I Heard Through The Rose Vine:When two country Bumpkins get in a fight

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Epel woke up the next morning and decided this bed was surprisingly comfortable. He got up and Walked to the Closet where he Put his Uniform and Picked it off its hanger and threw it on his bed as he walked to the bathroom and Pulled out his brush, toothbrush, Deodorant and Make up. While he didn't like make-up he wanted to represent Pomefiore and show how much Vil has taught him. Even if it wasn't much, maybe it would show people that Vil wasn't a Villain. Epel put on some purple eyeshadow on his under eyes and then a slight bit of blue near the Inner Corner of his eyes. He brushed his teeth and put on deodorant. He settled for a Gloss that went over his already Naturally Apple Red lips. He then brushed his hair and redid the braid from yesterday. He then Exited the Bathroom and Put on his uniform, and pins. He Picked up the bag with his Books, Stationary supplies, Pe Uniform, and Lab wear. He started to walk out the bedroom but saw a necklace and his arm band he shrugged Putting On the Necklace that had a rose Charm and tieing on the Arm Band.

He then walked out the room, closing the door before walking to the kitchen. Epel opened the door and saw a note on the table.

"Mr. Felmeir,

I have put food in the Cabinets and fridge with food for you to eat. Have a lovely first Day at the Royal Sword Academy. The Rosebriar students you met yesterday will pick you up and show you to your classes.

-Headmage Ambrose."  

Epel put down the note and walked to the fridge scanning through it for items to use. He landed on the two packs of Bacon and the Eggs. He pulled them out but placed them on the nearest surface when he heard a ping. He walked over to his bag and pulled out his phone. It was a text from. Riddle.


Strawberry❤️ 🍓~: Good Morning Epel. Sorry for not responding last night. I fell asleep while doing Homework. The photo is very funny though.

Country Boi🍎💜:  Good morning to you too Darlin' but It's fine I thought as much you could never stay up to late. I'm about to cook some Breakfast Video Call?

Strawberry❤️ 🍓~: Sure


              STRAWBERRY ❤️ 🍓~

     Accept                                Decline 

Epel Clicked Accept and smiled at the image of a Sleepy Riddle who was Still getting ready.

"Hello…." Riddle Yawned.

"Hey. Sleep well?" Epel asked

"Of course. How about you?" Riddle asked

"I slept well, the bed was very comfy." Epel said. They went back and forth as Epel got out ingredients and Tools.

"Yeah the schools nice I officially start tod-" Epel was cut off by a knock. "Sorry I need to answer that.  Do you want to come with me or stay?" Epel asked.

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