Fresh Wounds

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A psychopath brain surgeon serial killer, a team of psychopaths along with a separate team of three demigods and multiple maniacs, a civil war with a tyrant at centre. Now the team had a new threat, the creed. They didn't know much but what they did know was that Liberty was working with them, and she had killed James.

Eric and Liam had decided to join the team, in hopes of helping them getting revenge on the creed and Liberty for the cold brutal murder of James.

Sienna was reeling from her sister being a serial killer, so she had decided to go on a holiday and take a break from it all, Curtis and Grace joining her.

That meant Liam had the loft all to himself so him and the rest of the team took it over as their base of operations.

It had been a day since James's murder, the loss was still fresh.

His body was still in his flat as the officers were investigating the scene and looking for any evidence and clues to the locations of Liberty.

Liam pulled out a massive circular table, dragging it behind the bar and pulled up chairs around them, throwing the file onto it and sitting down.

Eric also sat down along with Ramsay, Peter, Diane, Becky, Kurt and Tony entered in whispers, they had been further planning their wedding in secret to not bother the rest of the team and seem like they were stamping all over James's memory. Following them entered Theo, in his black suit and holding a pistol.

He slammed his gun down on the table and sat down, "okay. Open the goddamn file. Let's finally see this."

Kurt opened the file, there was pages and pages of notes about some pirate treasure undiscovered for decades.

"Right so it tells us right here what the creed are looking for. We all heard of Blackbeard right?." Informed Kurt.

"Yeah of course, famous for his nickname but also for his blockade of Charleston Harbor, South Carolina in 1718." Said Ramsay.

"So it appears the creed are looking for his treasure" said Kurt.

"But his ship was discovered years ago, no?" Asked Eric.

"Actually spot on, Queen Anne's Revenge it was called, they found it but only about a speck of gold dust was discovered on board, not the other treasure. Where? I presume that's what the creed is trying to find out." Said Becky.

"Exactly!" Exclaimed Kurt.

"For god sakes get to the point. I want Kathryn and Liberty deep in the ground. Where can we find them?" Asked Theo angrily.

"Well there's a set of coordinates here, perhaps if we go there we'll find them there as well and get a chance to kill them?" Asked Kurt.

"Well what's the location?" Asked Peter.

Diane entered the coordinates on Google Maps and it came up that it was a graveyard.

She showed it to the others and they were shocked, "so why exactly would treasure be at a graveyard?" Asked Liam. "It's a bit like having planes in a car park."

"I don't think the treasure is here, perhaps they're looking for clues but either way if we can get there and they're also there we can try and kill all of them." Said Tony.

"Try? No. I'm killing all of them for sure." Said Theo.

Meanwhile in one of the creeds' mansions, Kathryn sat at a dinner table, Liberty beside her and multiple other members, such as Officer Riley.

"Good evening members, thanks for meeting me today. As you all know we had the file on Blackbeard stolen but of course we had the copy, now that team has it they're most likely going to try and go in search of the treasure themselves. Get to work you two." She said to a man and woman.

"Of course Ma'am" said the duo, getting up from the table and walking out.

"Now, Liberty you'll have to continue to keep your head down, Riley I want you to help out Thomas with his operations. The rest of you, get back to the planning room for Project C." She ordered.

Back at the loft the team left to go and equip some good outfits in case they went into battle, Liam loaning pistols to each member of the team from the vault.

Theo stood at the door, "right time to avenge James."

Before he could walk out the door he got a phone call from Romeo, he had gotten Theo's number after realising he was one of James's closest friends. "Theo? I just got a call from the police station, apparently someone got into the morgue and stole my dad's body. They said they'll investigate but it looks like we can't bury him."

"I understand." Said Theo before hanging up. He then screamed out "NOOO! After we take care of them scumbags I'm finding out who stole James's body. I'm in no mood for GAMES!" He shouted before storming out of the loft and heading to the teams two jeeps, lent by Liam.

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