puzzle pieces

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I turned on my new favorite channel after finishing my own and saw the mysterious singer that was singing crazy train the other day. It has become a frequent habit in the mornings that I listen in and watch this guys songs because he was a very interesting person. He looked super young too. Young... I thought about the conversation I had with the person on the radio the other night and remembered to tell Aizawa about it. I didn't like the idea of a boy in the forest by himself and calling himself deku. My show ended but I was surprised to see that the guy on tv had an album of different songs. This person sings different genres and songs then adds his own twists. Just like a DJ I thought, getting ready to make breakfast.

When Aizawa woke up, I brought the recorder to the table and had him listen to our little talk. He looked just as concerned and told me he'd take it to Nezu. I decided to for a walk and eventually made my way to the junkyard beach. When I arrived I saw a young kid wearing hardly what I'd call clothes moving garbage far bigger than himself with ease. It peaked my interest. "Hey!" I called to him and made my way over slowly. He looked up at me and then went back to work. I was taken aback by the kids lack of reaction. He had one arm and an eye patch. What was concerning though was the amount of scars littering his body. "Kid, you alright?" I tried but he just ignored me. I then watched as a two tailed cat and a snake came to his side and stared at me. They only had one eye. It was bizarre to say the least.

The kid continued his work and then rested on the dock stretching out to the ocean. I watched as the two creatures stood by when I approached the kid. "Wanna drink?" I asked trying to hand the kid a soda. He looked at me with confusion then stood up and smiled. "Sorry, no." He tried to walk past me but I reached for his arm. He evaded me with ease then continued walking to the woods. I followed him but then when we reached a clearing he disappeared. I looked everywhere for the kid but never found him or the odd creatures. When I got back home I saw Aizawa on the couch looking worn out. I didn't blame him, I felt the same way.


THAT WAS TOO CLOSE! I thought knowing Mic followed me to my home. I was happy the barrier worked properly. I did my research about him and Aizawa and they honestly seemed like the most trustworthy of the heroes but I still couldn't bring myself to letting them know about me. I really was better off forgotten. I watched as the sun began to set and started gearing up. "AS, is the weapon made?" "Yes sir." "Good. How about a little test run?" I said and then thought about the form I wanted the thing to take. It took the form of a katana, then dual pistols, then a spear. I was pleased with the results. "AI, is the shifterboard complete?" "Yes sir." I tested it and pressed the button on the control for skateboard mode. "Good job you two." "Sir!" I added the enhancements to upgrade the items and then I was ready.

I switched to staff mode and changed into my vigilante outfit. "Game time!" I said and hopped on the now levitating staff. I took off from the tree top and made my way to the city. When I arrived I noticed my album was a big hit in lots of the music stores. I decided to watch from the roof tops, switching my staff to standby. I was enjoying the peaceful sunset until I heard a commotion coming from the bank below. I jumped off the roof and landed on my feet, concealing my presence. I tapped the thief and then punched him in the nose. I did a spin kick on the others then used telekinesis to grab the bags of money from the thugs. they hovered above me and were sent floating back into the bank.

I saw the girl staring my wounds down and realized it was still light out. Heal. I said and her wounds healed. "Are you all right ma'm?" She nodded. "Catch." I threw my skateboard charm at her and then "re-summoned" my staff. I took off and viewed from the skies. It finally became dark out. I headed to my normal patrol route and sure enough there were some more thugs. I took care of them easily but then saw a detective. "AI, who is this?" I whispered. "He is a detective in the xxxbranch. His quirk is truth detector sir." "Let's have a little fun with him." I smiled and jumped down into the shadows. "Detective~" I started in a chilling manner. "Do you believe in ghosts?" He looked around frantically. "N-no!" I then made myself glow a white and used illusions to make him see me as a ghost. "Really?!" I said and jumpscared him.

I felt a little bad when he fell over and became somewhat speechless. "Are you alright?" I extended my hand to him. When he struggled to take it I used telekinesis to lift him up. "W-who are y-you?" He asked. I thought how to answer seeing as he could be using his quirk. I remembered the news about my mother and father dying and had a brilliant idea. "I am a quirkless boy who died along with his family, people know me as Deku." He looked at me with lots of questions. "How I am here is no importance, my age is currently 10 years old and as for my real name? I ditched it a long time ago. I thought you and your friend Aizawa could help me with a boy I have taken a liking too."

The detective looked at me like I had grown two heads. "Okay? How?" I remembered a purple haired kid who was in an abusive household, I met a few days ago at a park in my vigilante persona. I really had taken a liking to him and wanted to help. "His name is hitoshi shinso, his family is very abusive to the point it's a crime. His quirk is brainwashing and he is bullied for it. The ideal parents would be Aizawa and Hizashi since they are looking for a child and he needs to be treated like gold." I said impressing the detective. "I'll show you where he lives and give you the files you'll need." I smiled and then made him levitate and float after me. We eventually reached shinso's place and I took it as the opportunity to switch personas.

"I heard from a quirkless boy you needed a file on this boy's home life right? Here. Also whatever he told you about him dying that was a lie. He's alive but his family is indeed dead. Everything else he told you was true and you know it, don't you, detective-san~" I tossed him the usb containing the file about the boy's family and school life. It had my logo on it so I knew he would get the message. I then got on my staff and flew up to Shinso's window and he opened it. I pointed to the detective and handed him my signature skateboard. "See ya around kid!" I then flew off and back to my nest in the woods.

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