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I couldn't believe what I had just saw and felt. It was the kid's anger, sadness, and pain throughout the years. I immediately let go and begun shaking from all the overwhelming "visions" that I just witnessed. "W-why didn't you tell anyone?" I heard Aizawa say. It shook me to the core to know that he was just as shaken up if not more than I was. My blood froze when I heard Red's reply. "People wouldn't want to save a quirkless nobody." I saw the look on his face and it was an ice cold smile. His smile quickly turned into a frown and he explained everything he'd been through. We were all horrified by what we heard. "I'm tired... I'm going to bed now, make yourselves at home." He said then walked out.


I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I thought I had it bad due to my quirk but this was just horrific. I watched as Red's back was leaving the room and decided to check on him later. I waited for my family to fall asleep and then I walked out. I saw two glowing red eyes staring at me from the trees. "Red, I know that's you come down." I watched as a giant snake slithered down and coiled. The snake glowed and turned into Red. "How'd you know?" He asked with a small snicker. "I've seen it before." I shrugged. "Want some company?" I said. "Sure but I'm not buying the "company" story though." He said and showed me to a secret ladder to the nest. "So you have questions too?" "Yeah..." "go ahead." "Why...didn't you fight back if you had such a powerful quirk?" "Because my family would beat me if I did." "Why didn't you fight them?" "Despite how cruel they were I still loved them, well only my mother." He said then we sat in silence and looked at the stars.

"The two are listening to us." He whispered and snickered. "Three if you include cinnabun." "You saw the collar?" "Yeah.. good name for the little bean." "I thought so too." More silence. "Want to brother?" I said still staring at the stars. He looked at me like I grew a second head. "You do know being brothers with a vigilante would ruin your reputation at UA right?" He asked and I gave him a look. "I don't mind but your the one who's gonna have to deal with my clingy self." He smiled a smile so bright I thought I'd go blind. We laughed and then he got up. "Want to see something cool?" I was worried when he said that due to the last time he said, "something cool" but thought it would still be cool to check it out. I nodded and he grinned.

He summoned a mini version of himself but it was made of gemstones. "They're called gemenoids. They are like mindless puppets made of gemstones but enhanced to morph into anything." I was amazed by how it glittered and moved. "I have multiple amounts of them." He said and then summoned a red, blue, and gold one. "How many do you have in total?" "About 800." He shrugged as my jaw dropped. "Blue, please get Shin a blanket form downstairs." He said and the little gem thing went down and a few minutes later reappeared holding a blanket out. "It can fly?!" I asked taking the blanket. "It can morph into lots of things and do lots of thing..." he said loving my reaction.

(A/n: My art of the gemenoids)

When he finished showing off some of the tricks they could do, he made them vanish into something he called his void

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When he finished showing off some of the tricks they could do, he made them vanish into something he called his void. I didn't pry too much and decided to change the subject. "Are you going to apply for UA tomorrow?" "Nezu didn't give me much of a choice but I'll be taking the exams for my own pleasure." "Try not to destroy everything." He chuckled and playfully shoved me. I did back and we begun to roughhouse. "Would you like to train with me in the morning?" "It is morning." "Touché." We both laughed then got out of the nest. As we were defending we heard the two heroes shuffle to hide their tracks. "They're really bad at hiding their concern." Red snickered. "It's their jobs. They are our dad's now." I noticed Red smile fondly. "I'm not sure how long it will take for me to get used to hearing that." "Trust me you'll get used to it eventually." I smiled and then we walked to the junkyard beach.


I knew one of the three were going to check on me after my stupid outburst so I shifted into a snake and hid amongst the dark sky. Shin saw me and somehow knew it was me. I greeted him at the base of my tree and knew he had loads of questions. We ended up talking for the rest of the night and when I sensed the heroes, for once I didn't mind. I felt calm with Shin around. He asked me if I wanted to be brothers with him and I made a smart Alec remark. I agreed and he snickered. We ended up roughhousing but this time I didn't flinch away from the contact. He was going to be applying for UA tomorrow too. I felt somewhat relieved that he'd be applying along with me however I was concerned we'd be put in the Same grading block due to me wanting to let loose with my abilities. Aizawa reassured me we wouldn't today at the exams.

"Red, now that you are going to UA do you want to move into our house with us?" Mic asked full of hope. I stared at him in his eyes and saw a flash of regret about not being there for me. It made me think hard about what I should say. "Can I bring my tree?" I asked as the two heroes looked at each other curiously. "If you can move it you can bring it and put it in the court yard." Aizawa said smirking. I think he thought I wouldn't be able to move it. I walked to the base of the tree and thought about the underground part and tree levitating then disappearing into my "void." When they did I explained that they were all still there but just in a separate space for the time being. We then made our way to the hero's home and I put my tree right next to my bedroom window. I decided that now since I had three spaces I would need to redecorate when the time came. "Red, use this for an outfit until we can get you one tonight." Shin tossed me a shirt with a rabbit skull on it and some ripped black jeans.

I summoned a food and water bowl for cinnabun and reassured I'd be back. We then made our way to the school and sat in our designated spots for the assembly meeting. I had already sent a drone to study the layout of the school and where the robots would appear so I decided to take notes on the students' quirks. I instantly memorized and analyzed all of them then searched their weaknesses. Two quirks in particular stood out to me. The all too familiar egocentric hero's quirk and the blonde explosive. I knew all might had a life threatening injury but not because he told me oh no. Because I was there when it happened and got the information from the government's files. I knew it was valuable information for my future goals. I looked at Shin and he seemed bored out of his mind. I snickered at the look on his face and then the meeting was over.

 I snickered at the look on his face and then the meeting was over

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(A/n: my art of Cinnabun Red's Dog)

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