White Eyes On Sleeves, Pretty Brown Eyes On Faces Part Two-Sophiana

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Here's part two! (Nightfall/Lodestar spoilers also Stellerlune spoilers.)

It was nearly six months after she'd first joined, and she was excelling. Fintan had said that she was one of the fastest learners he'd seen, and had persuaded Gethen the trigger her ability. She was a vanisher, and she was great at it. She was proud of herself. She was better then Avlar at swords, (not Ruy, as he was the best sword fighter in the lost cities.) And she and Sophie were going to go on an assignment in a few days. She was better than Fitz. For once, she was better then her brother at something, Fitz couldn't fight, he thought the lost cities was pitch perfect. She was smarter, and knew the game better. The annoying part of this was, there were three people she and Sophie were supposed to try and recruit. Fitz, a girl named Marella, who'd just manifested as a pyrokinetic, and a boy named Dex, who had just manifested as a technopath. Then, if Fitz accepted, she'd have to deal with him. But either way, Avlar would never treat him like the golden boy others did. In the Neverseen, you were treated better or worse depending on how well you could fight, how high on the ranks you were, how useful you were. She was very useful. She could be used as a spy, she could be an attacker and she could do battle planning. She was strong and capable. She was treated well because she earned it. Not because she was a Vacker. It was great.

Three days later, the two girls had agreed that Sophie would go talk to Dex, and then meet Biana, who was left to deal with he brother. And then the two would face Marella head on together.

So now here she was, sitting, vanished in Fitz's window, gathering herself to do what needed to be done. Her parents were out for the day, so she didn't have to worry about them.

She lunged, grabbing Fitz and light leaping him to a safer spot. Also a spot he couldn't run away. He screamed. A very high pitched annoying scream.
"SHUT IT." She yelled at him. He looked around wildly for her, and she remembered that she was, indeed, invisible. Letting herself become visible once more, she said,
"I'm over here." Fitz spun around. His eyes widened and his jaw went slack. He blinked a few times and finally, right as the staring was getting uncomfortable, said,
"Is this a joke?"
She burst out laughing. How could she not?
"That's your first words to me? 'Is this a joke?'" She said still laughing.
"You see your sister who you thought was dead, turns out that she's been training with a rebel group for the past six months, and she kind of kidnapped you, and your first words to her are 'is this a joke?'"
"You're with a rebel group?!?!?" He yelled.
"Yeah, duh. That's why I'm here. I'm her to formally invite you to the Neverseen. That's not the script they gave me but whatever." She just stared at him as he thought about that.
"Why are you in the Neverseen?" He asked. She chuckled.
"Because as much as the council tries to pretend, our world is falling apart. The council system doesn't work. The matchmaking system is horrible, there are way too many secrets for our own good, and our alliances with the other species are falling apart. And the fact the council is trying to cover it up doesn't help either." She said honestly.
He thought for a long moment about this.
"What are you going to do if I say no?" He asked.
"A washer will come and wash this memory, and you'll go on believing that your flawed world is perfect and the council is awesome." She told him, seeing no harm in telling him this.
"I'll do it." He said. She just nodded.
"Oh good," a voice said from behind them, "that makes less work for me!" Biana whirled around, and grinned at the truly beautiful girl in front of her. She was standing next to a small boy with strawberry blond hair and periwinkle eyes.
"Let's get these two settled in with the boys, and then we'll call it a day and go back out in the morning." Sophie said. Biana nodded, dragging her brother over to them, as Sophie grinned. She flipped them around, and tipped when over the cliff.

Both boys screamed loudly, Biana just appreciated the smell of the sea and the wind wiping her face. Sophie seemed to enjoy it more, being both a guster and hydrokinetic. And then there was a crack, and they were standing on the windy hilltop where the guys lived. Biana walked up and knocked on the door. Ruy opened it,
"Oh good, your mission went well?" He asked. Avlar came up behind and grinned, pushing past Ruy we walked up high-fived Biana
"Good job!" He said before tuning to Fitz. "Good, you decided to join us." Fitz looked like he was about to pass out.

After getting the guys settled, (Gisela was coming by to have them take their oaths) they teleported to their own home.
"Home sweet home." Sophie muttered. Maya and Rayni were out training at that moment. She plopped herself down on her bed,
"Make me when the others get back."
"If I'm awake." Biana said. Sophie seemed to be already asleep. Biana's eyes lingered on her blonde hair, the way her eyelashes splayed across her cheeks-
She realized she was staring, and got into her bunk, and was asleep in minutes.

PART TWO IS UPPPPPPPPPPPP I will be posting a part three as well. Did you know 'blond' is masculine and 'blonde' is feminine? Why do we need two blonds? Why do they need to be dived into male and female? Any idea of what we should call a non binary blond character? This chapter was over 900 words!!!!!!!!!!!!! With AN it's over a thousand. Anygays,
Thanks for reading and have great day!-Clover🍀

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