We Fight For Justice. - No Ship

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No ship, this is the ending fight against the Neverseen.

Sophie looked around in admiration, at her friends. This was it, she couldn't help but think. This was the end, this was the last battle. Sophie looked down at her fingers, the sparkling red energy of her inflicting. Dex had helped her, making a gadget so if she aimed her inflicting it did a bunch of stuff, and anyway, if made it so whoever she touched would get a dose of her inflicting.
It was awesome.
Letting out a long breath, she called out,
"ATTACK!" The battlefield erupted, as people attacked. The telepaths predicted what their opponents would do next, the vanishers using the element of surprise to their advantage, the elementals firing water, fire gusts of wind-  even lightning.
Flashes of weapons, booms of abilities firing, the loud bangs of the technopaths explosives, the clashes of blade against blade.
And Sophie was in the middle of it all. She was fighting for her life, for the life of the people she'd grown to love, This, she knew, was what she was born to do. So she fought. She fought for her life, her home, her people, and most of all, her family. Not her biological family, Grady and Edaline, her friends, her love burned like a fire in her chest, forming her growing determination.

Biana fought. She fought like a tornado, a tsunami, because she knew she could do this. The Neverseen were going down, even if she went down with them. She was doing this, maybe this wasn't what she'd thought she'd end up doing in her life, but it was the path she'd found, the path she'd taken. And she didn't regret it one bit. There was heartache sure, but she was fighting for everything she ever believed in. If she was going to die, this would be how she'd like to go down. She fought alongside her friends, her family, her everything. And she felt the stream of strength surge through her bones.

Keefe threw himself at Neverseen member after Neverseen member, throwing hit after hit, he could do this, wasn't this what he'd trained for? He twisted, spun, kicked, punched, sliced, not for revenge, not for vengeance, but for everything he cared most about. For everything he'd ever wanted. For all the things he hated, he fought to right them all, after this, Sophie would rule the lost cities, alongside her friends, and he knew she would make this world a better place.
His mother had made him to make it a worst one,
But he'd chosen his own path. She couldn't control him, she may have given him the power, but he'd realized she could control how he used it.

Tam fought for all the injustice, for all of the horrible things, he fought to put them right. He fought for his sister, he fought so that he could help create a world where parents wouldn't be horrible, where kids wouldn't be banished for things they couldn't control, he fought for all the things he hated with every fiber of his being, he turned all his hate, all his fury, into the thing that drove him. He would use every bit of power he had, and use it to make a better world, one without the Neverseen. One where everyone was loved and respected. One that was as close to perfect as it could be, but not to pretend that it was, because no system was perfect. Just one where not just the people with the short end of the stick knew what was wrong with it.

Dex fought for his siblings, for his parents he fought against all the things that had made him sick over the years, he fought so his siblings could have a better life, one without scorn or prejudice. One where everyone was loved, wether they were talentless or not. He fought because he truly believed the world could be a better place. He fought so that no one would be scorned for being a bad match, or for being talenless. He fought for everything that was wrong with the world.

Fitz fought with all the resentment he had. Every ounce of annoyance that while he was expected to be able to do everything, the people who actually wanted it were denied. He fought because everything was unfair and biased and he fought because it felt right. He fought because he wanted a better world. He fought for everyone who grew up scorned, he fought for people like him, who were expected to be perfect, but didn't want to have to be perfect.

Linh, well,  she fought not because she had some back store of hatred or resentment, but because she had a wave rising in her heart that was slowly becoming a tsunami, because her fury had never been in the back, never been set aside, for she was always angry, had been since she manifested. She fought for everyone, for everything, she fought because she knew the world could be a better place, and she was determined the fight to get there. So she fought like the freaking tsunami she was, letting the saltwater burn her lungs, letting it drive her forward. She was no innocent little girl, and she would fight until everyone knew it.

Marella let the fire in her stomach grow and grow and grow, she let it burn, let it turn to pure everblaze, she set the fire spread into her heart, her lungs, her legs, her arms, she let it burn everywhere, until it spread to her skin, and she burned anyone who dared to touch her. She controlled it, not the other way around. She was stronger than it, and she was proud of the person she'd become. She was Marella, the girl who set herself ablaze.

So when the Neverseen fell, it wasn't from a bunch of kids, it was from a bunch of adults who had to grow up too fast, it was from a group of people who saw the flaws, it was the people whose fury, resentment, hate and love grew above all, grew until they were ready to fight to the death,
They weren't perfect,
They were the people who excepted they weren't, and neither was anyone else, and let the sparks fly, the water rush, the wind roar, the earth rise, the shadows spread, and the light fly.
They were the ones brave enough to start the fight.
And they were the ones strong enough to end it.
Not for the fame, but for pure justice.
They would forever be known as the Brave Ones.
Braver than all the rest.

Okay, that I think is one one my favorite things I've written. I hope y'all liked it as much as I do.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!-Clover🍀

January 14 2023

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