White Eyes On Sleeves, Pretty Brown Eyes On Faces Part Three-Sophiana

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Biana could see Sophie liked Fitz.
It was as clear as Keefe being in love with Tam.
And the fact Fitz had a soft spot for Dex, the strawberry blond technopath.
Thant didn't make it hurt any less though.

Sophie stood in the bathroom, rehearsing her 'I love you will you please date me before I die of how pretty you are.' Speech.
It was not going well.
"I love you." Nope.
"I like you more than a friend, like romantically, and I wanna date you and-" NOPE
"I really like you, you're the reason  my favorite color is teal, do you want to go out with me?!"...Acceptable.she decided. She rehearsed this a lot over the next few days. Until the day she finally gathered the courage to actually say it.
She flung herself out of the bathroom and into the main living space and yelled,
"VACKER!" Heads of the people in the hide-out turned. She wasn't looking though, she had her face down so she didn't turn into a blushing mess when she saw her crush's teal eyes.
"I really like you and your the reason teal is my favorite color and DO YOU WANNA GO OUT WITH ME?!?!" She asked. Only looking up when a male voice said,
"I'm really sorry Soph, but uh, I like someone else." Fitz's voice said. And Biana, was looking at the floor.
Sophie, was furious at herself.
That she'd
Meant him.
She went and found Keefe at their spot.
"How'd it go?" He asked.
"Horrible. I yelled Vacker and Fitz was there and they thought I meant him, and he rejected me thank god though because yeah- BUT NOW WHAT THE FRICK DO I DO KEEFE FRICKING SENCEN STOP LAUGING" she yelled.
"Don't ask me, but I bet you anything that Tam is harder to do this with than Bi."
"I DONT FRICKING CARE" Sophie snapped.

It was three weeks later when Biana decided that Sophie needed to know whop she was so awkward.
But she backed out
And again
And again.
She officially sucked at this.

Sophie was lying on her back wishing the Black Swan could have given her something that would be good for this kind of thing.
Or the Neverseen when they edited her again.
When Gisela, (who was her least favorite person next to umber in the Neverseen.) Burst in.
"MIST!" She yelled. Mist was Sophie's code name.
"Yes ma'am?"
"Pack your stuff, I have a mission for you."
"How long will I be gone for?"
"Close to three weeks. If you're fast."

Sophie Was coming home for the first time in four weeks since she'd gotten and urgent mission from Gisela. Biana was excited to say the least.
Biana smiled the widest she'd ever smiled when Sophie appeared, 20 yards away.
"Bi!" Sophie yelled.

Sophie broke into a run, and picked up Biana and spun her around. The vanisher was laughing, and on an impulse, Sophie kissed her. There were at least a few cheers from there friends.
"But you like Fitz don't you?" Biana whispered.
"Nope. Let's get this last thing straight, I'm not." Sophie said, grinning.

Awwwwwwwww I loved this it wasn't quite as good as the other two but whatever.

You can put any requests here——————————

Thanks for reading and have a great day!— Clover🍀

December 8 2022

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