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I lead Red to Aizawa's home and knew he'd like how big his room would be. Aizawa and mic lived out in the country area and were near mountains, a forest, and a beach. Their house was a massive dojo like structure and fun to run around in. When we arrived I showed Red where he'd be and he was happy to say the least. He then asked me to stay in the door way and opened a giant gate looking thing. It flashed and I closed my eyes then when I opened them the room was decorated with different things. The empty tanks still had a place but were gone. "Red... you never stop amazing me." "Is it okay that the tree is right outside my window?" He asked and I just nodded. I couldn't exactly tell him no.

(A/N: QuickDraw of the house plan and map)

"Where did your tanks go?" "I decided to minimize them for now until I find what I want to put in them

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"Where did your tanks go?" "I decided to minimize them for now until I find what I want to put in them." He shrugged. I didn't know how he had managed to move everything in a mere instant but knew he was practically a god living in our world. It made me want to do everything to follow him and help whenever I could. "Hello? Earth to Shin?" I was interrupted form my thoughts by him. "What's up?" I asked. "Well want to play cartoon force?" He asked and showed me the game. "I thought it wasn't out yet!" I exclaimed. "It isn't. I have yet to introduce it." "Huh?!" "I designed it a while aback, along with some other games." "HUH?!" I was amazed that he was the creator of a game that had been advertising and seemed like it would be loads of fun. We sat down and played games for a while until Dad came in with the test results and an irritated look on his face.

"Red, you passed with a perfect score and the highest rank out of everyone in UA. Shin you got second and also the uniforms are no longer required as long as you have a name tag of some sort and your ID card thanks to some blonde haired kid with an insanely high IQ... Red...." He said then grinned. "Here's your ID cards, don't loose them and I'm ordering pizza for dinner." He said then walked out. I saw Red sigh as he knew he was going to have to eat now. "You opposed to eating?" I asked dryly. "No, I just haven't eaten since I was like ten...." He muttered and then I grabbed his arm. "PIZZA. NOW." I said and drug him into the kitchen calling our dads.


I was very thrilled about the exam today and knew I'd get into the hero course due to my family name but honestly it irked me I relied on it. I decided I would take the exam with my own hard work and no family influence. When we sat in the auditorium, I was pulled out of thought by a blonde haired kid and a purplette. They were whispering during the important lecture and it made me a little upset. I called him out and when I did he glared at me with the look of a strong villain. It made me shiver but then he just said sorry and sat back down. I was puzzled as to why he didn't say anything more and it got me curious about him. When the lecture was over, he walked with his friend? To the written exam. I was amazed when he finished it in under ten minutes then walked out. I thought he had cheated somehow but then the purplette walked out twenty minutes afterwards.

I observed them while they talked to a brunette about why she had come to UA and when she mentioned money, the blonde's demeanor turned much more serious. Then she explained her reasoning and he softened a bit. They chatted some more and he ended up heading to the next exam. We were luckily in the same block but as soon as the gates opened he dashed in. I wondered why and then heard Present Mic ask us a vital question I had forgotten. I dashed in after him and when I took down a few robots I saw him spread giant red dragon wings and glide to the center of the makeshift town. He raised his hand and summoned a lighting storm the created a bunch of poles and used a force of some sort to stab the robots. It was like he was using multiple quirks at once. I could only stare in amazement and focus on defeating my own opponents.

The zero pointer then arrived to the scene and it was far too big for me to try to take down. I ran and saw a girl about to be crushed but told myself she wouldn't be hurt in an exam right?! So I rushed on. I was then bubbled in by a bubble like barrier along with the rest of the examiners and saw the blonde save the girl then take to the skies. When he did he shouted something about a shocking flood and my eyes widened as a wave of water flooded the area around the giant thing then it exploded as he sent a shocking pulse through the water. I watched as he dodged the flying debris with a dangerously beautiful elegance. He landed in the electrified water and it didn't effect him nor the girl he saved. The blonde moved the water to somewhere unknown and released us then walked off. I knew I had just witnessed something out of this world.


When I arrived to UA I saw a fiery blonde with a purplette and they were enjoying each other's company. I wanted to talk to them but then an ashy blonde walked up and bumped into the fiery blonde. It was then that an intense aura surrounded the fiery one and the ashy one ran inside. The two resumed talking and enterered the auditorium. I was startled by the aura the blonde released earlier when the other blonde ran into him but was snapped out of it when a blunette seemed to challenge the same fiery blonde form earlier. The guy apologized but something was off about it. The blunette sensed it too and they sat back down. I decided to talk to the two after the written exam and found out three things, 1) the blonde is named Red and the purplette is named Shinso. 2) they're brothers. 3)Red has a genius IQ.

I was asked odd questions by Red when I mentioned I was in the hero school for money but after I explained why, he seemed to calm. It made me wonder why he had reacted the way he did but before I could ask, he went to the next exam. I found out we were in the same block and was mesmerized by how he fought so much so that when the zero pointer appeared, I got stuck under some rubble. I watched as everyone ran and left me but then Red landed infront of me and lifted the giant boulder on my leg. he swept me into his arms and flew to the sky. He engaged the robot in battle and won effortlessly. He then landed and then walked off. He didn't say anything and just left. I was amazed by him and wanted to become his friend no matter what.

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