Exam Day

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When I arrived to UA with Shin, We sat and listened to the meeting that was until a blunette started complaining about me writing notes in a journal and whispering to Shin. "If your here to fool around then leave." This ticked me off a little due to my vow to never be picked on again by someone my age. I looked directly at the kid and used an intimidation voice enhancer. "Sorry." I said with no ounce of an apology once so ever. In that split second I made a decision, I'll play the innocent student all while doing vigilant work and maintaining my other lifestyle. I grinned in satisfaction and sat down. The kid shut his trap and the meeting concluded. "Hey shin, here. This is a quasi communication device that directly sends me your status. If your in trouble or need help it'll pick up on it and send me a signal.

He nodded and we made our way to the written exams. I finished with ease and under about ten minutes while the rest struggled. I felt shin's panic via device and sent a calming signal. I then went to Nezu's office and was greeted by the heroes ambushing me. I simply used shadow hands to hold them in place. "Rude." I said and glared at them then at Nezu. "Sorry Red, they didn't believe that you could stop their ambush so they hid and waited." I sighed at his reasoning and let the heroes go. "So.. what made you crazy heroes decide to try a stunt like that?" I asked with a more demanding tone. "We only wanted to see if what Nezu said about you was true." One of them said. "I wanted to see you up close...hey your pretty cute!" Midnight said. "Too young for you." I shrugged and turned to Nezu. "You wanted to give me a personal test right? Let's get started." I smirked and he handed me a note. "Your to write an essay about how your mental state is." I looked at him skeptically. "That's all?" He nodded.

I put my hand on a stack of paper and made the pages glow. "You want pictures and diagrams included?" I asked not amused by his idea of a test. "If you want, I'm going to have each of the teachers here read a copy." He said and made me pause. "Not Endehoe and AllBite." I said. He looked amused by the nicknames. "Very well then." He said. "Shake on it." I said lighting my hand in a black and red flame. "Oh? What is this for?" "It won't burn but it will prevent you from breaking your word to me." I grinned. "Deal." He said and shook it with ease. "Not even your loop holes can break it principal." I said and finished the assignment. I waved and walked out leaving the other heroes/teachers speechless.

I met up with shin in the lunch room and we discussed what my room would look like. "I'm thinking of making it have the sci-fi-fanatsy vibes." "That sounds pretty neat." We continued to chat and then we were interrupted by a girl with an anti-gravity quirk. "Hello!" She said greeting us. I nodded my head in acknowledgment and shin waved. "I'm Uraraka Ochako, can I sit with you guys?" "Sure." I shrugged. "You finished the exam really quickly! I struggled a bit in finding my nerves." She laughed a little bit awkwardly. "Well, I had a luck charm and have studied a bit for the general exams but my brother is a bit of a genius." I looked to shin and he snickered at my reaction. I then cleared my throat and explained that I was here due to a high IQ. "Wow! That's incredible! I'm only here for the money... She said a bit embarrassed." I glared at her if her reason wasn't to my liking I would have to take my own measures. "Oh why money? What would you do if you had it?" I asked.

"Well, I've always lived poor and so has my family, I'd start by giving them a good sum for them to retire and then use my money to enjoy life rather than always be working. Heroes, villains, citizens, they're all the same to me. I really couldn't care less as long as it's fun to enjoy." I wasn't entirely opposed to her reasoning. "And If you were super popular?" "Who cares? Fame is overrated." I smiled. "Good answer, I'm RedThorn and this is my brother Shinso. You can call me Red though." I smiled and got up form my spot. "I'll see you after the practical exam Shin." I then walked to my designated block for the upcoming fight. When I arrived I saw the bluenette standing next to me but payed no mind. The gates opened and I dashed in.

Over the intercom we heard, "are you waiting for an invitation?! The exam started as soon as the gates opened!" And I saw a bunch of the other applicants dash in. I waited a few seconds then decided it was time to wrap things up. I raised my hand to the air and summoned a lighting storm. "Barrage!" I said and the lighting struck multiple robots of different shapes and sizes. It charred them into a pile of ashes. I then turned to some other robots and used mass telekinesis on some poles I had created then stabbed them in their core. I watched as the other examiners paused and then the ground shook. I knew it was the zero pointer. I didn't care to defeat it until the girl that sat with me and shin at lunch was caught under some rubble. I turned and dashed for the robot while everyone else ran.

I caught everyone in a barrier and then saved the girl by taking her to the sky with her in my arms. "Electrical flood!" I shouted and a wave of water appeared flooding the area where the robot was. It managed to paralyze it. I then sent a high voltage shock through it and the water caused the robot to explode. I dodged all of the debris while carrying the girl and flying down to the barrier. I de-activated the wing quirk and made the water disappear. The students watched as I deactivated the barrier and walked off. When I walked out I saw Shin waiting for me and we continued home.

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