Chapter Fourteen

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Vanya's birth had been difficult, Daemon and Rhaenyra nearly lost their lover along with their children

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Vanya's birth had been difficult, Daemon and Rhaenyra nearly lost their lover along with their children. Twins, the trio was blessed with a pair of twins. Much like the ying and yang, Jaehaerys was born with Targaryen white hair while Rhaella inherited her mother's dark Hightower hair. Rhaegar and Jace were the most excited to see their youngest sister while Rhaena and Alysanne fawned over the blonde boy. Daemon and Rhaenyra fell in love with their children as soon as they saw them, both twins were magical. Like Daemon's own mother, Rhaella and Jaehaerys had one blue eye and the other green. The twins were the biggest blessing anyone could have, it was unfortunate that they were born in a time of mourning. Laena's funeral was to happen a week from today, Vanya's grief had sent her into labour. The trio now had nine children between them now, it was a mess, yes, but Rhaenyra, Daemon and Vanya loved their children regardless.

"Mother!" Jace called out to Vanya as soon as he entered her chambers, one stern look from his father was enough for him to quite his voice. He winced once he saw Rhaella stir in her mother's arms but calmed down when she didn't wake up crying.

"My dear boy! How have you been?" Vanya winced slightly as she stood up from the bed, while the recent birth had weakened her body, it was no excuse for her to not greet her children as she normally did. Jace took his mother's hand and placed a loving kiss on the back of it as he dragged his mother to sit on the bed.

"I've come to you to see Rhaella, I've missed her." Vanya glanced at Daemon from behind Jace's head only to see him have a ghost of a smile on his face. Vanya leaned forward and placed a kiss on Jace's head as he slightly tickled Rhaella's feet. She looked up at him with her big doe eyes full of curiosity. Jace smiled before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Could I take her? Luke, Rhaegar and Daeron are very excited to meet her?" Jace questioned his second parents kindly with a smile on his face. Vanya nodded and when Jace looked towards Daemon, he nodded as well.

"He's so enamoured with her." Daemon stated as he quietly stepped behind Vanya, resting his chin atop her head. Vanya leaned back into her husband's touch and sighed as she relished in the warmth that he provided. Not soon after, an exhausted looking Rhaenyra joined them. Daemon and Vanya were laying in bed when their lover walked in.

"Oh gods be good. Have they kept you that busy?" Vanya stood up in all her nakedness. While her and Daemon didn't fuck, they liked being bare in bed together. The same could be said for Rhaneyra and Vanya as well. The rest of the day passed nicely for the family. Rhaenyra, Daemon and Vanya had now all spent some much needed time together. Their children kept them busy and apart from one another.

Laena's funeral was devastating. The younger children, Jeoffrey, Jaehaerys and Rhaella stayed behind while the older ones attended with Vanya, Daemon Laenor and Rhaenyra.

"We join today at the Seat of the Sea to commit the Lady Laena of House Velaryon to the eternal waters, the dominion of the Merling King, where he will guard her for the days to come. As she sets sail for her final voyage, the Lady Laena leaves two true born daughters to the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood. Salt courses though Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin." Laena's uncle takes a stab at Rhaenyra in the last couple of sentences, especially for the newly born Jeoffrey with his blonde hair and eyes. Vanya squints her eyes at him as she drags her children closer to her. Rhaegar stood with Jace and Luke while Alysanne and Rhaena comforted Baela and Rhaena. The two younger girls shared the same name, which both Laena and Vanya had found amusing.

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