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I couldn't believe what I just heard. The pro heroes wanted to adopt me? This had to be some kind of sick joke. I glanced at them and could only make out one word, "why?" I said. "Because you deserve a good life." Mic said smiling. I looked at him determined not to loose my freedom and place I was staying in the forest. I acted like I had been tired to get Aizawa's guard down then when he released me I thought about teleporting and vanished before there eyes. I reappeared in the tree and to my relief AI was there with the new project I had him design. I thought about what the town heroes said and how they're reacting right now. It made me want to cry but from the years of abuse I decided against it. "AI send a message to Mic and Aizawa. Tell them that I'll agree to meeting them but wish to be  able to come and go as I please. It will take time for me to adapt to staying with them." "Sir!" The drone replied and flew off.

I looked at the project and grinned UA will be exciting. I knew the school year at UA would be starting soon and despite my big distrust of many heroes, I still wanted to be one. I doubt my nature would be accepted in school though... I thought a little down ridden by the thought. I saw AS flash meaning I was getting a message back. "Izuku! Why did you run?!" A hologram of Aizawa appeared and yelled. "First, I don't like being called Izuku so please just call me Red. Second, I'm not about to have my freedom taken from me." He looked at me understandingly. "All right, we saw your terms and have agreed to abide by them for now, one condition though, YOU MUST JOIN UA!" I saw Mic appear and finish Aizawa's sentence. I nodded in agreement. I sent them a map of where my tree-hideout was and how to get there. "You're allowed to enter but only you, Mic, and Shinso." I said seriously.

They smiled and then nodded. I sighed not knowing how to react to their excitement. The communication went off and later AI reappeared by me. "Add Aizawa, Mic, and Shinso, to the entry register." "Yes sir." the drone flew off and down underground. I was curious about some things and had decided to test them. I thought about turning into a rabbit and when I opened my eyes I was extremely close to the ground. I raised my hand to my head only to find it was covered in fur and very small. I thought about becoming a giant snake and sure enough my body changed into a giant red coiled snake. I thought about changing the color of my scales to black and watched as they turned a black color.

(A/n: reds rabbit form^v^)

It's not just manipulation by commands

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It's not just manipulation by commands... it's full on creation with no drawbacks!" I was so thrilled to have this quirk. I shifted back into a human and began testing my second Idea. I raised my hand and said, gemstone. I was amazed when a red gemstone appeared infront of me from out of the ground. I thought about it breaking and it broke off. I let my robotic eye appraise it and it turned out to be worth a hefty sum. I decided to put it in my safe. "AI, under no circumstances are the three who have been registered allowed to enter the safe." He nodded in agreement. I then got started on my third experiment. Future sight. I said and focused on Aizawa. What I saw was him, Mic, and shinso, on their way to my tree at three thirty in the morning. Their conversation consisted of Mic complaining about coming out here at 3:30 because of insomnia.

My vision stopped and I was in the present time, five. I wrote down the time that the three should arrive and saved it for later. Half of me was excited but the other half was skeptical. Did the heroes really want me for me or did they want my quirk for their own personal gain. I thought that by letting them find me in my natural habitat would give me an advantage but maybe I was wrong? I had many questions going through my head but then remembered It was training time. I headed to the junkyard beach and began cleaning, sorting, and burning the garbage. Over time the beach became much cleaner and now it was finally clean. No one could dump their trash here and get away with it anymore.


I was relieved when Izu woke up. I was worried though when he ran off and managed to get out of Aizwa's capture gear. I felt so worried and helpless after he managed to get away from us and disappear. I was astonished when he teleported. I thought his quirk was a voice manipulation type but he didn't say anything. He just...vanished. After awhile of that painful helplessness, Aizawa, Shinso, and I were met with a Red drone. It grabbed my finger with a claw of some sort and moved it to a button. When my finger pressed the button, a holographic image of Izu appeared. Aizawa quickly stated his distaste for his running away but then Izu started to tell us how he hated his name Izuku and preferred to be called red. He said it reminded him too much of his mother since it was her that used to call her that. "Is red your middle name?" I muttered subconsciously. "Yes and no, my full name is Izuku RedThorn Midoriya. Ever since my mother...well... I prefer to be called red." He said in a monotone voice.

All of our phones buzzed and when we opened it we saw a map written in a foreign language. "I'll translate it." The holographic image of Red said then the writing format changed into English. Fifteen minutes straight from the end of junkyard beach. Is what we read. "This is my current living space. You three have been granted access to it please do not share it with anyone seeing is how they won't find it or be able to enter." He said the the communication was cut. The red drone flew off in the beach's direction and I turned to Shinso to ask him if he wanted to go see Red. When I looked however I saw Shinso was not there. "He already left as soon as the map was translated..." Aizawa said the flopped into his sleeping bag. "We're not going?" I asked. "Let the boys meet then we'll make our way there." He said and began to "snore" like he was fast asleep. All I could do was sigh in exasperation by his nonchalant attitude.

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