Good Riddance!

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I knew Izuku would get his quirk at the age of four. I didn't know that it would be so much like the man that shattered and broke my heart. When the doctor told us the conditions for his quirk to activate I was not only afraid but enraged that now he shared more with the man I detested than I had hoped. I did the only thing I could think of at the time and it was treating Izuku like trash. Here I am now burning next to my husband and realizing that I should have never hurt him the way I did. "It must be karma..." I muttered.


A few weeks have passed since I ran away. I decided to train my body for my vigilante career and make my new home more... homey? When I was out on a run one morning, I noticed smoke rising from an all too familiar area. I despised my parents for treating me like trash but at the same time felt pity for my mother. I decided to check it out for the hell of it and sure enough my gut was right. I saw my mom's apartment complex on fire and the top two heroes fighting a villain in black. I didn't have time to think and before I knew it, my body was in the flaming rubble looking for my mother. I couldn't feel the burns as I stepped in and when I did I saw her crisp body laying under a metal pillar.

I tried desperately to pry it off of her but the metal melted and ended up severing my arm in the process. I didn't even wince as I saw the arm laying there. Rise. I all but whispered and the rubble floated above me and the now multiple bodies spewed across the ash covered ground. I unintentionally caught the eyes of the two heroes and villain. I stared at the three of them and growled with my hair covering my eyes. I don't know what happened at that moment but I snapped. Cage I said and moved my good arm towards the three. The rubble flaming rushed towards them and formed a quazhi-cage around them. I thought about the heroes being pinned under pressure and they fell to their stomachs. I entered the "cage" and used telekinesis to pull a metal pole towards me. I grabbed it and charged at the man in black. I knew he would try to turn the odds against me so I stabbed him in eye. He managed to activate his quirk in the nick of time because I then felt the same damage I had inflicted upon him.

(A/n: my art of the quirks, code, holoscreen, and barrier)

I managed to minimize the damage but as the years passed of me being beaten and called trash, I eventually started to believe it and lost pretty much all sense of self perseverance

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I managed to minimize the damage but as the years passed of me being beaten and called trash, I eventually started to believe it and lost pretty much all sense of self perseverance. The arm loss was fatal if I didn't stop the bleeding as was the eye. I healed myself just enough to make the wounds un fatal but not regenerate the now missing parts. Vanish I muttered then disappeared to the others. I was still there but walking out of the cage and to the junkyard beach. When I arrived I wrapped my arm and eye in some bandages I had hidden there a few weeks back and leaned against the makeshift trash wall. I thought about how my "family" treated me and how I officially had no one related to me.

(A/n: My art of Izu)

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(A/n: My art of Izu)

I felt saddened but also relieved. Now I knew for a fact no one would cry or care if I died and did vigilante work. I hastily got up and thought about how I'd need my arm and eye to do things and begun to create blue prints for the things that would replace them. Once they were imagined I thought about all the pieces required appearing and building themselves. I watched as a red glow formed where my arm was and a new robotic arm appeared. I realized I could see in both eyes once again at that same moment. I thought about how it just happened and immediately saw a holographic screen appear in front of me form my arm. It started recording my quirk and the notes I took. Code it I muttered and the typing stopped then the letters shifted into a code I somehow knew how to read.

There's more to this quirk than I thought... I thought about how I could use it all the way back to my makeshift nest. The sky looked like it was going to rain so I figured trying to create a rain, weapon, quirk, and human proof barrier that only I or people I gave permission could enter. I was surprised when a bubble appeared around the entire tree and didn't pop when I poked it. I mean I imagined it like a mirage of some sorts so it wouldn't be easy to find and sure enough the bubble and tree disappeared. I looked at it in shock and walked to where the tree should be and then when I entered the bubble dome, I saw my nest and belongings. "Cool." I said and climbed up.  I decided to experiment with my quirk and new limbs. I thought about some blue prints for a drone and then raised my hand in front of me. I watched my robotic hand glow a bluish color and then a small dog-bug like robot appeared. It was just how I had thought.

"do I need to use my quirk on you for you to understand me?" I muttered thinking it wouldn't work. "No sir." I looked at it in surprise. "Can you answer some questions?" "I have the knowledge of every quirk, hero, and villain in history via inter web and your thoughts." "My thoughts?" "I am connected to your mechanical eye. This is why the creation color was a bit different." I looked at the thing impressed with myself. It was like talking to a dog and human at the same time. "Well, I can't just call you it. Let me think... does, AS sound good?" "AS. Name has been registered in my database. Now awaiting the next order." I knew the name AS stood for Artificial Support. I thought about creating another one but was drawn out of my thoughts when AS  spoke up. "Sir, may I request a partner to help assist you?" I looked at the thing and decided I would need the help anyway. "Alright, but quick question. Can you record data, my internal notes, and act as a mobile computer but also take a more animalistic form?" "If this is what you want me to do please command it so it will be engraved in my design sir." I looked at it confused. "Tap a finger on the center aspect of my screen sir." I did and AS glowed a faint red. "Engraving complete taking, optimal form." I watched as AS shifted his body into a giant "one eyed" snake.

I created another one of the robots and named him AI cause why not. I gave the same engravings to the two of them and now had two shapeshifting, artificial, element proof robots, that doubled as a guard. "AS we are going to be doing some home modifications, AI go to town with this money and buy a sleeveless hoodie, mouth mask, black long pants, and tight black shirts." "Sir!" The two got started on the tasks at hand. I figured it was time to start the vigilantism. "Get ready world, cause a new vigilante and singer is going to make debut!" I cheered happily.

(A/n: my art of AI and AS, as well as the robotic arm: they won't use their shapeshifting abilities unless under certain circumstances)

(A/n: my art of AI and AS, as well as the robotic arm: they won't use their shapeshifting abilities unless under certain circumstances)

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