are you Aura?" Jasper asked

"We're Grim Reapers. It was May's Idea. I wanted to do vampires but Considering that was done by Pomefiore before and our Activity was Lantern Painting it seemed odd to him. He then proposed this idea since Grim Reapers are meant to Guide and Collect souls and the Lanterns could act as a Stand in. I thought it was nice." Aura explained

"It is rather Poetic Definitely something Rook would Come up with." Epel said

"Thank you!" May Exclaimed. 

"I'm Quite impressed but I would expect nothing more of RoseBriar Students. Let's Head to the Astrology Tower To see what the Cercueil en verre Dorm Did." Ambrose said.  Everyone Nodded and Followed him down a Bettend Path. 

Soon they got to the Tower Which was Decorated in Battery powered Candles(to keep the Area afrom somehow setting on fire), Uncarved and Carved Pumpkins as well as fake Gravestones. There was also a Basket of Flag Football flags that were Purple and Orange. Negie and Idris went into the Tower and Changed. They Came out in a Rather Raged outfit with Smudged Black Eye make up likely to make them look more pale. Epe got it now! They were Ghosts! Hensel the more dead look.

"Uhm What are you?" Salem asked

"I feel it should be obvious but they are ghosts." Epel said

"Your Right Epel. We're ghosts! Our Activity was also mentioned to be a Flag Football game that will essentially be ran by our students for kids and Parents to participate in. We call it Living VS Dead though. Seeing as out Costumes are ghosts." Negie explained.

"Yeah we are also Quite Proud of out Decorations our students all made them ourSelves." Idris said

"No wonder they look so good! I think I've decided that When Halloween Props are made by hand they just feel and look better." Epel said

"Oh did someone at your School do hand made props Last Halloween?" May asked

"Yes, Savannahclaw did. I'm sure you have seen the pictures of the Shipwreck right, the props were made by the Savannahclaw students." Epel said

"Oh so like the Treasure and Trees were hand made. Also, who did they hire to build the Ship it looks spectacular!" Rielle asked

"The Savannahclaw Students made the Ship by hand. If you want something like that done you call them." Epel said

"That's insane!?" Tali and Salem Yelled.

"Yeah it is now on to Olympia right?" Epel asked

"Corect let's go." Ambrose said.

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