Identity Crisis!

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I followed the detective back to his office and when we sat put all of the things Mic had given me, the tapes, and Mic's journal about the radio star. I didn't know how the picture would tie all of this together until... "I've seen that kid!" The detective said waking me up. "Huh?!" "Tonight before you came, this kid showed himself to me as a ghost and told me about shinso. When we arrived at the kid's home, he disappeared and in his place was the vigilante, freestyler." He proceeded to show me the camera footage from his hidden camera. I noticed multiple things right off the bat, the scars looked a lot like the vigilantes. The kid is missing an arm and the vigilante had a robotic arm and eye... "did you get the name of this kid?" I asked now understanding that they were the same person.

"No, all he said was he was 10 years old, considered quirkless, his family died, and he goes by the name Deku." My eyes widen upon hearing that and I immediately turned to the page in Mic's journal about meeting a kid on an old radio called Deku. The detective got to work on finding more details out on the kid from the information he had. My phone buzzed while I waited for the information. "Big Hint: Aldera Junior High School." I read and saw it was from a number in roman numerals. "Uh, Detective... look." I said and showed him the text. His eyes widened and he began typing in the new "hint" we just received. I tried to text the number back but failed. A note then appeared at the window along with one of the orbs I saw earlier. I opened the window cautiously and took the note. The thing flew off and disappeared in the night.

"Congratulations on figuring out my identity! You won't catch me easily though... anyway, I gave you the hint because I lost a game to Nezu in chess. It was the punishment for loosing. Also AIZAWA! You better take care of my purple insomniac! You wouldn't want your weakness to go public right? Anyway... BYE!
-your local freestyler!"

We looked at the note and both paused what we were doing. "How'd he know that we were looking into him?" The detective asked. I shook my head. "Well, I got what you needed from me." I turned to face him after I made a cup of coffee. "His name is Izuku RedThorn Midoriya, his family died in an accident when he was about six years old, the records at his school say he was a troublesome kid, he was labeled quirkless but his medical record states he does indeed have a quirk. A note from the doctor said he had an IQ higher than anyone in the world." I listened intently on his information and realized just how old this kid actually was. "Wait, if the kid's family died four years back... he's only 10?! He's so young and has managed to stay hidden and sneak up on me many times!" This made the detective's eyebrow raise. "But you're like immune to ambushes!" He exclaimed. We both stood at the revelation. I started thinking about why the name Midoriya sounded so familar then it hit me like a frickin bullet train. "MIC!" I all but blurted. I grabbed the paper and ran out the door.

I rushed back to my apartment and slammed the door open, "MIC HOLY FUCK!" I all but yelled and he slapped me atop the head. I looked at him as he pointed to hitoshi who surprisingly didn't wake up and I nodded. I then motioned for him to follow me and we went into our dining room. "Mic, you remember how you dated a woman named Inko midoriya?" He looked saddened but then nodded. "Look what we just found out at the office!" I said and shoved the paper in his hands. I had many emotions rushing through me but the number one was that Mic had a kid and the kid is still alive! He looked at the profile in disbelief. "He's my son?! Why didn't she tell me?! That back stabbing bitch!" He growled and then remembered his excitement about Izuku. "So I guess we have two sons now huh?" "No I guess! We have two sons!!!" He all but leaped into my arms and sobbed happy tears.

I remembered Izuku's words on the note and remembered an important factor, "Hizashi, you should know that he probably won't open up to us easily. He's a vigilante remember?" This made his eyes widen and the sad but hard reality finally sunk in. "Starting tomorrow I'm joining the search to find him!" He said with great determination. "Can I help?" We heard the purple insomniac's voice say from behind us. I was about to say no when he cut me off, "he saved me and If I can I want to save him too." I admired the little one that stood before us. "You can help him by making him feel safe and happy when we catch him and have him live with us!" I said. He frowned a bit at hearing he wouldn't be able to help directly. "But when we go to the park tomorrow we can keep our eyes open for him okay?" Mic managed to cheer him up.

It was a crazy night for the three of us and we decided we'd need all the sleep we could get for the events that would take place tomorrow. Adopting not only Shinso but getting custody of Izuku. I knew tomorrow I'd need a gallon of coffee to keep me going. I couldn't help but wonder why the school would call him a problem child when he gave off such a nice vibe. I had many questions in my mind but knew that tomorrow would hopefully be the day I got answers. I then drifted off into a mild sleep.

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