I Died When You Did. -Kam

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Oh yeah, Ruy is kinda on their side but still in the Neverseen in this.
Warning, this one is really sad and kinda bloody.

Keefe died on the inside the same time he read the note. The note reading in Ruy's messy handwriting saying that he thought they should know that the Neverseen had killed him.
That had been almost two years ago.
Keefe hadn't really, truly moved on. But he smiled, and laughed and joked. But when it came down to it, anytime he tried to draw, his face would creep its way on to the page.
And tears would hit the page and Keefe couldn't stop them.
And he hated it.
Hated how the silver glinted on the page, how the eyes seemed so real. Like he really was staring at Keefe like he'd used to,
But those silver blue eyes would never stare at him again.
He'd never roll his eyes and ask 'why am I dating you again?'
Keefe would never get the chance to reply 'Because I'm so gorgeous, you couldn't help but fall in love with me.' Again.
He hated how the tears would fall and he couldn't stop it,
How he would cry for hours.
Ruy had never specified how he'd died, just said that the Neverseen had done it.
It was safe to say that it wasn't a pleasant death.
But part of Keefe wished he knew.
It would stop the nightmares.
It would stop him imagining horrible deaths that made him want to puke.
It probably wouldn't stop the feeling in his gut that if he were there, maybe he could have stopped it.
What he'd give to have him back.
Standing at his side,
Rolling his eyes,
Overall being sassy.
Exchanging kisses,
Being there for him.
The way Keefe hadn't been for him when he'd needed it.
He hated it.
He hated it so much.
He'd take it all back if he could.
But Keefe had done the one thing that he would have wanted,
Even though he wanted to lock himself in his room and never see anyone again.
He'd been there for Linh.
Linh had been there for him.
And to be honest,
That was what got him through the first few months.
Keefe knew that he would have done anything for Linh.
So now that he couldn't,
Keefe would.
Knowing that there was something that he would have wanted Keefe to do, helped him through a lot.
But Keefe wasn't sure he'd ever love anyone again.
He'd been Keefe's everything.
His rival,
His lover,
And most of all,
His friend.
He'd been there for Keefe when he needed it most.
But Keefe hadn't been there when he'd needed him.
And that was what broke him.
He hated that he couldn't do it.
It had been years.
And he couldn't move on.
Linh had Marella, not that that was any replacement.
And he had no one.
He'd been the one for Keefe.
And now he was gone.
And now he'd do anything to get revenge on the Neverseen.

And now here he stood.
In front of them.
On the opposite side from his mom of the battlefield.
He fingered his sword.
For the signal.
And then it came.
And then he was hurling himself at the first Neverseen member he saw.
Slashing and cutting.
Not caring because any of these people could have been the one to end his life.
A shade intercepted Keefe as he went for his mother.
They summoned shadowflux with a flick of their wrist.
Keefe lunged, and they barely managed to dodge being impaled.
Keefe lunged again.
But the shade had conjured a spear of shadowflux.
And It went straight through him.
The shade screamed.
His mom was grinning.
The shade knelt, and Keefe caught sight of his eyes.
The very same.
He should have guessed.
No one faught like him.
"No!" The words came out a strangled sob, as his silver-blue eyes sparkled with tears.
"You're alive." Keefe managed.
"You can't die!" He yelled. His eyes were sparking with fury and anger, and Keefe's heart broke again.
"Not up to me Love."
"I'm so sorry." He whispered.
Keefe couldn't help but admire his beauty, his bangs had grown out, and his hair was at his shoulders.
"It's okay. I'm happy just knowing your alive."
"But I killed you!"
"Not you Love. Them."
Keefe forced his next words, breathing becoming shallow.
"I love you Tam. Remember that."
"DON'T LEAVE ME!" Tam yelled, but it was too late.
Keefe was gone.
And Tam hated the world.
It was the Neverseen's fault.
And gone they were.
With one stroke of shadowflux.
"I love you too idiot." Tam whispered. Tears falling on the trees roots. The tree that looked too much like the blond boy.
"I love you so much it hurts."

That was depressing. I was originally gonna have it be happy but nope.
Thanks for reading and have a great day!-Clover🍀

December 16 2022

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