The Heist

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Liam gathered all the team together at the loft, "wait, where's Kurt? I texted him so why isn't he here?" He asked.

"I haven't seen him since he left the pub yesterday" said Diane.

"Yeah same, plus I was in town with mates all night so I didn't even get a chance to see him, wonder where he is," said Becky, lying.

"We'll have to get on with things then we'll look for him, as you all know today is the day of the heist" said Liam.

"What time are we heading in there?" Asked Theo.

"About two o'clock, it's only twelve right now so we have plenty of time. Alright, I better tell you all this plan." Answered Liam.

"Go ahead" said Diane.

"I have a crooked mate who works at the bank, he's going to disable the CCTV and bank alarms then ring the only working alarm, the fire alarm. That will make everyone rush outside of it and give us our chance to break in, the alarm will drown out us entering" said Liam.

"Well how exactly are we entering?" Asked Eric.

"In amazing fashion" replied Liam, "the bank has a glass roof, which someone will chuck a grenade at and blow it to pieces, we then will grapple down with grappling hooks and throw down smoke grenades, then we're in."

"Won't people hear the glass smash?" Asked Becky, trying to undermine Liam and make him feel as if the plan was stupid.

"The alarm is far too loud for them to hear the glass breaking" said Liam bluntly.

"What next?" Asked Theo.

"I bought off multiple guards, they gave me the keys to the front desk and keycards that will come in handy" said Liam.

"Continue please, I'm intrigued" said Diane.

"I'll use the keys to open the door to the front desk, you all follow me in, then I'll use another pair of keys I got from a guard and open the door leading down to the vault. We all head down the stairs and voilà, there it is, the vault." Said Liam.

"Is this where the keycards enter the plan?" Asked Eric.

"Indeed" responded Liam, "we use all three that I got and that should open the vault up, inside is millions, a lot of it in fifty pound notes, I also hired four other acquaintances to help us, they work in the fire crew so they will all rush in and are seemingly working on this apparent fire, however they will sneak down to the vault, and help us bag up all the cash. There's two duffle bags for every person, so about eighteen duffel bags full of money. My mate working in the bank has left the duffel bags hidden under the front desk."

"What about weapons? What if we need them?" Asked Theo.

"Already got that covered" said Liam, removing guns from two duffel bags under the table, he got a smg, he handed Theo a machine gun, Theo a shotgun, Becky an auto pistol, Diane an assault rifle and Eric a pair of dual pistols.

"What about the firemen's duffle bags?" Asked Becky.

"They'll sneak out through the back door which is where we'll park our getaway van, chuck their duffel bags in the back and go to the front of the bank to tell the people it was a false alarm, we then will jump inside the van and shove our duffel bags in, then drive off, hopefully unscathed, then head back to Hollyoaks." Smiled Liam.

"This shall be so exciting, I'm looking forward to it!" Said Theo.

"Alright, I've got to go, I went into town with my mates last night and I think I left my purse in a nightclub." Lied Becky, leaving the loft.

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