Christmas With ✨The Gays✨

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Fyi, The Gays is the main four gay ships of Kotlc. So, Kam, Sophiana, Fedex and drumroll please,
The Gays
Anyway, read on.

Sophie was hanging mistletoe, as it was Christmas Eve. She'd explained the basics, and they'd added a few touches. (Including having gnomes help them with the tree so they didn't have to kill it)
And then she fell off the latter.
Typical clumsy her.
However, before she could fall and break her neck, someone caught her. She grinned up at the pair of teal eyes gleaming at her.
Fitz put her down, smirking at her. Before he could tease her however,
"Oh come on Fitz! You couldn't let me catch my girlfriend?" Biana's indignant voice scolded as she walked in.
"Sorry not sorry Bi."
"Oh go hang out with for boyfriend." Biana snipped back.
"We're not-" Biana promptly shoved him out the door to go greet Dex, who had just appeared.
"This is why the lesbian couples are the only ones who can get stuff done and just start dating." Biana muttered.
"I missed you." Sophie said, wrapping her girlfriend up in a hug.
"You saw me the other day!" Biana laughed
"Don't care." Sophie decided, gently kissing Biana's cheek.

All traces of Fitz's annoyance at his sister vanished as he caught sight of the strawberry blond boy in front of him. He grinned wildly and jogged up to Dex.
"Hi!" Dex grinned at him, periwinkle eyes shinning brightly.
"Oh! I brought you these..." he trailed off as he dug around in his bag while Dex snickered.
Whether it was because he was taking so long to find something in a rather small bag, or that he had a purse, he'd never know. He found it a second later. A couple of hand baked ripplepuffs. Dex's face lit up. Like his whole face was shinning, and his dimples were showing and Fitz felt his face grow hot. He was sure that he was practically beaming as Dex said,
"Thank you! I really love your baking!"
"Thanks! Or, you're welcome?" He stuttered for a moment, because, which one do you say? Dex just chuckled at him.
"Anyway," Fitz finally said, "that means a lot."
They stood there for a moment, just smiling at each other right up intill,
"OH MY GOD JUST KISS ALREADY!" Marella's voice yelled. There's that moment ruined. Fitz decided that Marella was really kinda just a tiny bit annoying right then. Dex however, just stuck his tongue out at her. His face was noticeably very red.
He swore, Dex and Sophie were related somehow.
The four of them walked inside. (Marella and Linh and Dex and Fitz)
And found that both Keefe and Tam had arrived already. The two were arguing over something petty, and Sophie snickered.
"Should we tell them they're under mistletoe?" Sophie whispered from where she and Biana had joined them.
"Yeah. Duh." Marella said.
Fitz beat them both to it.
"OI! Stop arguing and kiss already!" He yelled.
"Wha-" they both said, and slowly looked up.
At the mistletoe above their heads.

Keefe saw Tam pale two shades as he saw it. As Tam looked at him he mouthed you don't have to do this you know, Tam shook his head, yes I do and you know it.

Biana squealed annoyingly loud when they kissed. Sophie elbowed her, but that didn't stop her.
"I hate you all." Tam decided, but Keefe noticed that he was also, very red.
"Come on," Sophie said, "let's go out side! It's all snowy." A chorus of agreements rang through the room.
They quickly got on snow gear and ran outside.
Where Keefe quickly started a snowball war.
Not a fight,
A war.
Which quickly turned into Tam and Linh using telekinesis to throw several snowballs at once.
Tam at one point, shoved a bunch of snow down Keefe's Jacket, causing him to scream "I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!!!!!"
Causing everyone to wonder when Keefe and Tam had gotten together.

Several hours later, they all came inside. Edaline shook her head at the mass of cold, wet teenagers, and conjured towels and blankets without a word.
About twenty minutes later, they were all snuggled up on Sophie's huge bed watching Harry Potter. (Sorry not sorry.) Keefe and Dex loved Fred and George, Biana loved Hermione, (to no surprise whatsoever.) and Sophie and Fitz were in agreement that Hermione is smarter than Harry and Ran put together. They were on the fifth movie, and Sophie had forced them all to read all the books first.
Everyone agreed that the books were better.
Harry Potter spoilers for book five
Marella had her arm wrapped around Linh, who was pouting because of being mad that Sirius died. Eventually (after that movie) Linh convinced everyone to watch a Christmas movie.
It wasn't long before it was 11:30 pm and everyone was exhausted and ready for bed.
Exept Sophie.
But that was self explanatory.
Edaline helped them make up one huge bed on the floor of Sophie's huge room.
And That night, Marella fell asleep holding Linh's hand.

The next morning, Dex woke first, and made sure everyone knew it. By having Iggy, who has mysteriously changed colors in the night, fart in their faces. This was their forth Christmas, and they rotated houses, starting with Havenfeild, the Everglen and then Rimeshire.

Grady was disturbed from his sleep by eight teenagers in pjs thundering down the stairs.

Edaline just smiled, having already set the table and made breakfast.

It wasn't long before they were all, (meaning the eight teens, the adults were having there own Christmas exchange, minus Cassius and the songs.) There we're not ohh's and Oh my god,'s and THANK YOU's that went around the room.
Dex found himself in an awkward position, with a grift from Biana, that turned out to be a bunch of extra little things that would be useful for when he was making things, and a note.
Biana, being Biana, was of corse, meddling.
And he right then decided he hated the way the opened gifts.
By going around in a circle and having each of them open one.
So everyone was staring at him.
And he decided he hated life.
So, he made a choice, he was one hundred percent not going to read the note out loud, so he passed it around the room and stared at his feet when it got to Fitz.

Next Saturday at Atlantis? His telepathic voice made Dex beam at his feet. He gave an ever so slight nod.

Biana smiled at herself.
They were all paired up now.

That was 1127 words. MY LONGEST YET!!! (I think.) Also, that was really fun to write. Also, ITS CHRISTMAS EVE. Am I the only one exited?
Merry Christmas/Happy holidays,
Have a amazing day and Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate if you don't celebrate Christmas, and thank you so so much for reading—Clover🍀🎄🎄🎄

December 24 2022

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