Slowly but surely

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I was out on patrol when I got a text from Mic. It showed the picture of the boy he met near the junkyard beach and then my phone went off. The number was an unknown caller and I figured it was the detective. I was very wrong about that! "Hello? Hello. Hello. (A/n:If you get this great!) It's your favorite vigilante. Go check on the deceive! He needs your assistance with something. Hizashi is already on his way. Bye~" I looked up and saw a figure flying insanely fast right past me while laughing. I noticed the figure had two orb like things flying next to him. It looked like he was heading towards the junkyard beach. I was torn, go after the most likely vigilante or after my husband and the detective. I choose to go after the deceive because my gut was telling me the puzzle pieces where about to come together.

FLAAAAAAASH BAAAAAAACK (A/n:only legends know it.)

Nezu had told me that he was playing someone in chess recently and the said person had beat him multiple times. When he was playing he said the user name was RedThorn and struck a very similar resemblance in the vigilante's strategic planning. In other words Nezu wanted to meet the vigilante and he was sending me to find him. I remember Mic telling me about this kid who called himself deku and also brought that to the rat/bear/mouse thing's attention. I looked at him and asked him if he had any ideas on who this kid was and the vigilante. He hummed in thought but never answered.


When I arrived to the detective and Mic I saw a little boy clinging to Mic's leg and not letting go. "Erasure head? How'd you know where to- oh." The detective started but then realized it was the very same vigilante that had brought me to them. "Well, you'll be happy to know I was smart enough to keep my hidden camera rolling so I'll share the footage with you when we settle with this matter." He said gesturing to Mic and the kid. "Mic? Who is this little guy?" I asked not wanting to scare the kid. "His name is Shinso. I want to take him home with us!" Mic said happily. The kid beamed at him then looked at me. I looked at the detective and he sweatdropped nervously. "I'll explain at the station?" He said like it was a question. I facepalmed. "Mic, take the kid to the house. I'll be home soon." I said and the two grinned from ear to ear.


I got a call from an unknown number. More like the number shouldn't exist because it was in Roman numerals and the number 6. I not wanting to miss it picked up. "Hizashi? Good. The detective has a surprise for you and you'll get the son you've been wanting. He is a good friend of mine so treat him like gold! He is under my protection. Alright, I'm Freestyling out!" I looked at the phone confused af and then processed what he had said. I rushed out of the house and strait to the location the phone number had sent. When I arrived I saw two adults being arrested and a young purple haired boy. He saw me then ran over to my leg and refused to let go. "Detective, what's going on?" I asked and he gave me some paper work and a copy of the USB. This should explain it and those papers are to adopt him." He whispered the last part not wanting to get the other boy's hopes up. I was extatic to know that the vigilante's word's were true, but when I realized that I felt a little frightened. I now understood what "he is under my protection" meant.

I shuddered at the thought of a powerful vigilante coming after me or Aizawa, besides, I've always wanted a son or two. I then realized that the vigilante knew our real names and got a little more worried. I remembered the picture from earlier of the kid. "Hey, now isn't the best time but here, this is a kid I wanted you to look into for me." I handed him the said picture and then focused on consoling the purple marshmallow. When I saw Aizawa arrive I was relieved. He left with the detective and I took the now alseep boy to his soon to be, new home.


I was happy that the kid I cared about had a new safety net. I thought about going home and sleeping for a while but knew it would just result in nightmares. When I finally did reach the nest, I got into my "Rags" and sat on the makeshift couch. While I preformed on tv sometimes, I didn't make much money. I only sing one song and no one knows where I live. I had to work with what I had. I did manage to build a specialized headset for singing and recording. "AS, connect my radio channel to the headset and play Windows Down by big time rush." "Yes sir." I begun singing and then when the song finished I began to talk, "Thanks for tuning in. I thought it would be a fitting song for some events that have taken place tonight." I said then disconnected. My technology was unhackable and flawless. I loved being a radio star and vigilante. It was the freedom I never had until I ran away...


I looked and listened to the new information I was being fed and that was when I realized, Mic's Picture looked a lot like the "ghost" kid I saw who just straight up vanished. Then the vigilante appeared like a ghost too. I started to think they were all connected somehow but had no idea. "I managed to swipe this from Mic, this should be helpful to you as well." Aizawa said handing me a mini journal. I was in for quite a night.

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