Soulmates- Sokeefe

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Keefe was walking through the busy street of New York, up to the building of his new job. The usual black and white he always saw still in place. He would see color when he met his soulmate. But as of yet, he had to walk, because he couldn't drive till he did, because he couldn't see the colors of the traffic lights. It was a pain.
He went through his work day, annoyed, because he was tired and couldn't drive home. He was thinking about just taking a taxi but why, couldn't he just meet his soulmate? But he couldn't afford to take a taxi, and his dad had changed his credit card number.
He had a car, and knew how to drive it, he just wasn't allowed too.
But it was the end of the day, and he had to walk home. he wasn't exactly excited. To be honest, he hated the idea. Maybe, he thought wryly, I'll meet them today, after all, it can't be too much longer. The second his shift ended at the coffee shop he worked at, he discarded of his apron, and bolted for the door.
aaaannndddd ran into a girl.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" She yelped.
"No it was my fault." He said,
"Anyway, I have to go my friend just canceled and I'm in a hurry." She said, turning around, and moving away. It was only when he glanced up, thinking that the girl was pretty, that he realized, the sky was blue. He turned around to her retreating figure, and bolted after her. When he skidding in for unit of her, she asked,
"Um. can I help you?"
"It's you." He said, out of breath.
"It's... me?" She asked, clearly confused.
"Your my soulmate." He said, confused on how oblivious she could be.
"I- what?"
"Don't you see it? The colors?" He asked. She rolled her eyes, and then froze.
"See? It's you!!!" He yelped.
"I don't even know your name though-"
"It's Keefe. Keefe Sencen. And that's how it works for all soulmates, right?"
"I-I guess so. I'm Sophie Foster."
"Well, maybe we can go on a date sometime, and get to know each other?" He asked.
"Yeah. Sure." They exchanged phone numbers, and before they parted, he yelled,
"It's a date Foster!!!" And then, as he was walking toward the car he kept parked by his work, the one he could now drive, he heard her say,
"Shoot fricking frick. I am so so late."

Yeeaaaahhh my first soulmate au! There will probs be more, as I love them. So, yeah!!!!
Thanks for watching, and have a great day!-Clover

September 23 2022

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