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When AI returned form the errands, I got started on enhancing and upgrading the items. I thought about how to get around and decided a shifting weapon would be the best choice. "AS, can you build this without me?" "If you can leave the raw materials, I can have it done by tomorrow morning sir." "Good, then let's get started." I had built in a weapon system in my arm and wanted to test the new fighting styles on some actual villains. I learned over the past three days that I could communicate with the robots via my eye and telepathically. We can communicate through radio waves as well which is how I wound up talking to someone via radio channel. I went out and found a thug mugging someone. I swiftly took care of the said thug and left a red skateboard charm with my my symbol on it.

I was happy I had a voice changer built in my mask. "This is a symbol to remind you that you are not alone. The FreeStyler has your back."  I then jumped onto the roof and did a quick scan of my sector. It was fairly quiet tonight so I decided to just stay on the roof of a building top. I was enjoying the breeze when I picked up on someone's presence near by. The presence was surrounded by a bunch of people. AI, hack into their systems and detail me in on what's happening. I was then informed that the pro hero erasure head was being surrounded by a drug dealers gang. Their quirks were spin, blade, poision, and smelt. Troublesome... I thought and decided to check out the damage. When I arrived I saw erasure head looking pretty worn down.

Present mic wouldn't be happy if his husband got injured. Shadow hands! I grinned and grabbed three of the thugs, holding them in the air via shadow. The leader looked up at me and sent some poison arrows in my direction. I thought about a shield and the reflected off of nothing. I then jumped down and began hand to hand with the villain. He pulled some tricky poison knives on me but every time they made contact I didn't back down. I eventually managed to kick him in the back knees and he fell unconscious. I turned to the other thugs and grinned. "You boys like money right? Then you'll like being cuffed in it!" Diamond cuffs! I said and the said things appeared around the thugs wrists. I wasn't done though, I figured they'd try to run so I chopped each of their necks sending them unconscious.

I threw another skateboard charm I had made to erasure head aka Aizawa and jumped off. When I arrived to the nest, I got into my other clothes and turned on the radio. I had enjoyed talking to the radio since I had been alone for many years. I knew I could sing and play and no one would be able to respond due to the model of the radio being outdated. I knew no one would answer but I enjoyed playing with it like a walkie talkie.  I would usually vent about the vigilante work I did. "Man... today was intense! I never thought I would take care of a gang of druggies and some muggers. Not that anyone can hear me though! Haha..." I frowned. "I hear you..." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked around but only AI was around I looked at the radio. "Listener?" I was shocked. Someone WAS talking to me. "Sorry, I didn't expect this channel to go through." I said. "It's alright, you were saying some interesting stuff though." "Oh?" "About taking out some druggies and muggers." "Ah yeah... well, I don't do well with talking on the radio so uh.... Bye!" "Wait, can you at least tell me your name?" I pondered. "It's in your best interest to call me deku." I frowned then cut off communication.

(A/n: my art of items)

"AI, destroy this radio

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"AI, destroy this radio. Make sure it is untraceable and get me every thing you can on Present Mic's radio channel and his quirk!" I said panicking. I didn't even notice my body was catching on fire with blue flames until I felt warm liquid on my cheeks. I can't let my freedom be taken again! I thought worriedly.

Erasure head (Aizawa):

I knew about some people being saved by someone called the FreeStyler but not much was known about the person. The only thing that was made clear was that he was a vigilante with a multitude of quirks. He helped me and I knew it thanks to his signature little red skateboard charm. It looked to be made out of a shell then dyed red. It was very pretty but I knew I shouldn't be getting attached to it. How was I saved by the free-running  mystery? Well, I got myself caught in the middle of a powerful group of druggies and made one careless mistake. I remember it like it was yesterday. I saw a small figure with  a bunch of scars, a glimmering arm, and a glowing eye. It made no sense as to why his arm was glimmering until I realized it was a mechanical arm. I was mesmerized by his elegant yet dangerous fighting styles. They even threw my fighting senses off balance.

When I got home I told my husband Hizashi aka present mic about what had happened. He didn't seem interested but then again it was three in the morning. I decided to bring this new vigilante to Nezu's attention tomorrow. I had a sinking feeling about this person and it didn't feel good. It was worrying me. I eventually got no sleep due to my insomnia and fears.  There was something about the scars and way the vigilante fought that made me uneasy. I turned on the tv and watched some crime shows and eventually drifted off to sleep.

The next morning I woke up to Mic staring in awe at the television. I looked and saw a figure on the tv with fiery blonde hair. He was singing and playing an electric guitar while there were some super neat effects syncing to the song. I realized it was a remix of one of my favorite songs Crazy Train by Ozzy Ozburn. I listened as the song ended and the audience roared on the TV. "Mic who is this? He's really good!" I asked but saw the look on Mic's face. "His's sad." He muttered. I stared at the tv and then remembered the vigilante from last night.

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