Moment of Truth

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I had decided to go on patrol with Aizawa due to us going to head over to my son's current home afterwards. "So...Erasure Head, what are we going to do if the kid has a pet?" I asked trying to make conversation while we were jumping from roof to roof. "Isn't it obvious? We're keeping the pets too!" He smiled. When we arrived to our location we saw Red leaning on a wall with a few thugs pinned against the wall. I also noticed he was talking to a bluenette. He waved the bluenette off and looked in our direction. "Heya." He said with his mask. "Hello freestyler." Aizawa started. I wanted to reach out and hug him but knew the situation wasn't right. I think he somehow knew what I was thinking because he threw me a paper and grinned. "See ya later heroes." He then disappeared. I read the note to Aizawa:

Hey guys, look you don't want to be caught with a vigilante on patrol. You'll be accused of misconduct. Anyway Insomniac is at my place and I get a feeling you were going to come by later anyway. I'll see you there~

We looked at each-other and agreed that we'd go to the kid's house later. We patrolled and by patrolled, we meant cleaned up after Red. He was really good at being a vigilante. We could never say that though due to our own careers. After a few hours of this routine, we decided to head over to the kid's house. We knew it was by the once junk covered beach but ended up still getting lost. That was until we saw a green gemstone looking person come out and greet us. It gripped my hand and tugged me to the forest. "Should we follow it?" I asked Aizawa. "We don't have much of a choice it seems." He said and begun to follow me. When we walked about 15-20 minutes into the forest we saw a massive willow tree. It had the drone around it from earlier along with a black one. "Red? Shinso?" Aizawa whisper-yelled. "You guys, there's no reason to whisper. The barrier is sound proof." We turned around to see Red behind us.


I had the drone units follow the heroes to make sure they didn't get lost. I wasn't surprised when they found my home successfully. It made me snicker when they whispered to call us. I showed them to my "lounge" and watched as they hugged Shin. It made my stomach churn uncomfortably. I knew it was the desire for a family but decided to bottle it up. "So...what can I do for you?" I asked a little awkwardly. They looked at me and Mic walked up to me. I was concerned about what he might do. When he wrapped his arms around me I froze and felt a mild panic. The flames that shielded me yet hurt me started to burn and it instantly caught their attention. "What's the matter?" I heard on of them say but at this point I was very disoriented. I managed to shakily sign that it was just panic and not a big deal.

It was obviously a lie that I was fine but I couldn't understand why they weren't hurting me like my previous family had done. The flames must have revealed something to them because they immediately let go. I backed up and looked at them awaiting a punishment. It never came. "W-why didn't you tell anyone?" Aizawa had stuttered out. The flames started to die down but what caught my attention was that he was shaken. Last time he touched the flames, they had no effect on him... I had to corral my mind back to my current situation however. "What was there to tell? No one would want to save a "quirkless" child since they were considered useless in this day and age." I frowned.


I watched as Mic hugged Red but when he did they were engulfed in the hellish flames. I knew I couldn't erase the kid's quirk but had to pull Mic away. I saw a glimpse of the bulling and pain the kid went through and with the little I had on him, I knew his case was much worse than I had first thought. I asked him why he didn't tell anyone, still trying to recover from the glimpses I saw. His answer made my emotions swirl in a fury. I looked at how broken the kid seemed and realized that this was the first time he had froze. He usually had no self preservation when he was a vigilante and always fought or ran when we'd see him out of his vigilante persona.

"Can you tell us everything?" I asked cautiously. I knew that this would most likely be the best way to go about helping this kid. "It's not a pretty story...." I could tell Red was very resistant but as soon as I moved my hand a little he flinched and said, "sorry. Yeah. I'll speak." I noticed his sentences were broken. "Look kid, we won't hurt you so feel at ease okay?" "Not that easy." "Why not?" "..." the kid clammed up for a while. Then begun his terrible history.

"When I was little my mother loved me and treated me with so much kindness. I had a childhood friend named Katsuki that I called father never liked me to begin with because it was found later that I wasn't his blood related child. He liked to beat me when mom would leave us alone. That was fine until I turned four. When I turned four I got my quirk. It was an unheard of quirk and my mother said it resembled my bio father. She told me after the doctor's appointment to say I was quirkless and to never speak, use it, touch, or anything around her. Anytime I disobeyed I would get a horrible beating. My parents knew I could never die even if I wanted to, so they would stab me, burn me, try everything they could think of to hurt me.

Every time however, they would fail and it made them mad. School wasn't much better. Katsuki, he had other friends and they would all suicide bait me. I usually got beaten up there too. While I can get rid of scars, that's only if I have self preservation. At that point I realized that no one would help me and I was worthless. Quirk or not I was considered trash. I decided to run away at night and help people who need it. I'd return just in time so my parents wouldn't beat me for being out later than 4:00. One night however I saw smoke while I was returning to my "home" and when I arrived I saw flames. I despised my old man from the start but when I saw my mother I couldn't help but grieve. She was dead under a pile of rubble while endevour, All might and a villain in black were fighting.

I called for help but no one heard me. I let out some of the rage that had been building and punctured the villains face. He had some sort of way to make feel what I had done to him and that's how I lost my eye. I lost my arm while I was trying to get to my mother's body. I normally could regenerate them but at that point I decided against it. So if the villain ever saw me again with his other eye, he would know I would be the one to have his head. I now have a strong hatred for these four people and will never be bent to their will."

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