The Beginning

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It started when I turned four and my quirk manifested. My mother was usually a calm happy person she never yelled at anyone unless someone or something reminded her of a man she loved before my dad. Anyway, it was my birthday today and in this world when a child turns four they get a superpower! my dad was setting up a birthday party while my mother decided to take me to the quirk doctor. When we arrived we sat in the waiting room for a little while then our names were called. We followed the doctor to the back and he explained we'd be doing some tests to see what category my quirk fell under. When we were finished, the doctor explained I had a quirk that no one ever had and it was very powerful.

"Well miss Midoriya, It seems your son has a combination of quirks that somehow fused into one mutation. It's never been recorded in history!" He said shocking us both. "If you don't mind, what are your families' quirks?" I was worried since mom didn't like talking about the man she loved before hand. "Well mine is weak Telekinesis and his father's is fire breath. If anything it should come from my side." She said worriedly. "Well, your son's quirk is a multitude of things, he is able to manipulate anything and anyone via voice command, mental command, and physical motion. He also seems to be able to regenerate at unheard of speeds." He finished and my mom's face fell. I had blonde hair as a kid but my mother made me dye it green like hers. I never understood why she disliked the color or talking about her previous love life until later on in the day.

"So, Izuku. What do you want to name this quirk? It's never been registered before and you get to pick the name!" I beamed with excitement. "Commanding Immortal." I said excitedly. "Looks like it isn't taken, your all set." He then sent us on our way. Once mom and I were in the car she called dad and told him about my quirk. I noticed she was oozing with rage and tried to ask her what was wrong. "YOU USELESS BRAT! WHY?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO HAVE A QUIRK LIKE HIS." She yelled at me with venom in her voice. "Mommy, I-" she cut me off with a punch in the jaw. "There are gonna be a hell of a lot of changes around here." She then pressed on the gas and sent me flying into the back seat.

When we arrived at our house she gripped me by my shirt collar and drug me inside. She threw me against the wall and began to explain her "rules." "You will not speak to me or my husband under ANY circumstances. You will tell no one about your quirk or you'll get the beating of a lifetime. You will not be allowed to lock your door. You will eat your food off the floor like the useless dog you are. Break these rules, and I'll break you." I didn't understand why mom changed so fast and why she made such rules. I did the only thing I could, ask. "Why?" Was all I could say but then I was beaten, burned, cut, and verbally degraded. I had never seen this side of my mother and when she continued to beat me, I froze with terror.

I cried out and she beat me more. A few years have passed and my childhood friend has now turned into one of the worst bullies I have ever encountered. That started as soon as I told him I was quirkless. I had no choice but to obey my mother at the time so here I was being suicide baited and beaten everyday. I remember one day in particular however like it happened yesterday. I remember when I met my hero All might. I asked him if someone quirkless or someone capable of controlling pretty much everything with their voice could be a hero. He told me no. It was impossible and laughed. When I got home I remember going straight to my room and screaming. My mother was home, came in and beat the shit out of me but at that point I couldn't feel the pain anymore.

I decided then and there that I would not cave and decided to run away later that week. I began planning to sell my all might merch to get some materials and packed my journals with hero anaylisis. It was really a small bag of stuff. I was thankful my merch sold within the few hours I had posted them. I decided to look into vigilantes and how that system worked. Apparently vigilantes are heroes without licenses, and cannot fight using their quirk unless in defense or defending another. They are considered illegal due to the hero work they do and not carrying a license to do it. I vowed to become a vigilante and show the world that quirkless wasn't worthless and it wasn't a quirk that makes you villainous.

(A/n: my art of notebooks and old backpack)

My mother came into my room in another fit of hers, thankfully I hid my packed backpack and research in time

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My mother came into my room in another fit of hers, thankfully I hid my packed backpack and research in time. She finished her daily beating on me then left me to do whatever. Once she was gone I pulled out a piece of paper and began drawing my vigilante costume. Thanks to my sales I had enough to get the materials I wanted to buy. I could build the rest. Ever since I was about two I've loved science, engineering, art, weapons, and analyzing fighting styles and quirks. I figured it wouldn't be too hard to build the rest of my outfit. When I was done I snuck out the window with the bag and money, then made my way to the forest near the junkyard beach. I decided to try out my quirk for the first time since I had been diagnosed with it. Nest. Just as I spoke the largest tree began to shift and form a nest in the top-center of it.

I was amazed by it. I thought how to get up there then I thought of an idea, levitate. I said and sure enough I jumped and flew up to the trees. More like levitated? Floated? It wasn't full on flight however I still managed. I opened my backpack and pulled out a ragged blanket I found dumpster-diving. I wondered if I could manipulate it to be bigger and the holes to regenerate in it but decided to just sleep for now. The breeze was very relaxing and I eventually drifted off. For once in a long while I felt content in my new home.

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