Izuku RedThorn Midoriya

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⚠️details about this AU Izuku -spoilers ahead you've been warned⚠️
-you may just want to skip this and onto the story but this may help with some things-

Name: Izuku RedThorn Midoriya
Age: 10+
Height: 5ft 8in
Bloodtype: O
Birthday: April 22nd XXXX
Zodiac: Taurus
Sex: none (looks a lot like a male)

Middle school: Aldera Junior High School
High school: UA

Quirk: Commanding Immortal
-can manipulate and create anything via mind, voice, or motion without limits
-can regenerate at inhuman speeds and can not die
-can summon creations made at anytime and in any amount
-erasure, copy, steal, suppress, quirks/ drugs/ and item get rendered useless
-allows user to use many forms of telekinesis and ESP abilities
-is immune to immense temperature, poison, and pressures
-holds an infinite amount of possibilities and boosts creative/artistic levels by unparalleled levels
-can use quirk with little to no draw backs and with great mastery
-can alter age and never gets fat
-immune to all types of allergies and toxic gas or liquor
-can see ghosts, auras, and invisible things

Drawbacks: relapse
-body engulfs itself in a nightmare inducing flame as a form of protection (nightmares will form in the person who touches these flames):(people who have been through a lot or have a great mental tolerance are not effected by this)

-if the user does not want to heal their body the body's fatal wounds will heal however, if a limb is lost it will not regenerate. The limb will only regenerate enough so the user does not die. (The body will have permanent scarring)

-succumbs easily to hypnosis, colds, and mind control

-loves Pizza, seafood, macaroni, and sweets
-loves the ocean, mountains, and high places
-has two robots that double as his pets
-has a dog named cinnabun: dog has quirks
-music, art, swimming, smoking, flying, skateboarding, and engineering are therapeutic for him
-favorite colors are, red, black, blue, gold, white, and rainbow
-loves soft, colorful, shiny, squishy, and small things
-likes being with Shinso and Todoroki
-has a tattoo of the number six in Roman numerals on his torso-waist area
-always wears a small white bandage under his good eye and a black, grey, or white shirt under his clothes
-has pierced ears And fangs (not artificial)
-has pointy ears and snake like pupils

-hates all might, endevour, and bakugo
-hates the name Izuku and prefers to go by Red
-hates anchovies, Brusselsprouts, artichokes, and sun dried tomatoes
-dislikes loud noises and uniforms but ironically likes costumes

-has a sadistic side
-can be very violent
-has panic attacks triggered by immense feelings of fear, constriction, sadness, and pain
-can barely feel pain anymore and is unnervingly calm in situations
-drawbacks happened a lot later in his life
-has a distrust for many people

School records: without the mystery
-was suicide baited multiple times
-beaten up by many of the peers and even teachers
-teachers neglected him and would force him to be overworked
-never fought back in fear of consequences
-was very studious and always did his homework
-very self kept and quiet
-desk was always littered with hateful notes

Homelife: (before moving in with the heroes)
-mother drink and drug attic
-father abusive
-neglected and never fed
-abused and beaten

-depression & anxiety
-gunshot wounds
-missing arm
-missing eye
(A/n: art is coming soon! The art portion takes time so bear with me. Just skim through to see it once it's complete.)

My Art of the hero and villain costumes of Red aka Izuku.

Feel free to comment on stuff but no hate please^^ I love hearing from you guys and it help keep my story going :)

Feel free to comment on stuff but no hate please^^ I love hearing from you guys and it help keep my story going :)

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