Fabio's Pizza

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I went to talk to the two boys about their scores and honestly was so proud of them for their accomplishments. I knew Red wasn't happy about being at UA but it was the only option we had to keep him safe and possibly out of jail. I walked to Red's room and was surprised to see a metallic door in front of me. I knocked and it opened when I did. I walked in and saw a fully decorated room and was taken aback by it. I told Shin his grades to take my mind off of things then, Shin smiled when he got his grade but Red didn't look impressed. I noticed the boys were playing a game that had yet to be released and wanted to ask but decided against it. I then told Shin and Red we were having pizza for dinner. I knew Red hasn't eaten in probably days so it was a good chance to see how much he could intake. I wanted to start him back on food again but didn't know cooperative he'd be.

I sat in the living room with a book and begun to read until I was stopped by Shin shouting "HUH?!" And then dragging Red out of his room to me. He looked at me and then said that Red had never had pizza before. I was astonished by the news so I immediately got my keys called Mic and we headed for Fabio's Pizza. When we arrived we were greeted by the register person. I saw that it was a girl who was going to be in my class and a classmate of Red. I was worried we'd be recognized but when we walked up she seemed like she didn't know who we were. I turned to Mic and he looked as puzzled as I was. I then saw Shin grab Red's arm and drag him to the order area. I was worried Red would refuse but then he walked up and ordered a slice of cheese. I was amazed the two have gotten so close in such short amounts of time.


I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that we had my biological son and adopted son now living with us as a family. I was happy to have them but furious at Inko for treating him the way she did. I was amazed by the kid's compassion and will power to live on after everything he'd been through. I was listening to music and thinking of some song lyrics when I remembered Red was the Red Rabbit from Tv. I wondered if he would preform with me at some point and wanted to bring this to his attention. I was interrupted by my thoughts as soon as Aizawa called for me to meet him in the car. I did and we went to Fabio's Pizza. I deadpanned thinking it was an emergency and in hindsight it was. Red has never had pizza before. We waited for his reaction and when he took a bite he lit up like we had never seen.


I was surprised Shin grabbed my arm and dragged me to the living room over Pizza but when I got a taste I understood why. I had to send a gemenoid to feed cinnabun due to us abruptly leaving. When we arrive to the place, I realized that the girl who was working was the girl I had saved during the exam. I didn't exactly want to talk with anyone other than my current family so I put an illusion around us to prevent her from find out our real identities. When we finally go our pizza It smelled incredible and then I took a bite. It was amazing! It was one of the best things I ever had. I snarfed the slice down and the beamed with how good it was. I sent a clone to trade in some gemstone pieces and quickly return.

When they returned they returned with a black card and form as well as a note. "What is that thing?!" Uraraka screeched when she saw it and the two heroes just looked on in confusion. My gemenoid handed me the black card and the note and read it over. "Hello RedThorn , my name is Tsuyu Asui and I'm very pleased about the trade and would actually like to be of assistance to you. In other words I'd like to work with you in your trade of gemstones. Please fill out your black card and meet me at the beach tomorrow at 4:00. I am curious about you as for the card, it has over a million dollars on it due to the gemstones rarity. -Tsu." I grinned and then put my hand on the card. It glowed and then the information needed was coded and imprinted.

I looked at the heroes and shin and then showed them the black card. "Time for more pizza." I grinned and walked over to order more. The three were staring as I walked to the counter. 'Uraraka!" I called out surprising her. "How did you know my name?" She stuttered. "It's on your name tag... anyway, I want to order a mega pizza with three thirds. One cheese, one cheeseburger, and one Alfredo." She looked at me curious. "May I ask if it's for a party?" "It's for me." "HUH?!" She was impressed and a little afraid of  my appetite. I payed with the black card and saw a small tinge of jealousy cross her face. I smiled knowingly and then left her a tip of a 1,000. I walked back to the table and was greeted with a bunch of questions.

"How did you get a black card?" (Aizawa) "What is that gemstone looking creature?" (Mic) "How much do you have?" (Shin). I raised my hands for them to slow down with the questions. When they stopped their bombardment I continued. "The black card I got by sending a gemenoid to a pawn shop and trading in some of the gemstones I had made with my quirk, as for what a gemenoid is... it's equivalent to a morphing gemstone golem. They are connected to my main "system" in my body. I am after all partially a cyborg..." I said grinning. when I finished explaining the pizza was done and I shared a slice with Uraraka. "Sir, why are you being so nice to me?" She asked a little worried.

I caused time to freeze accept around Uraraka and shifted into my vigilante outfit. I handed her a skateboard charm. "Want to help me with something?" I grinned when she saw the symbol on it. "Your!" "Well? You'll be payed well and working with friends." I smiled under my mask. "How can I not pass this offer?!" She squealed with excitement. "Life will never be dull again." I said as I resumed time I told her not to tell anyone of our connection instead I asked her to meet me at the beach at 4:00 and pose as my secretary in a potential "trade" business. She nodded and then time resumed. 

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