OH MY FRICKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 200 READS YAAASSSSSS

148 2 1

The first three people to request a oneshot will get it within the next week after you comment it.
Just comment the ship and if you have a idea for it add that, if not then I'll figure it out.
And do it right here—

I really appreciate all the reads. I'm really happy that my writing is getting read, because I often have so many ideas, but no where to put them. Aaaannddd then I got a Wattpad account! So thank you all so much.
I really do appreciate comments and requests will make it easier for me to actually have ideas to write.
(That's the idea behind the oneshot thing above.)
Sooo yeah. That all I got for now.
Thank you so so so much for reading and have a great day! —Clover

Keeper Of The Lost Cities OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now