Chapter thirteen

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"Vanya. Vanya!" A quite voice whispered Vanya's name into her ear and she stirred in bed, accidentally hitting her culprit. Laenor whined causing Vanya to get up in haste. Her hair was a mess, a clear indication to what she had done before. Still sleep driven, Vanya looked around and spotted Rhaenyra sipping on some tea at the table. Her lover looked much more groomed than she did. After looking at her, she focused her attention onto Laenor who was still wincing.

"Oh gods Laenor! What is it?" Vanya groaned out. She didn't like to be awakened unless one of her kids was injured or her husband or Rhaenyra. Vanya sat up now, her hand trying to smoothen down her hair. Rhaenyra stood up and joined Vanya on the bed with a cup of tea. She handed her lover the steaming and soothing tea, Vanya took it from her hands gratefully, immediately taking a sip.

"Your children, along with mine, fucked with your nephew, Aemond." Laenor told her. Vanya just tilted her head up towards the ceiling, sighing deeply before she let out a scream of agitation. This stress was not good for her and her child. Although she knew that their children had nothing to do with the prank that was pulled on Aemond, clearly by Aegon. Her older nephew didn't care much for Aemond. Vanya was significantly much more closer to her younger two niece and nephew more than Aegon. The older boy had done things that caused his aunt to drift away from him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Vanya sighed again, thrusting the tea cup back into Rhaenyra's hands before getting up and getting up. She walked over to Rhaenyra's various dresses before pulling one out. She examined the dark green velvet dress with red detailing and hummed in approval. She liked this dress and frankly Vanya hasn't worn green for a long, long time. Laenor ignored Vanya's nakedness as he shoved Rhaenyra to go help her lover get dressed. Rhaenyra did get up, grudgingly.

After getting dressed, Vanya headed to greet her enraged sister.

"Alicent!" Vanya greeted with a faux smile on her face and her tone cheery. Alicent turned to look at her sister, a small smile on her face once she saw the colour of her dress.

"Vanya." She greeted kindly, placing a small kiss on her sister's cheek.

"What have the children done now." Vanya asked, leading her sister to sit down. Alicent did as she was guided to.

"Jace, Luke, Rhaegar and Daeron gave Aemond a pig, with wings! And claimed that it was his dragon!" Alicent exploded. She was immensely enraged. Vanya sighed before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Oh gods! How is Aemond?" Vanya asked genuinely. She cared for her younger nephew deeply, especially since she knows what it's like to be a younger sibling. Especially the youngest.

"How's Helaena? I haven't seen my darling in a long time." Vanya switched the conversation quickly. Alicent looked slightly discomforted at the mention of her only daughter, a slight grimace on her face.

"She's...Well." Vanya picked up on the hesitation in Alicent's voice but didn't comment. She'd rather ask Helaena herself.

"Well then sister, I believe that is the end of our conversation." Vanya told Alicent, getting up after a moment of awkwardness passed over them. While Vanya and Alicent rekindled their relationship, it still felt like a Queen and a subject, the simplicity that was once there was now long gone. Alicent wasn't the same as she once was. Not anymore. Her life and their father changed her, in a way that Vanya never thought would be possible.

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