Hospital Havok

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I was walking down the sidewalk near a park when I heard what sounded like singing. I realized it was the guy from tv which meant it was Izuku! I then heard another voice but when I heard Izuku's it sounded broken. I saw blue flames appear and immediately called my fathers. I continued to monitor the situation and when I saw Izuku's face, it was chilling. Despite being armless he managed to throw the other teen over his shoulder like he weighed nothing. The other teen used an explosion quirk and In my gut I could tell I didn't like him. I watched as Izuku started to form an electrified ball of water above his palm. I knew if it struck the blonde bomb, it would send him to a hospital. Thankfully my fathers got here in the nick of time and Aizawa captured Izu with his gear.

It only worked for a little while but Izu said something that made the three of us wonder what the two's relationship was. He finally broke free of Aizawa's capture gear and when he failed to erase Izu's quirk, I stepped in and told Izuku to sleep. He did but the fire around him didn't disappear. When I reached to catch him I saw a smaller Izuku being beaten and bullied by the very blonde before us. I wondered what had happened between them due to the gaps in the memory. I warned the other two of what was happening but Aizawa wasn't worried. He reached down and put Izu on his back, piggy back style. "Let's get him to a hospital and question this guy." He said and walked in the said direction. I called the detective because I had a sinking feeling we'd need him. Mic made sure the blonde didn't run.


I thought it would be another day of not knowing where the vigilante aka Izuku was. I wanted Shinso to have a break too so we ended up going to a park near the junkyard beach. my son was farther ahead but then I watched as he dove behind some bushes and quietly Called for me. I ran to his side and what I saw was the very kid I had been worried about. I watched in awe and a little bit of terror as the one armed kid flung a blonde teen over his shoulder. It was a very intense situation and to make matters worse the kid was emitting some sort of blue flames. Aizawa was thankfully with us but really far behind. Once he arrived he tried to stop Izuku from killing the blonde but failed. Shinso then tried his quirk and thankfully it worked. It gave Aizawa an opening to capture him but when he got close, Shinso told us what his fire was doing.

I wondered how the blonde was getting affected by it but not us. I looked at the kid as Aizawa picked him up piggy back style and we took him to a hospital. When we arrived I went into another room with Shinso and the blonde (after he was healed by a healer). "So, what was that all about?" I asked demanding an answer. He looked down at the ground. "You bullied him in the past didn't you." I looked over at Shinso in shock then at the blonde who reacted. "What did you do?" He said with his quirk. I was surprised by Shinso's attitude, he usually never initiated the conversations. I listened in horror as the blond now known as bakugo, explained what he and his friends did to Izu. He said he didn't have a quirk and thought it was pathetic. He cried about how he should have treated Izu better.


I complied with the heroes that helped save me from my life being taken by the worthless twat. We arrived at a hospital and the purple haired kid and the blonde took me to a diffrent room. He asked me about myself and what had happened but when I refused to answer, I heard the purple haired kid ask if I had bullied him. It wasn't a question though it was more of an accusation. I nodded hesitantly but knew if I wanted to be a hero, I'd have to face this. I confessed what I did to him and acted like I was genuinely sorry. I wasn't. Deku was weak and a crybaby. Nothing more but than a stone in my road. When we were done with the interrogation I was forced to be picked up by my old hag. I knew if the heroes told her I'd get an earful from her so I waited outside away form them saying I needed a break. I was relieved when she never found out about it.


I really didn't like bakuhoe originally but now I full on hate him. He hurt my soon to be brother and boy did it make me enraged. I wanted so desperately to give him the beating he deserved but never got to. He ended up getting no punishment at all. I was pissed to say the least. I went to a nurse to see how Izuku was when I did I noticed Mic talking to another nurse. He had a serious look on his face then it turned worried. I rushed to his side forgetting the nurse next to me and asked him what had happened. "Shin, Izu's not in the greatest condition right now. They found lots of wounds and realized he doesn't have a real eye. They can't get the robotic one out though." He said thinking on the last part. "But he'll be okay right?" I asked and he nodded. "He won't be able to eat much though the bitch that raised him neglected and beat him." I frowned hearing this.

"Mic! Why are you telling him this?!" "He needs to know since the kid is gonna be part of the family!" I watched the two bickering until a siren went off in the hospital. I looked around, saw a fiery blonde rush past me, our eyes made contact, and I realized it was Izu. I called to him ready to use my quirk but he didn't answer thus I couldn't activate it. Aizawa's capture gear took hold and caught him just in the nick of time. "Let me go! I won't go back to being in a house that doesn't care about me!" He yelled with a voice enhancer type ability. It made me cover my ears and all of the hospital too. I glanced at Aizawa who seemed unaffected as did mic and remembered. I live with MIC.... I unplugged my ears and looked straight as Izu, "you're not going to be because we're adopting you." I smiled and it made him pause and think. "HUH?!" The entire hospital errupted accept for the three of us.

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