Valentines day part two- Kam

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(One year later, and human AU)

"Your going out in that?" We're his sisters first words to him that morning.
"That's coming from someone who has a date." Tam snapped back, to be honest, they weren't normaly like this. But it was the ungodly hour  5:30 AM and neither had had caffeine, so they couldn't care less about being snippy. Teirgan was still asleep.
"DID YOU FRICKING FORGET THAT YOU HAVE A FLIRTY BOYFRIEND?" Linh yelled at him. Right then, he had a wait WHAT? Moment.
"I-" he bolted up the stairs
When he came back down at 6 AM, (after Linh had had tea, her preferred caffeinated drink. Earl grey with chocolate sauce, was Monday tea.) Linh looked him up and down, before nodding.
"Acceptable?" He asked,
"Acceptable." She agreed.

Keefe, on the other hand, woke up at 5 AM (a feat because he's not a morning person,) and spent an entire hour and a half in the bathroom. For the purpose of being a cheesy boyfriend, he was wearing a tuxedo, had taken even more time that usual to do is hair, and of course, had flowers. Roses to be exact.

He may or may not have put on a touch of eyeliner. At about 6:30 he bolted into the kitchen, Elwin barked a laugh when he saw Keefe,

"Breakfast's on the table." Elwin told him, Keefe proceeded to stuff his face with the waffles Elwin had made. Elwin had adopted Keefe after stuff happened with his father, anygays, it's was a long story, but now he lived with Elwin and everything is fine.

"You look..."

"It's our one year anniversary I have to look my best." Elwin just laughed.

"Alright kiddo. Ready?" Elwin asked.

"Yep just lemme put the flowers in my

Tam rode the bus to school, Linh sat with Marella, and he sat alone. though, before they got she whispered in his ear,

"Don't ask how I know this, but, Mom and Dad are chaperoning at the Valentine's Day dance." He stared at her.

And as the bus drove off towards the school, he thought about what Linh had told him. Specifically what he could do to make them mad as a penalty for doing this in the first place.
And then it came to him.

He knew exactly what to do.

Keefe waited anxiously for Tam to get there. Pacing back and forth by the fountain. And then Keefe saw him. Head down, trying to avoid getting trampled by all the other rowdier high school boys, Keefe started walking towards Tam, and then broke into a run before reaching him and spinning him around in the air several times.

"KEEFE!" Tam yelled, laughing. Keefe finally let Tam down, but kept his arms wrapped round his waist.

"Your an idiot."

"A handsome idiot?"

"YOU DIDN'T DENY IT!" Keefe yelled.

"And you just called yourself an idiot." Tam informed him.

"I win." Tam said. Keefe gave up and changed the subject.

"Okay, so I know that this is kinda cheesy, and maybe stupid, but I got you flowers." Keefe Told him.

"Well that works, since your both." Tam told him.

"Both what?"

"Cheese and stupid."

"you insult me."

"Don't care."

~}Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy{~

Tam sat on the bus at the end of the day, fairly content. As they walked into the house Linh said,

"I'm gonna go get ready for the dance."

"Wait! Linh!"

"yeah?" She asked.

He told her his request/Idea. She squealed and dragged him up the stairs.

Keefe got there before Marella to pick up Tam. He knocked, and Wylie opened it.

"Hey Keefe. TAM YOUR BOYFRIEND IS HERE!" Wylie yelled over his shoulder.

"HE'S COMING!" Linh's voice yelled

"welp Keefe, come on in." Wylie said, moving to let him in. Linh walked down in a dress that faded from white to an ocean blue.

"Liiiinnnnnhhhhhhh are you sur-"

"YES TAM YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL NOW GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT FRICKING NOW." Linh yelled at him. Now, you would expect that whole 'time stoped as Tam gracfully walked down the stairs.' that was not quite what happened. Tam stumbled and had to stop himself from falling down the stairs, cursing, and Keefe didn't get a good look at him till Tam was on flat ground again. And then came the movie-like moment. Tam, was wearing a one-strap, black to blue dress. (picture above.) he had a light layer of makeup and unsurprisingly, looked gorgeous. Keefe stuttered but couldn't manage a sentence.

"wow. You did it, you made him speechless." Marella's voice said from behind him. He snapped back to real world.

~}Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy{~

"I had a suit that I was planning on wearing." Tam told him in the car.

"And?" he asked

"Linh found out that our parents are chaperoning at the dance. I wanted- want to make them mad. So, I asked Linh if she could help me out."

"Well, you look great. And you never have to worry about what I think about you. You always look great to me," Keefe said.

As they walked in to the dance, every eye turned to them, out of malice, for those homophobic idiots, out of curiosity, for the most publicly gay couple, and probably surprise, that this very masculine looking gay guy, was wearing a dress.

And his parents. They were death glaring him and Keefe as he led Keefe onto the dance floor.

~}Time Skip Cause I'm Lazy{~

Tam was leaning against  the wall about two hours later. Keefe had gone to the restroom, to surely fix his hair, which was a little missed up. And right then, it arived.

"what, do you think your doing?"  His father hissed.

"having a good time with my boyfriend." Tam told him.




"GO AHEAD BEFORE I DO IT MYSELF." He sensed someone's presence behind him, and, assuming it was Keefe, ignored it.


"AND YOUR A-" before Tam could tell his father exactly what he was, a voice came from behind him.

A few minutes Later, when Keefe came back, he said

"Your awfully smiley."

"My dad got dragged out by a security guard cause he wasn't allowed to be here in the first place." Tam replied

1102. THATS HOW MANY WORDS. WERE IN THIS CHAPTER WITHOUT THE AN. THATS THE LONGEST ONE IVE WRITTEN. Any way, this is the sequel to the first thing I wrote and published on Wattpad. Anyway, I enjoyed writing that.especially the Tam and his dad interaction. Though he shouldn't really be counted as his dad, he deserves a good punch in the face. Along with Cassius and Gisela. Him and Gisela should get together to talk about how horrible parents they are. Anygays,
Thanks for reading & have a great day! —Clover

November 7 2022

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