Chapter eleven

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They reached back to King's landing quicker than Vanya had expected, but she was also glad that they did so

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They reached back to King's landing quicker than Vanya had expected, but she was also glad that they did so. Criston did take up her offer of having tea with her but instead of tea, the two shared breakfast and a bunch of laughter. Moments like these were always Vanya's favourite. Especially with Criston, he was such a dear friend of hers and she trusted him with his whole heart and soul. He was the one of the many things that Alicent could never take away from her. That being said, bad blood begun the boil between the two sister far before Alicent even slept with Viserys. The age gap between them played a big factor. Whereas Alicent was trained to always serve and be poised, Vanya didn't get trained, she was loud and boisterous with a sharp tongue and had people do her bidding for her. Alicent was bitter and jealous at the freedom her younger sister had, at the relationships she could form without being berated. At how their father didn't force her to do things. Alicent was bitter, and it was that bitterness that caused this rift between them.

The reached soon and Vanya left the ship as soon as she could. She made her way into her room and began to undress. All the layers she wore was getting tiring. Criston had left her and Rhaenyra be and went back to his duties.

"My lady." Nefes greeted Vanya kindly as she brought her a cup of freshly brewed coffee. Vanya looked up at her and thanked her kindly before waving her off. All she wanted was to sleep. Until a knock interrupted her from her stupor. She flinched before getting up and opening the door. It was Criston.

"Hello, welcome. Have you missed me that much?" Vanya spoke teasingly. Criston knew that he had to do what he did now, so he walked in. Smiling kindly at Vanya, she returned his smile.

"We must talk." Criston spoke as formally as he could.

Vanya furrowed her eyebrows, a serious demeanour taking over Vanya. She pulled Criston in, ushering him to sit in her chair. Once he sat, Vanya sat in front of him. Taking his hand in her own.

"Speak Criston, what is troubling you?" Vanya didn't order him like a friend would, she ordered him as Lady Vanya, a lady he swore to protect.

Criston hesitated before speaking. He knew that this moment would make or break their relationship.

"Vanya, I have something to confess to you." Criston told her, looking at her for confirmation to continue. When Vanya gave him the go to, he did as so.

"I must confess that I've fallen for you and your kind nature. I've fallen for the way you talk and for the way you treat me like a close confidant. I want you to leave with me. Many times you've complained about court or the royalty, so leave. Let us leave and become nameless ghosts, going where the wind goes." Criston spoke, now kneeling in front of a shocked Vanya. He looked up at her with hope in his eyes. So mucj hope that Vanya wished for a second that she could love him back, that she could run off with him. But she can't, she has duties, she's sworn herself to Daemon and to Rhaenyra. She can't betray them and just leave. Vanya won't lie, there was a moment in time where she too loved Criston back. But it was years ago and she was young and naive. She didn't know what love was. The wine glass Vanya held slipped from her hand, leaving a red splatter all over her dress and carpets.

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