A Portion of Trust

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Dad told me that when our phone buzzed we had just received where Red lived. I not wanting to waste anytime, rushed out and to the junkyard beach. I got lost however due to how clean it was. When I was walking I saw bubbles in the distant water. I got curious and walked to the shore then when I arrived I saw a blue dragon surface. I stared at it's silver eye and noticed it had a strikingly similar eye to Red. "Red?" I asked. The dragon looked at me with an impressed vibe. "Impressive Shin! I'm not sure how you knew it was me, but hey I'm not complaining." He smirked and glowed, shifting back into a human. "What's up?" He asked smiling. "I wanted to see you and thank you for everything." "Ha! It was my pleasure, I hate it when children have to go through that and honestly, many run from me when they see all of my scars. You were different though." He smiled fondly.

"How'd you end up lost?" He asked me as we walked along the beach. "I'm not used to seeing the beach this clean." I said now getting a mysterious feeling in my stomach. I watched as he smiled and picked up a shell. He turned to me and asked if I wanted to see something cool. I said yes and he shifted into a human sized ghoul rabbit creature. I was amazed by how majestic yet terrifying he looked. It made me wonder what his quirk really was. I only heard that it was some voice manipulation but he didn't say anything. "You looking for what my quirk is right?" He asked practically reading my mind. "Y-yeah." "Don't be intimidated, I'll take my human form again okay?" I nodded. It was all I could do.

(A/n: ghoul rabbit red)

"All right Shin, my quirk is called commanding immortal

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"All right Shin, my quirk is called commanding immortal. I can not only manipulate with my voice but thought, movements, desires, etc. I am an immortal being that can be injured but not killed. It doesn't stop there though, I can bring anything I desire into a physical manifestation. It's very similar to a creation type quirk." He looked at me then asked if I was okay. I was trying to process everything he had just told me. "In other words you're basically a god?" "Who knows." He said putting a finger to his lip. "You wanted to see me and my home right? Come on it's this way." He said and led me towards the forest. When we arrived into the forest we walked a little ways back, then I saw a massive willow tree with lights and a nest.

(A/n: My art of the current hideout!)

(A/n: My art of the current hideout!)

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"This is my home." He said and pressed a hidden button on the trunk. The trunk opened and revealed a staircase leading underground. I saw the drone from earlier and watched as it scanned me in a holographic manner. "Shinso, brother of the head. Access Granted." It then flew to Red's side. I could only watch as he disappeared into what seemed like a giant living room-bedroom hybrid. I was impressed by the massive size of the room. "Like it? I call it the lounge. It's where I usually spend my free time. Before you ask, I made all of the things here. The tanks are empty though.... I'm still pondering what to put in them." He said. "Make yourself comfortable by the way, I however have patrol tonight." He said then made his way over to a closet. I watched as he "geared up" and was impressed by how quickly he did so. "Can I ask you a question?" He looked at me and pondered. "Depends." He said waiting. "Are you going to use that outfit if you enroll to UA?" He smiled. "They told you huh? No, I have a different one in mind." He said then left me to my thoughts.

Izuku (now going by red)

If there was one thing I knew about shinso, it was that he was a good kid. I had previously used future vision on my training session and knew he'd wined up lost. I also knew that no matter what path I chose he and some other people would stand behind me no matter what. It was then that I decided to WANT to enroll to UA and change the heroes way of thinking. We chatted a little bit and I could tell he was a bit overwhelmed. "AS, order some pizza and test the prototype: Gemenoid Red. Have it pick up the pizza." "Sir, will you finally be eating?" "Unfortunately no, you know my circumstances." "Yes sir." I cut the connection and headed off to my sector. It was there that I saw some teens picking on what looked like a little puppy.

I felt an immense rage and decided to shift into a big wolf creature to see how they'd like being beaten up by a "mere mutt." In their words. When I jumped down I avoided the puppy and jumped over it in a protective stance. They saw my massive size and started to activate their quirks. "Deactivate." I growled out. The look of terror on their face was funny. "You... you're Freestyler!" One spouted. "And you're screwed." I grinned and shot some of my fur, which then hardened into spikes pinning them to the side of a wall. "Please...don't kill us." One said before passing out, the other two crying. I turned to the bleeding puppy and cooed it. "It'll be alright little one." I said then put my scarred hand on it's side. Immortal Healing. I said and the puppy quickly regained it's consciousness and stood up.

I used my mind reading and asked him what had happened here. He explained that his mother abandoned him when she found out he had a quirk mutation. He then explained how the teens thought it would be fun to use him as a target for practice and it pissed me off. "You have no place to go right? Well... now you do." I said and picked up the little bundle of fur. He licked my face and I shifted into my human form. Do you care if I'm human? I asked him telepathically. Not at all! You saved me and are giving me a home! The cute pup said. I smiled and called for AI. "Bring this pup home and give him one of my specialized bones." The drone took it's position on the gemenoid machine. "The drone called for a blue gemenoid I had created earlier and it morphed into a mini go cart. The drone will protect and take you home, you'll ride in the gemenoid. It's programmed to take you to my special location under radar. I am on patrol but I will be home very soon." I told the pup who nodded his head. "We can talk when I return." I smiled then sent them on their way as I made my way to another building.

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