🎃Book 2: W.I.TC.H~ They Lit me Up Like A Cigarette 🎃

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So far there have been no problems. Least that's what Epel would like to say but he ended up jinxing himself. The day finished and He was just walking around the Cafe and he set up cleaning tables he had walked under a tree.


Epel stopped in his tracks as he was doused with a liquid. He dropped what he was holding as the helpers from the other dorms watched confused.

"What is this?" Epel asked. He lifted up his arm and smelled his gloves.

"Wait is this-SHIT ITS GASOLINE!" Epel yelled as he looked at the beautiful blue flamed candle that was for some reason lit and hung on the tree next to it. He saw it had a string  on it. He followed the string and saw a group of teenagers with Phones out holding it before letting go of the string. He watched as the candle fell and the teens laughed. Now knowing what to do Epel jumped back and Put himself in a Sleep Kiss. From inside he watched as the ground lit up in blue flame and reached the Coffin. He would have been burned if not dead if it wasn't for his quick thinking.  Epel yelled for two of the Adilus dorm students helping him.

"Tea, can you stop them! Tae put out the fire!" Epel yelled

"Roger!" The twins yelled and Tae started to put out the fire using an Ice spell and Tea ran after the teens grabbing them by the arm. One the fire was out Epel stepped out of the Coffin and walked over to the teens. He grabbed their phones and stopped the video. He then grabbed their wrists and Stormed off drawing them as he yelled to Tea and Tae. 


"Of course!" They Exclaimed as they started to Clean.

"Alright follow the butterfly then you're done it will show you the way!" Epel yelled back as his voice faded. Epel continued to drag the teens to the Headmasters office. He had secretly started a recording before he dragged them off. What he didn't notice was the Body camera on one of the boys filming the whole ordeal.

"Hey man let us go!" One yelled.

"Yeah, our parents are waiting for us at the hotel! We promised to be back by 11 and it's 10:40!" The other said.

"I will not let you go! Ya do realize that ya coulda' killed me, the twins, and yourself by doin' that" Epel yelled back.

"So what if you're a mage you would have been fine, a little fire never hurt anyone." The first boy Exclaimed.

"I may be a mage but I'm not immortal or Invincible! Do you realize how terrified I was when you dropped the candle!? I was staring death in the Face! So you two are coming with me to report this! You'd be lucky to just get kicked of And banned from campus! You could get charged for arson, Attempted manslaughter, and so much more! I was hoping for no problems but I can't be that lucky can I!" Epel Exclaimed as he turned to them his eyes were leaking tears. Pride be Damned he could have died! The boys looked at his face and immediately looked guilty. They realized the Epel's makeup was ruined from the gasoline and tears. They realized that he also reaked of the stench of smoke and Gasoline. His skin also looked irritated. Most likely from the gas. They were snapped out of it when Epel dragged them into a room with a pretty door. Epel. Then threw the two onto a seat and closed the door putting a Barrier that would allow others in and out but not the boys.

"Mr.Felimer why are you here and who are these boys?" Ambrose asked

"To put it simply, the boys snuck back in after closing and caused trouble!" Epel said.

"What did the-" Ambrose was cut off as around 13 pissed off Committee members Stormed in all looking disheveled and Annoyed. 

"Headmage a bunch of magicam influencers and Twisttubers came to our displays and pranked us and caused trouble!" Jasper Exclaimed.

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