Well, I Can't See But- Kam

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Legacy/Unlocked spoilers sorry if some parts aren't accurate to the books. Oh I should mention, they're like 23-24 in this.
Keefe waited anxiously. Pacing back and forth, tapping his fingers on surfaces, bouncing his leg, whatever it was. He physically could not stop moving. He waited. Waiting waiting waiting endlessly. He had been forced to stay behind; due to it being too dangerous, and he'd stayed behind, mostly because his shady boyfriend had lectured him about it, and about how last time he ignored them, he'd ended up in a coma.
He was still annoyed about it of course, but he was very much trying to be a good boyfriend, and listen to reason. It was hard, given that he didn't particularly like the reasoning, but he did it anyway.
But he paced. And paced and oh boy guess what? More pacing. He was pretty sure that it was driving Elwin crazy. They were waiting in the healing center, as there would most definitely be injuries. And if they knew Sophie, probably another near death experience. His anxiety grew as he waited,
So that was fun.

Tam ran. Sprinting, he gathered shadowflux, and then he turned, when he heard the scream. Linh. He knew it immediately, he changed direction, nearly tripping over his own feet, and bolted to Linh.
A Neverseen member lashed out at her again. She was struggling to dodge at that point, let alone fight. She had cuts all along her arms and shoulders, and a couple on her face.
He aimed for her face. Tam threw himself in front of her, not Linh, not Linh, not Linh. Rang through his head,
And it wasn't Linh. The blade cut Tam instead, but on the taller girl, it would have been less detrimental. The blade cut his eyes, and he could feel blood. The pain was the worst he'd ever felt, aside from the pain in his chest he'd had when he'd had to hit Keefe with shadowflux.
Someone screamed. Maybe it was Linh, maybe it was him. He fell back, and hit the ground hard.
"Tam?" Someone's voice whispered. Linh? He thought, but the voice was too deep for that.
"Keefe?" He whispered back.

Keefe's panic grew when he saw the message. He fumbled for his leaping crystal, his fear spiking.
And the he was there. Standing on the battlefield. He bolted, when he saw the shape on the ground. Linh was fighting a Neverseen member, though he knew from the relief that flooded her that she knew he was there.
He knelt, and his breath caught in his throat, at the boy in front of him. He had slashes across his eyes, and they didn't look good.
"Tam?" He whispered, and relief spread through out him when Tam's voice whispered back.
"Keefe?" His voice sounded hoarse.
"I'm here, we're going to get you to Elwin, okay?" He whispered his voice shaking. He'd been practicing, could he do it? He had too. So, he turned his face to the sky, and let his voice echo out. Loud and clear. He had to stop this.s
"STOP" he yelled. The Neverseen froze.

It became apparent in about a week that Tam would be blind. Tam found himself swathed in darkness, and ironically, he didn't like it much. Three months after, he was doing well, but He missed Linh's smile, Keefe's ice-blue eyes. He could sense light though, he could feel where there was darkness, and he was a lot better at telling when and who walked into the room.
Keefe helped Tam the most; in more ways than one. Keeping his spirits, helping his navigate new places, even helping his learn how to fight blind. Tam, during his time in the Neverseen had learned a bit about this, though, now that it wasn't just a blindfold in front of his eyes, it was a lot easier. His senses felt heightened somehow.
He thought that it was less that they had heightened, as some people had told him, more that he payed more attention to them, since he didn't have another option.
He was learning, and that was enough for him. He had his memories after all, of the blue sky, Keefe's face, Linh's first date.
He didn't regret anything in the slightest.

He heard Keefe the second he landed. (Nearly said apperated. Harry Potter brain!) his head swung around, and he leaped to his feet. He ran, and was happy that he didn't run slightly to the side, like the last few times he'd tried this. He practically leaped into Keefe's arms, and Keefe caught him, laughing, Tam just buried his face into Keefe's shoulder. Keefe had been gone for over three weeks, helping with the human reach out program that had been started after they'd defeated the Neverseen. Keefe had done it in one word, that day. He and Sophie lead it together. He loved it, and Tam was hoping to help once he felt confident enough.
Right then though, he was happy right there with Keefe, buried in his arms.

Keefe's eyes looked into Tam's sightless ones, and as if Tam had guessed what Keefe was thinking he said,
"I'm fine Keefe."
"Are you sure?" He asked anxiously.
"Yes." Tam said. He let out a sigh, and sank into Tam as he hugged him again.

"I have something for you." Keefe whispered into Tam's hair,
"Yeah?" Tam asked.
"Yeah. Do you wanna see it?"
"Well, I can't see anything but-."
"Tam." Keefe said sternly.
"Okay okay, I get the point. Let me feel it." Tam said, backing up slightly, and holding out his hand. Keefe placed a small box in it, and Tam fumbled around to find the seam, and pull it open. His fingers brushed a small band, and he went back and felt it again, and felt his eyes widen. He could feel gems embedded in the band, diamonds if he had to guess by the smooth surface. He turned his face back to where he knew Keefe stood.
"Yes?" He asked nervously.
"Did you- is this-"
"Yes! Please please please say yes." Keefe whispered.
"What do I have to say yes too?" He asked, letting a smirk cross his face.
"You cannot let me you don't know."
"Oh I do, I'm just going to make you say it." Tam replied. Keefe sighed and Tam let his grin spread wider.
"Will you marry me!!!" Keefe blurted.
"Well how can I say no?" Tam said brightly. Keefe practically radiated sunlight.
Tam smiled brightly.
Things were going to be okay.
They had the rest of eternity to figure things out.

Yas. I love this, after I finished the last oneshot, I was like, I wanna write a Kam oneshot. And then I asked my friend if it should be fluff or sad, and they said both so, here we are!
Thanks for reading and have a great day, -Clover🍀

January 9 2023

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